How'd it go today?

Got a little tree work in today myself, flew the bucket clearing a path for a service drop for a new house. Easy peasy, 1/2 tank in the 200 = 3 bills.

Nice people I told them $250 and they paid $300 and said thanks for coming out on a Sunday.

brian, i still dont understand how you can rig materiel. do you snap cut it and then fly back up and pick it? pics would be nice if any of your help can run the camera:)
Most of the time I'll use some 5/8" rope slings to tie the limb (or top) off to itself. Cut it, let the sling catch it, then go back and pick it up with the winch, unhook the 5/8" sling and carry it to the landing zone. I think I posted some pictures last week of me doing that with the old truck.

edit: I found the pictures from last week.
I finally got the danged splitter running good.The carb looked like it was full of kitty litter. It also had a bad gasket on the intake,sucking air. I'll order a valve in the morning.

Also got a little 335 Husky to oil correctly.Took about 10 minutes,a shot of air in the flow control.Seems funny because a dealer couldn't fix it,hmm.:roll:

Like a dummy I ordered the wrong carb kit for a 2800 Poulan I had souped up. No big deal,they are cheap.I ordered a WA Walbro and should have ordered a WT ,same as the little Husky.
Skwerl, I like how you prepare for your jobs. I have a guy that I sub out to and he ALWAYS EACH AND EVERY TIME, does not figure out the job before hand.

He will tell me it is an easy job and when I get there, the job requires all kinds of stuff which I am not prepared for.

So now when he calls me I just load up for bear. This so far has been the correct way to go.

I dont respect the tree guy who goes in half cocked. Preparation is all.....
Heck, that's just a normal day at work for me. I don't expect nothing but the worst.

When it's easy, I rejoice! :rockon:
Heck, that's just a normal day at work for me. I don't expect nothing but the worst.

When it's easy, I rejoice! :rockon:
I did two jobs today. One was a job I sold for a residential customer who was referred to me. I cut down a 25' oak stump and then a quick 'safety prune' on the other two big oaks in the front yard. I called my hauling sub Larry "Stumps-R-Us" to grind the stump and haul the debris for me. We were done by 11. The lady was thrilled and gave me a $75 tip on a $775 job.

Then we went to do Larry's job. He had me come out to help him flop 4 big pine trees on a big residential lot. The job was just to put them on the ground and dice the trunks into 6'-10' chunks. I'm a bit out of practice with my Big Shot but managed to finally get lines in all 4 trees. I used to think I was pretty good at felling trees but I've learned a tremendous amount of good info on this forum to help me refine my felling techniques. I was quite confident in felling a 95' pine leaning heavily towards a $1M house and pulling it over opposite the lean. All my hinges were dead on and all four went exactly where I aimed them. My thanks to Burnham, Jerry, Justin, Wiley P and everyone else here for expanding my knowledge of felling.

Anyway, the day went great and Larry and I swapped out services even up so we both made decent money today. I had a blowout on my pickup running 75 on the interstate on my way home, so that cost me 30 minutes and put me into rush hour traffic getting home. But it's all fixed now. I had another extra tire in the shop so I paid $16 to have it mounted and balanced and put my spare tire away under the bed of the truck.
So many times it seems easier for me to just gear up and set the line myself before breaking out the BS.
Had to look that one up, Justin.
I'm actually going to start looking up all the words you post
that I don't understand to broaden my vocab. :)

Anyone know how to pull the thorns out from under skin?

I heard Hydrogen peroxide pushes it out but I have none.

Deva, any luck getting the thorns out yet?

Frickin third shifter had a saw down, and was trying to half ass it back together!!! Never enough time to do it right.......
He got out the duct tape and went to town!!! "Yeah, this oughta keep it going for a few hours!" Moron!!!! I crawled under it to fix it right, he up and bailed!!!! Even took his lock out tag out with him!!!! NICE!!! I am ready to strangle him!!!
He was WIRED FOR SOUND as well!!!!! I think he's geting a UA tonight!! I mean EVERYBODY was asking what was up with him!!! He was tweaked up!!!
The day went downhil from there, but oh well, I'll live!
Good day today, landed my first golf course contract for TWM.:D Probably about a week or so of work there. Couldn't have come at a better time, my work order folder was starting to look a tad thin. Now, if we can avoid getting any equipment stuck on any of the fairways (and I speak from prior experience).....we should be good to go!
I'm thinking about getting in the yellow pages. Work has been ok for 3 years in business here, but I'd make more money working for the man I think. Finished a small job today and got 1 bid this afternoon. I really cant complain. I'm doing really good with absolutely nothing, lol. I should done been in the yellow pages years ago. I'm not even advertising in the local paper. Geez I'm such a whinner!
Robert I thought you were working for a company now? Just subbing for them?

I did a little plowing, worked on my plow truck a little this afternoon. Was real nice to have some time to do my own tinkering.8)
Advertise Robert!!!! Do what you have to do to keep on keeping on!!!
If it wouldn't have been for everything blowing up at once, and having a child, I wouldn't be working for the man right now!!!!
Yes there is a lot to be said for the steady paycheck, yes it's nice it doesn't bounce and I don't have to go beating on doors to get paid!!
But, at least in my instance, it can get old FAST!!!!
I got of work at 12:15pm yesterday. I came home had a couple drinks, and ate. Picked up my son at 4pm. We played outside for a while. Work called at 4:45pm, I had to call the wife, have her haul home, clocked in at 5:45, clocked out at 7 drove home, and had to be back in at 4am.
I don't really like having the feeling that some company "owns me" very much.
Do what you can to make it work going solo!!!
we did 3 jobs today, this was the first. tree started to uproot yesterday toward the house. wasnt that big but you wouldnt want to climb and rig off it. lots of decay and "coffee" in the old topping cuts with pretty long sprouts. trunk was full of metal so we dinged a couple chains.


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Hey, check out that platform on the mini. I did a bid this morning and then did motor stuff until 2:00 then did another couple of bids. One was for loading and hauling a big ass pile of brush.
I climbed one of Skwerl's trees! Guy hired me to help for the day with his son Phillip on the ground.

Nice day in a big red oak, all of 90'. Fine second pruning of ice storm damage. One of the busted heads had 100% closure facing straight up... must've been the perfect cut Skwerl man.

Pulled tons of wisteria out of it, that was a bitch... but overall it was a nice day in the tree. i did keep dropping stuff, my small saw, then the valve from my hydro-pack, then my hand pruners, and finally, my cell phone. Third time that phone's fallen over 50' and lived.
I climbed one of Skwerl's trees! Guy hired me to help for the day with his son Phillip on the ground.

Nice day in a big red oak, all of 90'. Fine second pruning of ice storm damage. One of the busted heads had 100% closure facing straight up... must've been the perfect cut Skwerl man.

Pulled tons of wisteria out of it, that was a bitch... but overall it was a nice day in the tree. i did keep dropping stuff, my small saw, then the valve from my hydro-pack, then my hand pruners, and finally, my cell phone. Third time that phone's fallen over 50' and lived.

Cool deal, Blinky! I can't remember many of the trees I climbed that week for Guy. I remember a couple monsters though!

As far as the cell phone, I have come to the conclusion that unless you're working alone there's no good reason to have it up in the tree. Same with a wallet and car keys. My saddle fits much better without all that stuff wedged in my pockets under the saddle.