How'd it go today?

It was raining this morning so I did a couple of bids and then went to my cousin's shop to test run the new truck motor. This was to verify that it was functional before we started swapping the stuff from the donor motor onto it.
I climbed this morning in 8 degree weather. I just couldn't get my hands warm enough. I pruned some apple trees in the afternoon and was going to finish when I was informed that they had changed their minds and wanted the brush hauled away. I hate going back to jobs.
Steve: with this lovely new gas we have, and the tight tolerances the new motors are built at, it is very common for an over head valve engine to have a stuck valve!! And it is a stupid easy fix!!!!!

13 hours today. Whoo Hooooo!!!!! 33 on the clock and at least two more to go!!! Got in a fight with my boss this am, he wanted me to work Sunday. I told him two weeks ago I couldn't, it's my boys birthday party, I am not missing that, PERIOD!!!!
He gave me my "motivational speech" today as well. Yup, I loved it!!!
"Hey, Mike won't approve my vacation for Friday until he knows where you guys are on that saw, I really need you to kick him in the butt (my Austrian buddy) and get that thing running so I can get out of here Friday!!!"
It worked really well!!!! No "What can I do to help you guys?" Or "What do you need me to do to make it go better?" Or "What can I get for you right now?" Nope!! I even asked about the parts I wanted three days ago, he had lost his "list"..
He kicked me out and made me go to Lowe's around 12:30!!! Something about corporate being in the room next door and me cussing VERY loudly as I was throwing things across the room!!! I had just broken the only fitting we had to put together an air line.
It was a very good day.(cynicism)
Phrases of the day:

"Hows it going AndY?"

"Well, I haven't killed anybody yet, but it's early!"

"When are you going to have that saw running Andy?"

"It will be done today"


"Yup, or tommorow, or the day after, or whenever it gets done!!!"

My new favorite!!

"The parts are on order!"

It is completly irrelevant what they ask, it's a universal answer!!!! I am coming to love it!!!
That's great, Willie. :)

I worked today for the second day this year. 3 removals for a swimming pool installation. I got some good pictures of the truck in action as well.
I also found a nest of baby flying skwerls. I cut that section out and we set it off to the side next to another tree. Momma flew off when I dumped the top in the pictures above. It's hard to tell, but they had fur on them so I'm hoping they make it. :)
Good to see ya back in the saddle Brian. When do you get the new truck?
cool pics RJS.
I had three hours of pruning then lunch, then we went to the Ferrari dealership and oogled the wicked cars. One used one, 2005 F430 (17,000km), $229,000, I called the wife and got her to look up the insurance costs, about $320 a month with my current drivers discount. Let's see... $6000 a month car payment, $320 a month insurance.... I gotta go but my piggybank open and see whats going on. :D

Patrick took some pics of it and asked me to take his pic in front of it, he wants to send it to his friends back home in Germany. He wanted to take a pic of me with it, I said no thanks, thats not good enough, if I ever own one, then I will take my picture with one, otherwise its just not right.


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We had to change plans a little today and take a couple large branches out of a sycamore tree so a construction company could hang trusses. Then we returned to our original plan of trimming a largish silver maple. Unfortunately I did not finish it before it got snowy and dark. I did all the hard parts though and that is worth something. Its still snowing outside and we are returning to winter wonderland mode. It warmed up to snow which is nice as it has been very cold of late.
Only 10 1/2 today!!
I guess my boss got his vacation approved, he made sure I got a key and my security code works so I can get in Saturday. Yea!!!!!!
Second shift APM was LIVID about all of this!!! I even got three guys tonight!!! It's amazing how easier and faster things go when you don't have to line things up and run the forklift controls all at the same time. Amazing how that works huh???
My Austrian buddy was working his butt off BTW, we were trying to "divide and conquer". He was working on the wiring of the big saw for the modifications, and I was trying to finish up putting together the small saw, answer the questions as best I can etc..................
freezer burn.............removed scarlett oak in freezing fog conditions...aka:rime ice. 20mph r done. Now I feel like I have a sunburn, yeehaw.
Congrats on the new hire Willie. Nice to see you back to work Brian. And hope you get those damn saws set-up right Andrew. Umm Paul please keep your employees away from my car. Steve keep up the hard work. And John quit whining it's not that cold.

not solid yet hes going to think on it but was impressed by our setup, would be nice though
Still can't seem to get a response from the two weasels that still owe me money from last month. I've left numerous phone messages, mostly trying to shame them into manning up and following through on their word. One guy ends his voicemail greeting with "..and have a Blessed day", which I find very hypocritical. Of course lots of liars seem to claim a religious preference it seems.

We are only talking $200-$300 each, but it bothers me that these guys would throw away a working relationship over such a pittance. They are sooooo trustworthy when they beg and plead for me to help them get the job done with lots of promises to pay me as soon as they get paid.