How'd it go today?

Squash, have they combined the licenses again? mine is for non restricted only, I havent bothered to do the restricted one yet.
Nope seperate, once I get the paperwork then I have to apply for a Authorization to Transport which can be a bit of a pita I guess but without it you can't actually buy a handgun as you obviously will need to transport it home. Also restricted weapons can only be discharged at a certified range nowhere else at all ever ever not even on your own property.
My wife kicks ass. She was issued a permit from a Judge because of her Judge Advocacy work she used to do.
That's cool judges are some of the only people up here who will be considered for concealed carry. Concealed carry is extremely rare up here but it does exist.
I would highly suspect not. Tracer's I didn't read about specifically but silencers are prohibited, hollow points are prohibited(for sale but you can buy the pieces to load your own), any type of ballistic or anti-personal ammunition (flechettes) are prohibited. So I'm guessing no on the tracers mainly because it's illegal to shoot at night as well, one hour before dawn to one hour after dusk is the rule.
good to know Squashie. I was thinking about going to take my restricted but I havent been too motivated, I would like to have it, just for the sake of it even though I dont intend on buying any guns any time soon. :)

and for those that missed the 411 the first time around, up here you need the firearms licence to buy ammo! much less buy the gun to use it in.
You can start mowin' them down now......might be a little weird in neighborhoods though:D

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Happy birthday to your Mother!

Thanks MB. Here she is 76 years old, the star of the show and future class clown, my grandson, and my oldest daughter and son.


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Awesome Steve. Heh in that first pic it looks like that dog in the corner might be up to no good, he's got that guilty look.:D

Congrats to your mom!
Happy birthday to 'Stemomson'! :P

I just got back from a small job. Working on Sunday sux, but so does carrying around this big wad of 20's in my pocket. $200 in 42 minutes plus about 20 minutes drive time each way. :D
Gigi, on your banner it says 'Lethal Yellow Treatment'.
What does that mean?

Steve, did you make your poor dog stay in the corner with it's face to the wall? Thats just plain 'ol mean, poor doggy.

Went to a gun show this morning and bought a Winchester model 37A, 12 gauge single shot. I'm gonna start shooting trap.
Just got done munching corned beef and cabbage at Dad's. I'm stuffed!
Kool Johnny got a pick of the shotgun?
I bought this Neos .22 Beretta few years back.Great target gun


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Awesome Steve. Heh in that first pic it looks like that dog in the corner might be up to no good, he's got that guilty look.:D

Congrats to your mom!

Thanks everyone, yeah the dog is pretty sneaky. He is my stepdaughter's dog and used to be her kid before she had a real kid. He will steal your food and crap like that. Both of my dogs know that doing that would be almost like committing suicide. My grilling went OK. I had it done at 4:30 just like they requested but my wife's part of the meal wasn't done until quite a bit later. I had the meat really rare and we put it back on the grill for about 10 minutes before we ate to cook it a little more and heat it up and it was really good. My wallet could use a wad of 20s Skwerl.
Stehansen, nice family & garden. I'm starting my first garden ever. Its huge. Here it is behind the gas tank. Worked on this tiller today and the plug keeps fouling on saw mix gas, I have a hard time keeping it running.


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