Hell of a season from them Buffalo Bills, I’m very happy with how well they played, the Chiefs were just too badass tonight.
I ordered some of the tea on Amazon, we shall see. Sounds like a nice mildly stimulating drink. Once you get past the name anyways.Maybe marginally hardy in your area, but check this plant out.
Ilex vomitoria - Wikipedia
Caffeine bearing US native holly. Appeal to your independent spirit? Who needs coffee when you can have a nice glass of I. vomitoria! Kinda like Yerba Matè I'd suppose
Would definitely be in my garden if I lived in the south
What post # started this discussion?I've heard of people getting killed doing less, pipelines are no joke. A water line means nothing compared to a natural gas mainline, and water lines are usually all hdpe anymore, and tolerate ground movement way better. Mainlines actually run at such high pressures they are a considerable percentage of the hoop strength of the pipe. You have a limb poke in the ground and even cause a small dimple it could blow, and if they wanted to they could still charge you to dig it up and inspect it.
What post # started this discussion?
I've been getting them from amazon. I used to buy from ebay, but ebay's always a little iffy. I had ordered from one guy a couple times, then he flaked out or something on the third order, and I had to petition for refund. I got it, and it wasn't a huge hassle or anything, but amazon is just more reliable for stuff like this, and I don't think prices are out of line(currently).Where do you order them from?