I don't like weed.
It screws with my center of speech and renders me more or less mute.
It is painful, but I've tried worse.
There is always worse, you know.
A joke I was told when I was buckarooing in Idaho last millenium:
A cowboy comes in to the local village doctor with a bad cut.
The doc tells him, it'll need stitches and he is out of anestetics.
No matter, says the cowboy, I've tried worse.
So he proceeds to tell a tale of having to ride 60 miles in a snowstorm to find a doctor, with a broken leg that had gone gangreneus.
"God, that must have been horrible" says the doctor.
"Nah, I've tried worse.
Once I backed into some bushes to take a dump, let my pants down and sqatted right in a coyote trap, that caught me right in the balls."
The doctor is shocked, but again the cowboy says: "I've tried worse"
"Come on man, what could possibly be worse?"
"When I hit the end of the chain!"
See, now my foot feels way better.