How'd it go today?

Pruned 44 Apples today. ( I know-1 less than yesterday but it wa sthe end of a block and a good place to stop.)
pruned a hedge and about ten big fruit trees then went to the second site and removed two hedges with loppers and spades. sore now, chilling after dinner still considering my truck options. sigh.
Took down a twin stem ash leaning on a garage..................and some little twat stole my pintle hook trailer hitch from out of my yard. :X My own fault for leaving it in my trailer, but still.....
It sucks that we have to live in a world were if we don't lock, bolt, chain and generally secure the hell out of personal property it's our own fault for it getting stolen:what:. Death to theives, slowly and painfully.:evil:
It's almost worth having him steal it, so maybe, just maybe you could catch him red handed......and kick the living shit out of him, as I do genuinely believe I would really enjoy it. Luckily have a spare, so good to go hitching up the trailer with the mini and grinder in it tomorrow. Never the less it pisses me off.
Speaking of thieves, I just finished my federal tax return a few minutes ago. I kept refiguring until I owed $109, and my quarterly estimated payments are going up slightly. Glad to have that finished for another year.

This morning I spent 3 hours trimming mistletoe out of a big oak. And of course it's in full bloom so the little white berries were everywhere. My truck is covered in sticky goo. :|:
slayed mo pine......lost count.:|:

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Took down a twin stem ash leaning on a garage..................and some little twat stole my pintle hook trailer hitch from out of my yard. :X My own fault for leaving it in my trailer, but still.....

Don't feel bad, mate! I came home and had to change out a tire for my brother on his van, since it had been slashed, from the looks of it. :pissed:

I was having a mediocre to good day before this.
We've been having issues with vagrants in the neighborhood, moreso now that it's spring break for the school-aged kids. I caught someone trying to break into my work truck one night. The neighborhood is just going downhill. :(
I slew 3, gorgeous, healthy, Austrian Pines.
The vile,wicked pines just wouldn't stop shedding needles in normal, healthy cycles.
I loaded the excess grindings from my stump grinding project yesterday. Sharpened up the grinder for another round tomorrow. I also disced my little walnut orchard.
hmm, one hour consult at 0800, dropped the broken hedgers off at the shop after (broken off choke switch, ordered up an annual service and sharpening while its in), grabbed some early lunch, headed back to finish pruning the strip mall trees (about a year in the ground, architect rejected some and wanted the rest pruned for codoms etc, about 200 trees or so in all), hit another truck dealer on the way home, found a potential rig, headed home for an hour to chill, on site consult at 1600, picked up sushi for dinner on the way home, now chilling here. Its thw wifes birthday so I bought up supper. :D
we are going to bath junior in a bit before he hopefully zonks out for the eve.

a shot of him doing his David Lee Roth impression...


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Lol, good times Paul. More bidding today. A 2-4day municipal chipping contract came through so that was nice, booked out over two weeks now is kind of nice and with a few good sized bids still waiting to hear back from. With zero advertising the season is off to a pretty good start it would seem. Around here it's definetly not what ya know but who ya know ;). But I know lots too so it's a win win situation.:lol:
dude, its always who you know. Networking is the key to a long and busy business life amigo. IMHO.
I'm dragging ass today. I didn't work that hard yesterday, so it must have been all that climbing I did on Wednesday. Pretty much everything from my neck to my waist aches.

I had another big thick oak to trim today. It was so thick I couldn't get the bucket into it, but I was able to set myself up in the top and work my way down on rope. 1 other small tree in the back yard to climb. 10am to 2pm, my kind of hours. :P
Well I ordered white, but I got a red one in a white box. Oh well, nice helmet! It makes me look more professional. :)


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thats monkey down with a sickness . Today I de-vined some christmas lights. Pretty kool. MB
Those face guards are more in the way than they help with me and my noggin size. The massive area they don't cover doesn't make me feel very protected.

The dog and a 41" 31lb carp that my dad shot in our lake: