How'd it go today?

I might get a good chunk of it Butch:P

It is thirteen forklifts, seven sideloaders, and right now, six rental forklifts.
Paul, Nevada Edition adds NOTHING except a little glitzy sign....cause there ain't NOTHIN' IN Nevada except a few glitzy signs!

I been working on the railroad all the livelong day. Ground 2 ginormous stumps at the station. Ruined a chain broke some teeth-lots of rocks and 1 railroad spike grown into the center of the biggest one.
That Is not to big of a repair bill then.

Lets be honest Ive never seen a forklift being driven easy.

Nice salary though if they pony up.
That Is not to big of a repair bill then.

Lets be honest Ive never seen a forklift being driven easy.

Nice salary though if they pony up.

To be honest, I already get a good part of that with O/T:P

(The better part8))(I still want to know where it goes though:O)
I worked on my truck today. Sawinredneck, if you go to fixing forklifts don't they then need to replace you on the shears?
cell phone pic, logos on order. bedrails and headache rack almost ordered.


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funny enough, I took a look at the roof today and its scratched all to heck from someone going into an underground parking is my guess. I called a friend that works at an autobody shop to see if he can hook me up with a few coats of fix it up.

otherwise I agree, its a decent ride but I am concerned about the payload, I REALLY need to get some extra ability in there somehow. Whats a set of airbags etc cost Squishie? Whats the news on the product you mentioned Brendan?
yeah? then I shall pursueth that, I figured it would be at least a grand to think about it. I will checkie summore tomorrow.
Coo! thanks Willie! I shall go looking for a local installer and see if I can get a decent price to get some slapped on the new rig. :)
You might not think so but people who wrench fork trucks do real good money wise .Maybe the guy turning the wrench won't get rich but the owners spend a lot of time in the Carribean .;)
I know I am being a gloomy gus but.... First you say a 3/4 T truck is too much,
then you buy a 1/2 T and before even a couple of days go by you are talking about beefing up the suspension.

I don't understand the logic...
couldnt get the financing for the $ that I would need for a 3/4 (and I didnt find very many at all AND the ones I did find were all crew cabs which dont fit so good in the parkade I have at home), the 1/2 is feeling a lot softer and spongier than I expected. I dont haul really heavy loads usually but I would like it to be a bit firmer ride and possibly help hold a couple hundred more pounds without dragging my bumper.

or maybe I am just have a flawed logic processor? :)
Ahh! There is nothing better than a great day at work, and coming home, firing up the torch, making a few sparks, and re-emphasizing to the neighbors... "he's that crazy guy!" :D
I worked on my truck today. Sawinredneck, if you go to fixing forklifts don't they then need to replace you on the shears?

Freaking multi-qoute won't work for me for some reason!! Sorry Brian.

On the saws and shears, oddly enough the timming works out. A guy from an automation place is looking for a new job and aproached us. This is a company that did a retro-fit on one of our saws to put on a newer controller. Really sharp fellow, I would LOVE to have him come in and take over my bosses position!

And I need to re-phrase my statement, "WE" make the better part of that number, sorry about that!
You might not think so but people who wrench fork trucks do real good money wise .Maybe the guy turning the wrench won't get rich but the owners spend a lot of time in the Carribean .;)

I already make more than the guy that comes in and repairs our lifts.
They have been trying for years to hire him, but he doesn't want to leave his job for some reason? He's been doing this 20 some years, and after seeing yesterdays figure, he's thinking about making a proposal now, it should be interesting!!!