How'd it go today?

Your good karma is showing. Take that as a warning though.. how heavy is that trailer? probably not the wise to he pulling it in icy conditions with that light a truck.

I agree. Unfortunately, that is what we have to work with here. The Hilux is rated to legally tow 3200kg can be updated to 3500 for that class of vehicle. The chipper and trailer combo was probably 2400kg. So legally well within limits. That road hasn’t been gritted for weeks due to being closed for Covid. Hence the reason we were there as there was no guests.

I think most vehicles would have struggled tbh. Apart from a tractor with chains.

The irony was, it was my friends chipper and trailer as his vehicle was in the shop getting some work done.

The winter tyres make a huge difference here and help a lot but that hill needed ice skates and not tyres. ;)
Re. @biggun ’s incident.

A few years back I was parked on a slope chipping up some stuff on a dry day, and the truck just went, wheels still locked off down the hill, the lad tried to run after it, I shouted to leave it as I didn’t want him injured or worse.

Incredibly it landed in the clients grass clippings and garden waste hole.

Not a scratch. We chocked it in the other photo.

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Where is that Dino museum, Jim?

I can't believe I missed out on that, when I was in Montana.
I love dinosaurs.
Glad it all worked out Rich. Always amazes me off how tiny some stuff you guys use is, i always thought my chipper was small, because honestly it's likely the smallest in town.
Rich, what about tire chains on your truck? All four wheels would be my advice. You'd have been unlikely to have a problem, though one never knows when looking at pics from afar...
Chains are the superior winter traction device for certain. Even compared to high quality studded winters. When working winters in the woods it didn't take many 'lessons' to learn its better to put them on before they're needed than to deal with the situation created by driving without after they were needed. Like many things when done once in a blue moon it's a major pita but when done regularly becomes routine.
Haven't done much of anything today. Got some groceries, took lunch to my mother, and moved some wood around. My hands are coming apart. That's the one thing I hate about winter, and always forget. They get full of little splits, and it hurts like a SOB doing just about anything. I've tried Bag Balm, and Badger Balm, but they don't seem to do much. I might not use enough. I really don't like greasy stuff on my hands, so I put it on once, and that's about it. Not sure what's worse; greasy hands, or sore hands :^/
If it's dry in the winter where you are like here, I would definitely recommend moisturizer over split up hands. I like the working hands cream too. Not very greasy.
Haven't done much of anything today. Got some groceries, took lunch to my mother, and moved some wood around. My hands are coming apart. That's the one thing I hate about winter, and always forget. They get full of little splits, and it hurts like a SOB doing just about anything. I've tried Bag Balm, and Badger Balm, but they don't seem to do much. I might not use enough. I really don't like greasy stuff on my hands, so I put it on once, and that's about it. Not sure what's worse; greasy hands, or sore hands :^/
Have you tried O'Keeffe's Working Hands? I really like it...not so greasy.

Amazon product ASIN B00121UVU0
That's the third recommendation. If I can't pick it up locally, I'll try to get an amazon order together, and get it from them.
Ordered a "snus kit" today. It's basically dry tobacco that already has the ph adjusters and salt added. The user adds water, and separately purchased flavor. The cost is about half what factory made snus is, but that's not my goal. I want to explore an 'end of times' stash in case regulatory hassles make getting snus difficult. There's also been a declining lössnus selection from the companies, so maybe I can put something together myself. One kit makes about four rolls, so I got 4 flavors, and I'll split it up to see if they're any good. With luck, at least one will be amazing, but I don't have high hopes. "Acceptable" will be good enough, and if it all sucks, I'm only out <$100.
The foot I twisted half way off 2 weeks ago has been ever more painfull as time went by.
So today I went to my doctor and INSISTED that they x-rayed the fucker.
Turns out I've been gimping around on a broken ankle for 2 weeks!

Sometimes I'm too tough for my own good!

So for the next 5 weeks, I'm in a cast.

Life sucks and then you die.
Unfortunately it is both.
Having your foot twisted 180 degrees backwards really fucks up everything.
But at least I have a "back to work" date now.

Richard shit a green hog when I told him.

Old Danish saying " At skide grønne grise!!"