How'd it go today?

I learned to wire a reversing polarity rocker switch yesterday.:? Now if I could just get the alternator to charge.
Got the alternator to work finally, I changed the idiot light bulb and then I hooked up the hour meter and the idiot light went out. 14.5 volts yee haw. I also fixed a couple of hydraulic leaks on my tractor today. Should be good to go for tomorrow.
pruned/deadwooded to big White Cleaned up a blown over sourwood. Low stress day.
I gave some bids, cleaned up the trimmings from Saturday, and ground a couple stumps. Tomorrow I think I'll grind some before school then after school another (albiet unlikely) bid and then slay some cripsy pines.
He was SLOW, and fouled up the cable line twice. He wasted at least one hour, probably more like two.
What kind of chipper OTG?

Today I fell two trees limbed them and bucked them into firewood, yawn. Nothing huge, nothing spectacular and both favored the lay, did have a big audience of linemen though.
I climbed a decent size backyard oak removal today. It was along a fenceline and in between two screened in pools so everything was roped. Smooth job thanks to some very good ropework by my groundman. The tree was down and out in 3 hours, then I did some minor trimming on 4 other trees. The groundman and I each got a $20 tip from the homeowner even though his wife kept freaking out every time she came out and looked at what we were doing. It was all I could do to keep from telling her to shut up and get her ass back inside so I could work. But I kept my trap shut and it was all good.
I killed a giant red oak with a 22T crane, then flew a bucket for a couple hours. It was a great day, the weather was awesome.
Bandit 1590 intimidator drum, with a winch:|: I'll get the pics tomorrow before she gets all dirty...

Frig I wish I had got the winch with my 250. That sounds like a killa set-up I'm sure No Bivy would agree.:D

Snowing here right now about 2 wet inches so far.
raining hard here, so far ive had lunch and changed windsheild wipers. think ill take the rest of the day off
Filled the truck twice with pine and what and destroy mode

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