How'd it go today?

Bang bang. 22LR just ahead of the eye.

Bow fishing is growing in popularity though. Gonna try and get a friend out here to stick one.
Lj, cool, is there a rule of thumb when aiming at an underwater beast? due to the light bending and all that noise... I had a buddy way back in the day that bow fished, he had a fancy reel and everything mounted to his bow, was a cool rig.
Paul, Aim low to compensate for refraction. The deeper the target appears the lower you must aim.

I started today in dreezing frizzle. went through about 4sets of gloves pruning shrubs in the wet wearing a slicker. it quit raining and blew for a while. I worked until 7:PM and made approximately 4 quadrillion cuts with loppers. My back and neck hurt.
carl........get ready:O
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you might want this....:\:
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Justin, a slicker? I gave up on rubber and nylon coated rainwear, I orderd some super clearout priced gore tex jacket and pants from Sierra Trading post not long ago, it makes a WORLD of difference in wet weather. Spending $100 or so for goretex type gear vs spending near the same for helly hansen rubber stuff is a no brainer for me..
We started today in drizzle, then heavy snow for a few hours then overcast. Sigh.

here is a self shot we got today at a bit of a weird angle. Notice the tough guy with no gloves, thats me. The other tough guy without even a jacket is Ben, Noan is the other fellow. We had a pretty good day to be honest. When we got back to the storage joint we grabbed wrenches and stripped my truck of anything I didnt want to leave in/on it as a trade in. :D


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Paul, Yeah a slicker. You live in the Pacific Northwet. I live in a desert. I work in the rain approximately 4 times per year so a Heavy PVC slicker stored under the truck seat is adequate.
I ground 11 stumps yesterday. 6 of them had rocks around them. I strained some weird muscle in my side and also the left side of my right foot hurts.
I ground 11 stumps yesterday. 6 of them had rocks around them. I strained some weird muscle in my side and also the left side of my right foot hurts.

So long Steve. It has been a pleasure knowing you. See you in the Resurrection.:wave:
pine slayer

I limbed out and cleaned up a 50 footer for my mom today.Windfall, ,mountain pine planted in wet soil,won't work too well.

That thing was planted in 1982 and made 50 foot.In the 60 years like those trees in Oregon on Axe man,no doubt 80 to 90 and twice as many board feet in this part of the country .


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On-call sucks!!!! I got called at 11:15, saw down. I was at a farm sale with my boy and father. My boy cried all the way home, it broke my heart!!!
I got home and was putting on my "stupid boots" and they called again, "Hey, where you at man?" "Ummm, yeah, the chip collector just went "BOOM" as well, see ya in a bit!":O
The drive chain on the collector broke and NOTHING runs without it! We had a spare chain and I got it going in an hour, then I spent another three hours chasing a ghost in this saw! I'm still not really sure what was wrong, and even less sure what I did to fix it, but it's still running?
32 hours of on-call left, then I get to be at work for sure.

AHHHHHHHHHHHH, the good life!
Welcome to the club Andy!

It's Saturday night, and I'm sitting here in a bank parking lot, an hour and a half away from home, and nary a call to run... feh! Oh well, I'll take a truck seat over cold, oily concrete at the moment. :D
I see, I just wondered how it worked in you're world.

I never really know when I am on call, it's just when the phone rings I am expected to answer it.

I get a two hour minimum and that's it.
I see, I just wondered how it worked in you're world.

I never really know when I am on call, it's just when the phone rings I am expected to answer it.

I get a two hour minimum and that's it.

Normal would be 8-5 Mon-Fri with rotating weeks of On call.

My schedulde:

Monday- 2-11 first line(basic stuff- printer jams, dispenser jams, printer ribbons)
Tuesday- off
Wednesday 8-5 Second Line and Training(I am either supposed to be running calls for in depth component repairs or doing OJT, but am also running fl calls hither and yonder)
Thursday- see Wednesday
Friday- 8-5 FL
Saturday 2-11 FL
Sunday- Off
My schedule:

M-F 4am-12pm (or latter depending on what is broken)

My phone can ring anytime of the day, and has, 10pm, 2am, 5am Saturday, 7am Sunday etc., and I drop what I am doing, make whatever arraignments I need to as quickly as I can, and go to work and I am there until the proble is either fixed or deemed unfixable without ordering new parts:D
So long Steve. It has been a pleasure knowing you. See you in the Resurrection.:wave:

:( I was afraid of that. Well, thanks to the treehouse at least I can go into the rapture knowing what rhymes with bucket.:)

I cleaned up 11 stumpgrinding piles and put some dirt in there and then came home and planted 10 tomato plants in my garden.
Ahhh... just got off my 4 day work week of 7:30 am to 7:30 pm. Kids are at my brother's place for the night, Erin's at the casino with my sister in-law, and I'm having have a few brews before crashing early to get up at 5 am to drive to MI with my partner to pick up a chipper.