How'd it go today?

It was rainy for most of the morning so dad and I went to vote. The sun is out now so I'm off to flop some pines, one in particular should be interesting due to it's back lean and the anchor for the pull line being 15' from the tree.
It was worm and foggy but other then that not bad ohyeah I made it to the big 33
Hmmmph. Why do people hire a tree professional and then refuse to listen to his/her advice? I was hacking this morning-cutting a neighbor's Globe Willow back to the fence line so as not to shade the garden area. Permission to cross the fence and remove stubs was denied. As I explained to the lady when I looked at the job-it would be advantageous to skin one large limb and leave its tip rather than whack it at the fence- since it is one fourth of the canopy and making an 8 inchdiameter stub cut on that leader will result in a gazillion sprouts but leaving the tip hanging less than 3 feet into her yard would actually mean less maintenance and less shade on her be nicer to the tree and the neighbor. I did the deed (10 days ahead of my scheduled date for their other work since they are building new fence post haste) and then get a call about how they want EVERYTHING cut to the fence.:banghead:
carl........get ready:O
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you might want this....:\:
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Haha sure I'd take an M60, if there are any transferable (civilian owned models) I'd suspect they'ed fetch at least $30k if not more ($45-50k). A transferable M16 in good condition can fetch $16-20k.

Got the trees down, what was going to be 3 pines to flop turned into 13. Luckly all but 2 could be thrown with wedges, one was pulled by hand (Daniel and I) and the other was pulled by the GRCS.
I got in this morning at about 3 from work. I slept in until 0930 when my brother woke me up. I got up, paid the bill for his muffler, and I went into the Hampton Roads area. I ran and picked up my new tank of shielding gas for the welder, and then went and picked out a torch set and a floor jack. I came home in a downpour, ate supper, went out, and cleaned my truck up some. Afterward I put in $76.00 worth of gas in the truck, and got it washed. Now I'm ordering the gas solenoid for my welder. I'll get my gas for the torch, later this week.

In other words, a nice day, even with a lot of rain. :P
I took down 5 Modesto Ash trees in Los Banos which is about a one hour drive away. I just took my trailer to put the brush in and the tractor to move the wood. We left the wood on-site and I slashed down the brush into the trailer. I left the tractor there and will retrieve it tomorrow.
had 2jobs scheduled, first one had an add on, had 7 voicemails on my phone when i blew a hose on the bucket truck. running ragged ever since. not a bad day, just didnt know which way to turn next:dur:
I got my federal E.I.N. number today, and am working on the state forms to get the certificate of authority to collect taxes.
The ball is rolling. :/:
Killed about 7 Hemlocks. Half dead from HWA.

I told the owner when they sell to call me, I love the place...actually, that pic in my avatar is from last year there. That's the view from the back yard.
I've bout given up going on my own. I need to line-up more contact work or get a regular. My re-cert for C.A. is due in 2 months.
We slayed 7 trees in a few hours, I got to strap down two tops on one tree, then bailed and cut the tree at the base. I thought the two tops would damage my looprunners and beaners but it didnt. I only needed to shorten the tree 15 feet to get it to fit behind the house. I went up slung two tops and bailed get it!:) I have become leary of installing booby traps in trees(hanging limbs and leaving them), but the loop runners hold and it prevents anyone underneath me , which anymore gives me the willys.
Installed 2 swings, deadwooded a big willow....sketchy, slayed a co-dom Hemlock, lightning damage.....and an estimate:D
I was the 'lucky' low bidder on another city job.

bid 650. took me 2.5 hours dropping two oaks, chipping the brush, leave wood on site.

shoulda bid higher. Too bad all us city bidders don't get together for some price fixing. Lord knows the city can afford it...
I did 4 bids today. I was getting ready to go and retrieve my tractor from the day before and was changing a tire on the trailer as one of them had cord showing and some reallly funny wear. The wheel bearings were noisy so I checked them out, they were really loose but in OK shape. I repacked them and everything is cool.
dug and burlapped 25 six to eight foot cedars (ok, my two helpers did most of the work but I was there...), bought a new truck. got home at 730pm to a plate of cold perogies.