How'd it go today?

We had more high winds today, 60-70 mph gusts. Still got alot of folks in the area without power.
Got a windblown spruce on a house, and estimates for tomorrow morning after I get out of work, and a few smaller jobs lined up for Saturday.
My "hoping it wouldn't be too bad job" turned out to be a royal PITA. Medium-large Bodock tree, half of it over a steep pitched roof. I had to treat it as two trees, rig a pulley and use a tagline on every roped cut. Bleagh. Plus, my groundies may have broke three digits on their IQ's, when combined, LOL. Hence the lack of pics.
up at eight, emails and phone calls till noon, lunch, at 2 I headed to a site where I am teaching a hands on pruning course in a couple weeks to tour and set the agenda, home by 4, made supper with the wife (I did the spinach salad and rice dish, she did the fish fillets), waiting for wife to be done starting laundry then getting the hair cut (by the wife), shower, shave and I will be ready to face tomorrows challenges. which may include assisting moving in our 'new' bed (my old bed before we moved in together, I think I had it for like 3 months before it went to storage) then a landscape design and more chores about the house. a bunch of snow still on the ground. ick.

oh, and a few phone calls and emails about this apprenticeship thing, sounds like it might be a bit more work than I bargained for, uh oh! :)

forgot to mention that at the landscape show last week I got talking to a rep from Caterpillar that I had done some pruning for. Got me an invite to the heavy equipment show early next year. Told him I would love to drive a D10 if its available, he said there might ba a D8 dozer. and some big ass excavators etc. :D I am jazzed. They hold the show every second year.
Aargh!, I hate wind! I hate cold wind! I hate emergency tree slayings. I hate Honey locusts (not really but I do today.) I hate plumbing!
Okay, rant over. I have spent the last 2 days fighting this stupidly planted tree down. Too close to the house on 2 sides,sewer lines on both sides of it (Crushed sewer lines are the reason it has to go- I just pruned it 2 months ago-poor thing),5-6... 10? 400? major leaders as tall as the central leader, high wind gusts, cold and I am a slow, chicken climber. I had 3 climbing lines and 2 lowering lines rigged in the thing and had to go up and down a gazillion times clearing lanes for the #$#%%# velcro brush to swing down and still hang up on the bark of the scaffold branches. Had to spiderleg out some stuff too close to the roof to allow it swing.
Thanks for letting the old, not as fat as he used to be boy whine.
I've been trying to get back into the tree house after almost being voted out permanently I feel like. I really don't know why, perhaps sporadic posting and lack of grammar.
As I get older the poignancy of most situations seems to increase dramatically perhaps I am just being melodramatic in any event I am very leary about any posting here, especially to this most legenday thread which I have been trying to keep up with for over 5 years now?

Today I needed a breakaway safety. The tree was a dead ash tree (if species matters) and it failed below me as I loop runner and strapped the top out. I was safetied into it and it failed below me the top I strapped and the stub which broke below me hung on my safety taking me and all the mess with me as I swung back into the adjacent tied in tree. It was a small tree I was only 20 feet up and the total weight on my safety was maybe 80 lbs. In any event not even a scratch. I unclipped my safety and bombed all of it, that was a
It sounds like everyones going thru some technical trees, be safe out there.
well heres the carnage from monday. the guys are cleaning the mess up now since we can get the truck and chipper on site.


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I've been trying to get back into the tree house after almost being voted out permanently I feel like. I really don't know why, perhaps sporadic posting and lack of grammar.
As I get older the poignancy of most situations seems to increase dramatically perhaps I am just being melodramatic in any event I am very leary about any posting here, especially to this most legenday thread which I have been trying to keep up with for over 5 years now?

Today I needed a breakaway safety. The tree was a dead ash tree (if species matters) and it failed below me as I loop runner and strapped the top out. I was safetied into it and it failed below me the top I strapped and the stub which broke below me hung on my safety taking me and all the mess with me as I swung back into the adjacent tied in tree. It was a small tree I was only 20 feet up and the total weight on my safety was maybe 80 lbs. In any event not even a scratch. I unclipped my safety and bombed all of it, that was a
It sounds like everyones going thru some technical trees, be safe out there.

Robert... that was one of the best posts you have made at the Treehouse. Ever...:)

No one "voted" you out, or to go away.

It is painfully difficult at times to decipher your posts. If they were all like the one you just made... you would have no problems at all.

Take care buddy,

Willie, that looks like an older coral bark maple, aka Sango Kaku, expensive to replace one that size.. :(
I've been trying to get back into the tree house after almost being voted out permanently I feel like. I really don't know why, perhaps sporadic posting and lack of grammar.

allow me to try and help you understand robert. my grammer is terrible so thats not it and sporadic posting is ok. its the frusteration of trying to understand some of your posts, for example....

I jave climbeed and humped over 2 tonns and my wife is more that that by far is it back to mssion mipossible. Her suspence is killing me the heart is a globe there is no road but out of luck

Hanging flyers and cards half a day I noticed this and took a pic a topped Hemlock that looks great. Ive found conifers dont repsond well to topping are hemlocks the exception to the rule.One of the last of its kind sence the WHA.

sotc you done done sum huge trees. I was viewing page 13 some week ago your work dude. huge tree.

we just want to understand you bro
he lost a major portion a few years ago to included bark and now we knocked off half the canopy that was left. i think ryan will be more carefull now
I put the tire chains on the tractor in anticipation of heavy snows that are forecast.It will either be knee deep in white stuff or the trimmers will have work for the rest of the winter if it is freezing rain.

1/2 to 3/4 of an inch of ice will topple even a big oak at times.Power poles snap like tooth picks,roofs cave in,nasty.:( The sky is getting dark,bad moon on the rise.
This ain't "Survivor" Robert, there are not "votes"!!! Man I tried to help you out before, I'll do it again. Nobody hates you, I don't think anybody even dislikes you. We just can't always understand you man!!!

I think I am going to quit my job.
I found out this am,

My boss, laughing the whole time, "Yeah, I'm going to piss you off right off the bat!!! Yup, Robert is coming back to maint. and, not my call, you are going to third Monday! You alright with that?" I guess? "WTF? What do you want me to tell Mike, "You guess?"" I guess? So, how long? "Maybe two, three weeks, maybe more." Oh, ok.

I am all fine and dandy with playing the "game", but goddammit man!!!!!! How many times do I have to have my hours changed? Jeez, I don't know if I am comming or going now, just went through three weeks of hell doing his lazy asses job, and now I get sent to coventry because I CAN do his job? F that!!!!!!!!!!!!
sawinredneck, I have read your posts for awhile, and I think you are not a slacker.

This new development seems like you should maybe keep your eye out for another job.