How'd it go today?

You must be a better man than I Robert, I only use those little tillers for flower beds. Them little suckers will beat you to death in the packed clay we have.
Andy, my landlord plowed the garden spot under. I'm trying to get the husky tiller to work but it dont wanna.
Yah I have a little tiller like that that's a honda and it's a 4 stroke. Not enough weight in hard ground to get r done I've found. If you've got access Robert it might be worth renting a decent sized one for the initial tilling.
Looked at a lightening struck poplar tree. The customer said on the phone it was down and it happend during the storm. Had a small explosion at the base of the tree. Gonna have to climb it and rope out the top.


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I thought of speed linning, I thought bombing the dogwoods underneat it and even throwing to whole tree. Speed linning I dont like because of the perpendicular force to the radial crack.
That's cool we don't get much for lightning struck trees in residential areas here. One we don't get many thunderstorms and two we have pretty tall valleys all around that no one lives on so I'm figuring that's where they hit when we do get a storm.
Gigi, on your banner it says 'Lethal Yellow Treatment'.
What does that mean?

Lethal Yellow: Referred to in the industry as phytoplasma like organism, is carried by a flying planthopper (myndus crudus), that feeds on palm sap. It is when the bug feeds that the disease is transmitted. There is no cure. However, we have a very effective preventative program using the Tree Saver Injection System and a water based antibiotic, oxytetracycline hydrochloride (OTC). This combats the disease in two ways: 1.) The OTC makes the sap 'taste very bad', so the bug finds feeding on treated trees undesirable. 2.) The presence of the OTC seems to greatly retard the phytoplasma's ability to live and or 'prosper'. Being a water based antibiotic in a water based organism, the half life of it's presence in the tree is only 3 months, thus the need for a minimum of 4 injections per year. This is a long term, ongoing project and needs to be continued once it is started.
Note: It is recommended to not eat coconuts from a treated tree.
I got to kill 7 tall assed pines, two with a crane. Did I mention that the wind was blowing 100MPH??? :\:
had an extra hand and still managed to not get much done. when a friend tags along they seem to get less work done.
losing my climber in 2 weeks, he got a job closer to home so im trying out another guy tommorrow
prepped a crane removal....4, 110 tall White brushed, waiting for a 70ton+jib come thursday. yee haw:O
no room for chip truck/chipper. I can pic logs and lay em' beside crane, that's it:X.......the really dead one will crumble when it hits the ground. I speedlined brush......makes for easy peasy pics:D
I wished about 50 times today there was a better tight, lotta stick on the crane too.....101 from the turntable. 70 ton with jib(I hope):/:
dagnabit. maybe next time. I pruned a couple few hedges today, major sore deltoids, thats a fact.
I killed 2 pines today. about 80' tall and 30" dbh. The first one I could drop most of the brush and rope just the ones hanging going north or south the east west ones could drop. The second one I had to rope most everything. I'm really tired.
round here I am making breast pump stew. package said boil the bits for 10 minutes before the first use. so I aquiesce.... :) somehow the wife takes offence to my calling it breast pump stew. go figure.


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losing my climber in 2 weeks, he got a job closer to home so im trying out another guy tommorrow

That sucks Willie. It sounded like that guys was working out pretty good.

I am still sick but managed to do a bid and couple of small jobs. My hedge trimmer is running poorly. I keep thinking I use my equipment enough to keep gas in it but I think my new policy will be to purge everything as my carbs seem to be getting lacquered up.