How'd it go today?

Some tree carnage pics.

I basically climbed to the top of the cypresses and cleaned them up
then played mouse trap with the rat nest. :)


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Hey, temp. here today broke zero!
Tomorrow it'll be in the 20s and maybe near 30 next week.

T shirt weather is back!
I hit a water pipe while grinding a stump for another tree outfit. They called a plumber. I hit the road. My son's birthday today, 18 years old.
cyber when I worked at Gallo that kind of stuff went on all the time. Don't get drug down to their level. Just chuckle to yourself about how insecure they must be to get satisfaction out of that kind of behavoir. I'm assuming that you are still the FNG and you will have a few more hours changes before it's all over.
That deal of getting rolled to an off shift sucks.Don't feel like the Lone Ranger,I have 18 years of senority and got rolled to afternoons because of a reorganization thing. I get me evens every Friday when I get that check.Beans on the table and beer in the fridge,the magic one that never runs out.:|:
snow on the ground, nothing on the books, farted around on the computer returning emails then phone calls. then spent a bit of time taking the old bed out, putting the 'new' bed in the master bedroom, threw the sheets etc on it, moved the armoir back and put the drawers in it, hooked up the digital cable box in the bedroom then spent an hour on the phone with the cable company getting it initialized, moved the 'new' dressers to a temporary place in the living room.

gave a cash advance to one of my casual labour guys that was hard up to make his rent, did the dishes, did the laundry, made a snack for the wife when she got home (some veggies and light ranch dressing dip and a small serving of tortila chips with a bit of shredded cheese, baked in), cleaned the ceiling fan, removed the faceplates from the switches and electric outlets in the baby room. In laws coming tomorrow to put up crown moldings in the baby room, painter coming early next week to paint the baby room. Work for me on Monday, day long seminar Tuesday.

sigh, barely time to watch the tellyvision anymore! :)

oh, and I spent about 15 minutes with my ear against the wife's belly listening to and feeling junior moving about :D
oh, and I spent about 15 minutes with my ear against the wife's belly listening to and feeling junior moving about :D
Oh now you have to watch that.Those little rascals can give a kick that would knock out a horse.I've seen them literally kick the pee out of a pregnant woman.:)
Nice picks deva! That was one booby trapped leaner. Some big tree bro.
Andy thanks for the come back hang tuff.. You to Gary. I appreciate it.:)
not working on a work day but on the other hand, my house is supposed to show for the first time in ages, maybe it will sell:D
Good luck with the house Willie.

Messing around today organizing my bucket truck and waiting to pick up my plow truck this afternoon. Gonna be meeting a guy later to look at my chevy might be able to sell it today.8)
Hmm my bucket don't want to start :(. Oh well I'm laying some serious heat to it here and we'll see what happens in a few hours. I've sorely neglected it these last few months what with wrapping up the station and plowing. I've got some work lined up too, hopefully it's just the cold.
Yah I plugged it in this morning first thing but I probably shouda done it last night :|:. It's been quite cold here the last while. I'm sure it'll fire by this afternoon, I hope.
IT was pouring rain this morning, so I got caught up on some paperwork and then off to take the cdl road test at 2. That was miserable. Missed just enough not to get through the pre trip.

It really does not need to be that particular in my opinion. But I don't get to make the rules, and that might be a good thing.