Well, having done this work for the last 3 years on and off, it was bound to finally happen; I slipped/fell!!!!....😯😯😯
First the vitals, I'm okay. Slid down a skinny spar about 30 ft. I was spiking, folded over and smacked my head.
Had the helmet on (of course), but still got knocked unconscious. Took an ambulance ride to the hospital, and got
scraped up real bad on the left arm, chest and chin. Was working one of my brother's accounts, and my son was
on site, so he got his uncle over ASAP to help the brush monkeys get the trucks loaded and driven back to my yard
(16 mi away).
So what happened? Well, I had to spike up the 60+ ft skinny piece of shit that had a tiny drop zone and had limbs
tangled up above into the next tree to come down (so trying to fall it would have left it hung up, and a potential bomb
for the condos 12-20 ft. away. A major no-no hitting those). I figured I'd go up about 25-30ft. where it still had some meat,
put a tag line above me where the brush monkeys could pull it out and away from me as I cut it at 30 ft., and have it drop
straight down next to me (the limbs up above were no worry and were away from me anyway).
Anyway, as I get up to the point I figure is "don't go further, numbnutz!!!", the bark under my spikes starts peeling off and I'm
losing my left foot. I was about to call down to my brush monkeys to send up the false crotch to set climbing position, and
before it was requested, I completely lost my left foot and spun around to the under-lean of the spar. I gashed my spikes in to get
good holding, turned around to look around, and that's the last I remember.
My son told me the gory details later, and the 2 cute young OD's made me feel manly in the ER....