How'd it go today?

pruned a few mangled fruit trees, bought a new marvin pole pruner head and left my bent one at the shop for repairs...then headed to the second job pruning a cypress for clearance, stepped on the handle for my zubat pole saw, bent it, JUST enough to make it not work anymore...... ordered a new one for Tuesday. sigh. spent more than I made today, I hate that. but I did get up in a cypress, that was kinda cool. :D


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I went on a bid this morning and was in the town where my son lives so I called him up and took him to breakfast. I know that I was using up non-raining time but I said what the heck, some things are more important. Then I took the towable stumpgrinder to Delhi and ground 6 raywood ash stumps. What an exciting life. My stumpgrinder has an electric servo motor that has some sort of a screw mechanism that works this thing like a hydraulic ram to tighten the belt and spin the wheel. The motor quit working and I ended up disconnecting it and using a pick to pry on the mechanism to tighten the belt.

Brian, if I worked for landscapers and other tree guys around here there would be a certain amount of that also. I did a job for my landscaper buddy and it was for $300 and it is for the State of California so he gets paid in 30 days or so. He asked me to wait until he got paid to pay me. The guy drives a 1 year old pickup, lives in a 3000 sq. ft. house with a pool, and is always bragging about how much money he makes but he can't write a check for $300 so we won't have to play phone tag and what not a month from now to get the check. This is another thing he also obviously can't afford the 36 cents for a stamp and we could for go all these logistics for me to pick up the check also. He does have this sixth sense for knowing just when I run out of work and will work cheap though.
RJS, for aged bills I send a reminder email and/or phone call at 30 days letting them know I dont offer terms in the first place, at 45 they get a warning that it will go to collection if I dont have payment in hand within 7 days, after that, collection agency. They take a cut but its worth it to let them deal with it and not have to spend any more of my time or energy on it. A few invoices will go unpaid each year, its the law of averages I figure, just make sure they are small ones.

Once I waited for a debtor in the lobby of his office and went in the elevator with him on his way in to the office for the day..... got paid that afternoon, it was a biggie. ;)
I got my eyes examined(driving with majorly dilated pupils is weird. :lol:) , picked out some new glasses, ran some calls for work, and made my travel plans for next weekend.
Another 13 hour day, yea! Boss got his day off, I was trying to set up the mods on the big one and had two others go down!!! The big boss asked what hours I was working, then looked at his watch. I "work" 7am - 3pm, it was 4:30 when he asked.
Came home and Bubba wanted to play trains tonight!!!
I get to go back in again tomorow, yea!!!! Another 8 1/2 hours and I will make more in o/t than I make in my normal 40hrs, yea!!!!!!!
Can you tell I am tired? Finally got lunch at 8:30 tonight!
Steve, my life is as exciting as yours I'd bet. I can only keep my stump grinder working for one week out of four. We replaced the lower belt and now need to rewire the ignition switch as it all came apart.

Paul, sorry to hear about your pole saw. I backed out my driveway the other day and touched our Honda with my truck. $1000 oops there. I will have to fix that at a later date as I am still scraping along in winter mode.

I got all my bookkeeping done for 2007 and turned it in to my accountant. He works at my CPA's office so when he is done he will just turn the info over to my tax whiz Desiree. I am very happy to be done. For my second year of business a lot of money came in. Most of it went back out. I am optimistic for next year. I think we might be able to do more than just survive next year.
My mom just emailed me to say that my hometown is flooding again. This will be the third big flood of the last 25 years. The town barely rebounded after the last flood.
haha, yup. "oh I didnt get the invoice you say you mailed" uh huh, shall I email you a PDF ? let you know what time it was sent and what day? Gee, Canada Post seems to never lose any of MY bills, just the check you say you sent...

haha, I guess thats an international problem. :)
Another tree service here in town has a door hanger envelope that they leave the invoice on the front door with. I have been leaving it in a self addressed, stamped envelope.
Another tree service here in town has a door hanger envelope that they leave the invoice on the front door with. I have been leaving it in a self addressed, stamped envelope.


I used to do that as well! The effort of finding an envelope, then a stamp, maybe even writing the wrong addy on it, all add up to a bunch of time.

The excuses I used to hear were legion:

My wife pays the bills, and she is out of town

Bills get paid on a certain day of the month

Lost your invoice

Thought you were coming over to pick it up.

Thought you were going to send it to the office

Didn't get the bill, what bill?

Thought you wanted cash so haven't sent the check, oh o.k., I will send it out now, don't bother coming over because I don't want to waste your time.

Have to transfer monies so may take awhile because I only have my lunch hour to go drive to the bank (does their banking on-line).

Are you sure the address on the invoice is correct? I have been waiting for you to call to check on that.

Are you sure the amount is correct? I thought it was less.

Well happy birthday goats!

Had a windblown spruce that was hung up in a locust. Got it down and cleaned up in about an hour and a half, and then the stump grinder crapped out. Hopefully I'll get it back Monday morning so I can finish up.
I think I'll be at DuPont for the rest of my life, but I also own Buffalo- Niagara Tree Service. I have a partner, Rob. He's a good dude, and if he ever gets a computer I'll introduce you guys. Just registered with the county in October 2006, and we really don't get much work yet. Hopefully that will change since we got a Talking phone book ad. Really gotta get insured before we can get going though. Can't afford it right now, my goal is have it by late March.Our client base for now is friends, family, and some folks from DuPont.
Let's see................... I found out not many people are happy with my boss over this saw move and dumping it all in my lap!! And I mean people you really don't want to be unhappy with you!!!!
Just eight hours today, I think it comes out to 65 1/2 hours this week. I made more this week than some of these poor souls will make all month, that's ignorant!!
My Austrian buddy and I went out for lunch and drinks after work. He BOUGHT EVERYTHING!!!! Blew me away!!! He is even going to stay at least one extra day to go through and make sure I know how to fix stupid stuff and how to properly run the saws, all he asked was that I take notes!!! No problem!!!!
During eating, another guy from work called, my boss had called him to find out if he would work, my boss didn't want to come in, fo him and what time he needed to be there!!!! I was floored!!!
Came home and took a shower so mama and I could go out.
Pretty exciting!! Went to a car wash, had the truck washed and cleaned out. Went to the mall, got a new battery in my watch, I guess I put a new watch on layaway (it's nice and was on clearance). Mama was looking at jewelry and I said "Quit looking at that crap, we are going over there when we are done here!" And I pointed at an FYE store. We went over there and got her an I-pod and a boombox/docking station.
I then got a Chinese masage, OHHHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just asked if she had a good time tonight, and she replied "Yeah, I really did!!! Did you?"
So I guess I must have done something kinda right:D