How'd it go today?

So far so good. I think the whole clean up stress was due to two factors: Rain and the fact that it is our second job with the loader so we were done with all the big logs relatively quickly and we were left with twigs and mud. Poor chipper and truck, both are caked with mud and chips. I like the TreeHouse sounding board and it surely helped deal with this situation.
Went over to the new neighbors place and took an oak down for them. Quick climb and Levi lowered limbs. Made the tree narrower for the fell between crowns. Always fun to do a quick job on the cheap for appreciative folks. I doubt it even took 1.5 hours.
He had fun, i had fun and Levi made some cash. Th hen sit on the porch and shoot the shit for a bit :)
Didn't do much today. Hips and shoulders are sore from yesterday. I cut up some kindling, and took the flare off the apple log. I was considering milling today, but didn't feel like setting up the guide. That's the worst part of the whole thing. I'll happily shove a saw through a log, but the setup is tedious.

Lit a Swedish candle this evening. I quad cut it instead of sext(?) cut it. Harder to get going, lasted longer, but went out with more wood left. I think I'll go back to the six segment log. Wasn't a bad day.
Couldn't decide if I wanted an inside fire. 59° in the house; sorta warm, and tomorrow's supposed to be warmer. I compromised by turning the lights off, lighting a candle, and lighting an oil lamp. The oil lamp puts out a fair amount of heat.
59° isn't cold. That's when I start thinking about building a fire, or if I really want one, open the door to let cool air in. 57° and rainy? Maybe a fire. 54° but projected warm temps for the day? I might just open a door to let warm air in, but I'll probably burn my junky wood, or the endless branches I get here. Otherwise, it's fire time! Thermostat is set to 45°-48° as an emergency fallback if I'm not here to feed the stove.

Man's weather is here! Time to get stuff done, and enjoy the long dark nights. No sweating! I love this time of year, but 'this time of year' came late yet again. Later than last year, which was later than year's past :^/
Maine would be nice. If it wasn't such a hassle, I thought Northern Sweden(snus over the counter!) or Finland would make a nice retirement place. stkine's pics of Alaska look inviting though. Kinda like Finland, but with mountains, and certainly easier to emigrate to. I'll probably die here though. Been here my whole life, and I know where everything is. Cooler weather sure would be nice though :^)
Maine would be nice. If it wasn't such a hassle, I thought Northern Sweden(snus over the counter!) or Finland would make a nice retirement place. stkine's pics of Alaska look inviting though. Kinda like Finland, but with mountains, and certainly easier to emigrate to. I'll probably die here though. Been here my whole life, and I know where everything is. Cooler weather sure would be nice though :^)

Where is here?

The novelty of long dark nights soon wears off. Speaking from experience. Ok if it is fresh and clear but that dank drizzle mixed with minimum daylight hours make it hard work.

Then the snow comes and everything gets the Polar light. That is the best part.
Where is here?

The novelty of long dark nights soon wears off. Speaking from experience. Ok if it is fresh and clear but that dank drizzle mixed with minimum daylight hours make it hard work.

Then the snow comes and everything gets the Polar light. That is the best part.
Here is Maryland, mid Atlantic USA. Where you walk out 6:30am in July, and get hit in the face by stinky wet wool blanket, and it only gets worse from there. I'll take working in dark drizzle over getting blasted with sun every single time; particularly with treework. Hot weather here is climb up out of the shade(which is virtually useless due to the still air and humidity), sweat pouring down your helmet, and on your glasses(if you wear them), then having your face shield light up like a Christmas tree when the sun hits it at the wrong angle(most of the angles are wrong).

Winter here is pretty good for work, especially in these later years. It's more or less a super extended fall, with maybe a single week or two of winter, often split up into individual days. That's fine for work, but you miss the beauty and pain of winter that makes spring a welcomed sight instead of an overbearing dread of the awful that's about to work you over for the next few months. I used to watch the weather, hoping for a break from subfreezing temps, and I've had frostnip twice decades ago when it still got cold here. I'd have to try to get it around here now.

Don't get me wrong, I don't exactly love working in rain, but if I *must* be out there, I'll take cool rain to Maryland heat. Since I'm doing all this for the lulz, I can cherrypick when I decide to go out. That was one of the factors that lead me not to mill yesterday. Temps were ok; ~52°, but the sun was out in full force, and since my neighbor cut down all their trees, the skeletons left on my property weren't enough to dampen it, and it was hot as hell. I was sweating with my helmet on just cutting up small branches.
Looking at some of the weather you guys put up with I think I’m pretty lucky here.

Winter, mild and wet, but not half as bad as the UK. Summers can be very very hot, but normally there’s only 3 or so weeks where you can’t work (or don’t fancy it)