How'd it go today?

That's pretty good redneck. Paul, sounds like the mechanics are going the extra mile for your Wifey. It might not be anything that they did.
I chipped the brush from a family orchard today, and ground a couple of stumps in there also. My Dad has been sick so I took him his Father's day present early. He was raised on a cattle ranch in Santa Barbara CA so I got him a book about the beginnings of the cattle business in California and Texas. I made beef stew last night and am fixin' to sample it.
They have group LOTO's, my problem with them is they are all keyed alike!!! Believe me, if you are under one of those saws, nobody would know unless they saw you go under it!!! And no brighter than some of these guys are................
I want a lock with two keys, one in a lock box in maint., and the other in my pocket!!
The boss though about this, and now he even wants to make ID tags with pics to put on the LOTO!!!!!
It's not like you are thinking, sorry.
It's not like you are thinking, sorry.

I know tons of people who've worked in lumber mills, and as I understand it everyone has their own locks with their names engraved on them. You never unlock someone elses lock, you always come to work with all your locks, and you always leave work with all your locks. As I understand what you said you are locked out under some sort of group lock which multiple keys exist for? Just sounds a little sketch to me is all. I'm sure it's your life on the line so you've got it worked out. Sounds like the new plan with your own ID'd set will offer a little more peace of mind.
I did six months in a mill. Town I grew up in had 5,000 people and three big mills and a plywood plant. Now there is one struggling mill and a plywood plant. Time's they are a changing.
Yeah Justin, it was one of the "Better ideas" they had. They bought a group LOTO kit, with eight locks and a nifty case to hang on the wall. Nice in theory, not so good for Andy!!!
Then with the incident yesterday, and my "freaked out" little buddy on third taking his off the saw, while I was under it, then bailing on me. I kind of have my own plan now!!! I WANT THE KEY IN MY POCKET!!!!
And yes, I could have had him fired on the spot for that, but I think he will dig his own grave anyway, and I now know not to trust him!!
I had fun working for two different clients today, nice.

Now I'm programing my phone book into my new cell phone, whutta PITA!
Did it come with a CD Butch?
Some of the new ones you can plug into the laptop via USB and type it all in!
What sucks is I can't see how to download pics off this thing. No USB port or cable that I can see. It looks like I can only send the pics to another phone.

WTF? :what:\

Whut am I dewing rong?
when I have renewed my cell and gotten a new phone they have been able to upload the stuff off the old phone (the #'s and names) then download it to the new phone. the last 2 or 3 phones
I have had they have done it.
as for the pics and such, I upload them to the server (of my cell provider I have a user account), then if you want them download them to your pc and send them back to your phone via email or something.
or hire a local teen for an hour ;)
Yeah, I'm graduating from my very first cellphone from about 4 years ago. It's analog and will soon stop working because they've all gone digital.
Did you take your old phone in to renew your plan at a store or outlet? I have always asked them to try to take the data out, they have not offered to do such.
I didnt have one in any of mine either. they just hooked a wire up to th charger outlet (more than just a regular ac/dc connection though) and had some sort of spreadsheet that peeled the old #'s and names out, then pumped them in to the new phone the same way. but if you have already keypunched them all in, I am supposing the issue is about moot. :)
That's alright. It gave me a chance to cull some old numbers.

I can't wait to leanr how to download ringtones. I want "Smoke On The Water!" :rockon:
usually you will get a text message on your cell, when you see it you have to ackowledge it then the phone does the rest. then go to your sound and alerts settings and you should be able to choose it for whatever event you are interested in.

Got called in to work at 2:30 am. Huge elm tree down across two lanes, smashed two cars beyond recognition. Log truck blew a hydraulic line and the chipper shit the bed too.:X

Lucky for me I have a conference to go to. I'll be able to catch up on my sleep during a lecture on "5 diseases to watch for in '08":)