How'd it go today?

Always a bit of a relief when the guy you're gonna be stuck with for the foreseeable future isn't a complete douchenozzle :^D
I've been doing storm damage. Straight line winds made a mess here instant five weeks on the books. We were doing the broken top of an oak and look over and see another oak about 36" DBH or so with a big torsional split and it's hollow. Call the custy they say leave it, ok, but I tell that it will be laying on top of their prized ash they have been treating in the next storm. Meh not my tree.
Winters are hellish in Lofoten.
Back in the old days foks from all along the coast would come up there to fish for Cod commercially.
In open boats!!!
Talk about a tough breed.

Skutvik to Svolvær is a nice trip if the weather is good.
Looks like you hit the right week for that.
Winters are hellish in Lofoten.
Back in the old days foks from all along the coast would come up there to fish for Cod commercially.
In open boats!!!
Talk about a tough breed.

Skutvik to Svolvær is a nice trip if the weather is good.
Looks like you hit the right week for that.

Yes, we have been pretty lucky so far. Stines family are commercial fisherman and whalers. They just got back a few weeks ago and were showing me a couple of clips from the whale hunt. Plus some awesome footage of humpbacks breaching next to their boat. They only hunt the minky whale though.

Took my kids up into the birds nest on the whalers today. They enjoyed it.

More asbuilts... :^(

Got off early again, so I came home and made the grass shorter. I was debating whether or not to do it. It was kinda spotty, but it was coolish today(85°), with more heat coming, so I figured today was the best choice. Started repairing my garage door. Bolts I got were too short for a couple places that need extra hardware, so I didn't get finished, but I know what needs to be done now.

Side note... The standard prusik with paracord works better to hold a cable than a tautline hitch. I used my loop I keep in my beltloops to hold it initially, but I wanted it back, so I used another piece in a tautline, and it slipped down to the eye collar. I can work with that, but it's interesting to note. Oh, and without the spring assist, that wooden door is heavy as shit!
With the chemical help, the back pain began to diminish saturday morning.
Monday morning, it was a little tricky to get out of the van. Let's see how it goes. Surprisingly, my back became quickly more supple and I was able to make my stump grinding day with just a little care for my movements (barely). It's an hand held stump grinder, not a levers/remote one, so it's usually hard on the body. My arms were more tired than my back !
But tuesday the back was a little sore again though. No chemical now, as the crisis is over, just keep moving and the things will come back in place.
I got to try my hand at logging, today, quite literally.
We had to fell some Ash trees that were too large for the harvester to handle.
One large one was a pull job and since we didn't have a skid steer handy, we used the harvester.

So now I have tried to pull a tree over with a Ponsse Scorpion King.
Belive me, that thing can pull.
First time I reeally used a saw since my accident and it went surpricingly well.
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Didn't do a thing at work today. Boss had to meet the mechanic to look at the Bobcat, so no surveying work was ready. I cut up some small wood for his girlfriend's fire pit, but I still need to stack it. I'm really starting to loathe that PoulanPro. Even at $75, it was a bad deal. I was || close to launching it today. Thinking about buying an echo for a work saw.

Got home and worked on the garage door. That was a real PITA. Got everything solid, but unfinished, and a shitty repair my father had made came apart, so even though I was beat, I had another hour of work to get it stabilized, but unfinished. My father had a terrible grasp of the physical world. I'm not exactly Joe Fixit, but I can hack together a pretty decent repair. Doesn't look professional, but it works. I see stuff my father did, and just shake my head. He got into woodworking when he retired also. He was terrible at it, but he gave it hell :^D He had a good time with it, so I guess that's all that matters :^)
Worked 8 this am, did a bid, and now, on the hottest day so far this year (110 heat index) i decided to do a job busting up some small stumps by hand :lol: I'm using my big right angle drill and a 2.5 inch auger bit, and then finishing with an ax. It's a miserable job, but it works surprisingly well! I've found if you go in from the side angling down, it hogs out wood rather than splitting as bad. I could use an extension, so I'll get that next time, but I'm gonna call it a win. Cooling off in my truck for a bit before i finish the last one.
Here's your daily trivia... Coates means "at the cottage"...

CAT—XIKot, Cote, Cott, Coates; Middle English 'atte cote,' i.e., at the cot, or cottage, from residence.

I was looking for a pseudo authentic Irish Gaelic spelling for my cat's nickname. Fatty McCatty, and "Cat" caught my eye. I've also started calling him Mr Moobs since he's so fat, you can feel his nipples :^D