How'd it go today?

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I worked on my truck today. Filled in part of the hole that we cut in the cab for the motor to fit back there and installed the shift linkage for the automatic transmission and did some thinking about where to locate the fan.
I loaded and hauled 3 loads of horse crap in my trailer and am spreading it out in my walnut orchard out back.
always avoided horse manure in the garden because the straw doesn't break down, and the horse owners put alot of supplements, antibiotics, etc in their feed...
I guess in a walnut orchard it might just be perfect.
You disk it under?
went to baby class. watched multiple births on vid and got see all the fun about placentas, uteruses and other lady parts and fluids I was formerly unfamiliar with. The lovely one (not me, the wife) got a bit lightheaded halfway thru the half hour vid and buried her face in my arm, I toughed it out, watched it all and figured its all good. Thank goodness its the girls that get pregnant!

homework is to practice the breathing / relaxing technique for next weeks class which is all about labour, yippety skip.

and through the whole class, junior was kicking, stretching and punchin mamma's innards. :D

so paul, i dont think we ever heard if you looked or not when jr came out:D
to be honest I did. Didnt have a choice, when we got to the hospital wife was fully effaced, no students on and all rooms full (meaning minimal nurse availability). Wife was most comfy on her side, I was told to hold her leg at the ankle and thigh and raise it up to make the uhm, the path most available during contractions. Got me an eyeful for the whole process, no choice. Not so bad after all but it was sure something interesting to see! :\:
always avoided horse manure in the garden because the straw doesn't break down, and the horse owners put alot of supplements, antibiotics, etc in their feed...
I guess in a walnut orchard it might just be perfect.
You disk it under?

I shit you not guys, yep, that' s how I roll. Some guys have a trophy wife, I haul the neighbor's horse do-do for free. I'll disc it in a few days. I did it last year and in a month it was all gone.
to be honest I did. Didnt have a choice, when we got to the hospital wife was fully effaced, no students on and all rooms full (meaning minimal nurse availability). Wife was most comfy on her side, I was told to hold her leg at the ankle and thigh and raise it up to make the uhm, the path most available during contractions. Got me an eyeful for the whole process, no choice. Not so bad after all but it was sure something interesting to see! :\:

A lesser man would have run.
I removed a small camphur in a back yard and we dug out the stump, then we went to the neighboring town and took out a couple of white birch trees in the front yard.