How'd it go today?

So lets see, it's almost 3:30, I haven't had a call in 3 hours, and you can only listen to Matisyahu and James Taylor for so long, before the evil thoughts start creeping in. This will teach me to leave the Metallica and Tool at home. :pissed:
cleaning house, warming up leftover ribs from yesterdays supper, kinda watching the ice highway show on discovery. :)
two small jobs today, took one tree out for a contracter. Nothing difficult, then 3 droppers, about as straight forward and basic as it goes.
we did a job for the premier landscape architect and the guys broke his 18 foot coral bark maple :cry: ive gotten tons of referrals from his company and the first time i work for him this happens, made me sick to my stomach:(
probably wack the cost in half:( it was a storm job to begin with but the maple was fine when we got there
not cool. that would likely be a very valuable tree if it was in good shape.
Gonna take it outta someone's hide? :D

kidding of course.
ill ding their bonus' for part of it but i wont make them eat the whole thing, ryan feels terrible
I guess I got the flu not terribly shocked! Been running and running, a body can only take so much of that!
We had Bubba's B-day party yesterday, 30ish people and kids at the Pizza Hut, came home and opened all of his presents so he could play with them. Helped the wife pack and get ready. Up at 4am today to make sure she caught her flight to Corpus, at work before 7, and I left at noon!!
Every part of my body hurts right now!!! I took some nyquil and slept for 5 1/2 hours, had some dinner and played with Bubba, thank goodness for Grandparents!!!:thumbup: And am ready to pass out again!!!!

That sucks about the tree!!! Good on you for not sticking it all on him, sounds like it was an accident.
Sorry Willie, sometimes Murphy's Law takes over. Cyber, I had the flu about a month ago, hurt like a mother and took me 3 weeks to completely get over it. I missed 2 days of work and the rest I loaded up with Tylenol or whatever. Went with my cousin and pulled my donor motor out of the vehicle in Tracy today.
theywere going to rope the top out of a 30' leyland cypress, natural crotch and no lowering device/wraps. they both should have relized it was to big for that, 10 more minutes of limbing and he could have thrown the top by hand.
removed a silver leaf maple today. Bid 1100. but when the customer came by at 1130, we were raking and blowing off.

So I charged him 965.

Two guys, me and my helper, and this guy has thrown me ALOT of tall dollar jobs, so I felt good about it.

Dumped the chips and wood (one load total) at my friends so all is good...
Called in sick today, man am I sore!!! I was up most of the night, wake up covered in sweat, then wake up freezing cold the next time.
Went to see the Doc., he did the influenza test (I don't recomend that proceedure either:O ) It was negative, just some virus he said, get rest, take a couple days off (right!!) and call if I don't get to feeling better. But I got the kick ass cough syrip with codine:thumbup: so hopefully it will knock me out for a while!!
Careful with that cough syrup Andy. I drank about a quarter bottle of the stuff once and couldn't move for a couple hours. It did feel nice, though.
What is an influenza test? I tried googling it but I didn't find much.

What's so terrible about it?
What is an influenza test? I tried googling it but I didn't find much.

What's so terrible about it?

They take a q-tip about four inches long, and stick three inches of it into you're nasal cavity!!!!!! Doesn't sound like it would hurt that bad, but it does, and I was blowing out bloody snot for a good ten min. afterwards!!!!!!

No worries on the syrup Leon, I have also learned to respect the codine!!!! Two table spoons every four hours!!!
i dont follow?

Cutting a large piece without the proper rigging = inviting an accident = putting out a welcome mat for Murphy's law = putting out the welcome mat for murphy.

I did a small climbing job getting limbs out from over a house because the insurance co. required it. Then I went to Delhi and pulled roots. I took out these Raywood ash trees last week and they had surface roots all over the place and they went right under the airconditioning units and around these sewer pipe clean-outs. We hooked a chain to the loader of the tractor and pulled the roots out of the ground. Messy business.
Careful with that cough syrup Andy. I drank about a quarter bottle of the stuff once and couldn't move for a couple hours. It did feel nice, though.


Slayed 3 pitch 20-30mph winds, 28deg.....more freezer burn:cry: