How'd it go today?

Damn, that SUCKS.

Yup, even more so since it was only a $500 job. But it came out real pretty, and the customer was pleased with the result. Some of my best repeat customers are those who had a problem that I went above and beyond to resolve.
I started working on my stumpgrinder as when I was grinding a week ago the electric wires went to smoking and melting. I went to Stockton and picked up a radiator for my truck to replace the one that was stolen. $604.96, new core and modified tanks. THen went and worked on my truck engine and got the motor mounts installed.
Jesus! Just got off the phone with my main helper.

He was arrested for DUI and wants me to bail him out!

WTH! this is the second time for him.
when do you need him next? one of my old employers used to bail his guys out and theyd get thrown back in before work. after that hed leave em till he needed them:D
Tuff love here. I cannot afford to bail him out. I would rather buy something silly for my wife.

Pisses me off that he would even call me from the cop shop. I guess I will call his house and let his girlfriend know whats happening....
Jesus! Just got off the phone with my main helper.

He was arrested for DUI and wants me to bail him out!

WTH! this is the second time for him.

He got his ass in trouble, he needs to get his ass out of trouble. I'd start looking for a new guy.
Dinner at Cena Luna some kind of high priced yuppie restaurant here in town with dudes wearing folded white napkins on their arms.
going there tonight
Don't have too much to drink.:D

Wouldn't that be funny! Here I am sitting in a nice restaurant eating good food and drinking fine wine while my helper is sitting and rotting in the pokey. Then I get pulled over for DUI and meet up with him :lol:
What can I say?
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>

Just got through three days of high winds with minimal damage and a f'n limo in a funeral procession hits a tree and knocks it over. Just in time for me to miss the end of the Duke-getting-their-ass-kicked game.:X (I hate Duke)

anyhoo, hour and a half door to door for four hours pay!:)
Ahh, weight is lifted off my shoulders. Finished the underbid job today, last tree 2 hrs done w/cleanup.


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I drove into Richmond from Ohio last night, and drove into work from Richmond this morning. I ran by the gun shop to renew my range pass, and walked out with a Glock 19, and now I sit here in a Wawa Parking lot, with nary a call to run.

Not mine, just a random pic of what it looks like...