How'd it go today?

I killed three large oaks today, 6 more to go. I'm working tomorrow, whoo hoo! Finally I think this slow period is over! :beer:


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I hope it keeps rolling for you, Butch. My week started well but nothing for the last 3 days. I have a small job for Monday and a couple leads, nothing substantial.
It keeps snowing soon my dogs will not know where there fence isthe goats fence is under sno and its a 4 foot eletric fence. It snowed all day will it ever end????
bummer about the chipper frans, that happened with my bandit 250 last year, whatta hassel.
picked up a 3200 dollar crane removal this am. prolly do it week after next
Jonsared my chipper wears the outside of the right side tire. Would that be related to any of that stuff?
I knew I was tired, but man!!!!!
I laid down at 7pm to take a nap, woke up at 5:45am with work calling!! Not a pleasant way to start you're day!!! Spent an two and a half hours in there fixing a saw, now I guess it's off to the dealer, the check engine light is on in Moma's van!
Same boat as you Andy, lay down at 8:00 last nght and just got up at 8:00 this morning. But man I feel good needed that. And now I've got about another 8-10hrs of plowing and sanding ahead of me.:D

I've got a nice big contract that has a 48hr after snowfall time limit to clean-up so I get to extend my plowing by a day or two each snowfall.8)
Success finally on the danged log splitter,new valve.I've never seen one go bad but this one did,bypassed the fluid. I must investigate later,there is always a reason . Well,live and learn they say.

Never the less that thing will go right through the toughest hickory crotchs .I could not crack them with the sledge and wedges without using 4 wedges and working my butt off.
I can now get out my back door. I dug down to the ground and 6' out and made 3 steps back up to the sno
level. The path is wast deep.
Just got back from the dealer, my neighbor is the parts manager. I had called ahead and asked him about getting it in. "Just bring it in man!"
I get there, "Sorry ma'm, it's at least a two hour wait." I was less than happy!!! I got the neighbor, he came out and pulled the codes for me, "Dude, this is my neighbor, he has spent a LOT of money here, lets fix it!!!" (We bought the van and truck from them)
I just wanted to know what was wrong, so I could if I needed to, make an apointment.
Turns out it was the thermostat stuck one cold day!!!! Not a biggie, I will do it when it warms up a bit.

Getting ready to go out with the wife. Having dinner with a buddy for his B-day, should be fun! This guy is a hoot!! Turned 64, but thinks he's 24, neat guy!
Jonsared my chipper wears the outside of the right side tire. Would that be related to any of that stuff?

Yeah, the bushings are going bad. Its common on the 1250's.

If you use the curb feed alot it really wrecks them.
ok, first coat of paint is on the trim, comp is downloading 'the eye' and 'meet the spartans', wife is on way home, getting ready to head out to the pub for supper. when I get back, second coat goes down then tomorrow, the walls! :)
Trim first? I've always done the trim last, I seem to have much less touchup that way.
Regardless, sounds like a productive day. Looking forward to seeing pics of the lil tyke. :)
I got some broken limbs out of a huge Cedar Deodora this morning. Then finished making a port a wrap for my contract climber guy. Pruned a Japanese maple in Modesto.

Thanks Jonsared, I will look into the chipper when I am finished with my other repair projects.
I just discovered my washer is not working. :whine: I ran 2 loads last night, ran fine, ready for the 3rd this morning and it won't work. :whine: I hate going to the laundry mat. :whine: Hum, my loads are finished, John's are the ones to go to the laundry mat...maybe he will do his own laundry :lol::lol::lol:

Hum, it filled with water, but won't wash....Al, any ideas?
If it fills and empties the water, and you hear the motor running you may have a broken belt. Mine did the same thing here awhile back, it was the tensioning spring that had broke. I hate the Laundromat also but I have to wash my blankets there because they won't fit in my machine at home. Good luck I hope it's nothing to expensive.
Everyone hates the laundromat, trust me I owned one. People figure you're ripping 'em right off, it was always a bigger PITA than it was ever really worth. Like Mike said sounds like a belt.