How'd it go today?

The best news about the pre trip inspection is that once you get your CDL, you never ever have to get tested on it again. I feel like I check out my truck quite thoroughly and keep up with it better than most, but I would fail miserably if I were tested on a pre trip. When I got my CDL, my employer paid for me to get tested at a truck driving school and they pretty much guaranteed passing. The brain dead idiot who worked with me and couldn't find his ass with both hands was able to pass.

Good luck selling the house, Willie. And Squashiness, I hope you get your truck running. you'd think that somebody who owned a gas station would know something about getting a truck to start. :P
Oh yeah, that's right. You don't own a gas station any more. :lol:
a wintery parking lot, are all them cars 'lectric?


yeah that looks like fairbanks!
on the pre trip, you may have to do it again if you up grade from a class b to an a. i did
Sorry, Stephanson, it's Redneck/Andy, not cyber. Rant over:lol:

Well, it's amazing what can happen in a day EH?
My boss this morning, "Well Andy, I can't get a straight answer from Mike (the big boss) on what he wants to do yet, so I don't know!"
Well, semi shortened story, hot water heater blew out in the the building with the big guys in it yesterday. They got a bit unhappy today as it was not fixed yet.
I was in the middle of moving the shear (a 14' for those that know) as that got dumped in my lap last min.!!
My boss comes and tells me to get with the HR lady and go get what I need to put in the new one, NOW!!!
I figure it out, get her and off we go.
Somehow it comes up I don't know what hours I am working next week yet, she looks at me in bewilderment and say "Oh really?"
I am installing the new water heater, here comes Mike. I am in less than a stellar mood. "Mr. Andy." Yes sir, I keep working the whole time. "We need to talk about the hours you are working next week!" OK. "What are you working next week?" Well, as far as I know, 8-4. "Have you been told that definitely?" I stopped working and looked him in the eye, Mike, I have not been told SHIT definitely!!
"Well, you're hours are from 4am-12pm, are you OK with that Andy?" I am wonderful with that sir! "Good, the new guy is going on third, you are on first, and I WILL MAKE SURE LARRY UNDERSTANDS THAT!!!"
Thank you sir. And he walked off!!! Yeah, to say he was pissed, would not even scratch the surface!!! His face was beet red the whole time!!!
My boss kissed my butt the rest of the day:?
Jeez Andy what a drama.

I worked the ground today on a Large palm trim.

No less than 8 stabs in the thighs and chest with those freaking spears of fronds.

I'm still licking my wounds. Figurtaviley of course.
No Dice Deva, we all know that you are literally wiping your elbows with your prehensile tongue.
Had to look that one up, Justin.
I'm actually going to start looking up all the words you post
that I don't understand to broaden my vocab. :)

Anyone know how to pull the thorns out from under skin?

I heard Hydrogen peroxide pushes it out but I have none.
Deva, do you have any Neosporin? Or even plain petroleum jelly (vaseline)? If you can't pop or dig the thorn out, dab on some goopy stuff and throw a band-aid over it. Re dress it twice a day and after a day or two the skin should be soft and pliable enough that you should be able to get the thorn out easily. I've had them practically pop out on their own using that method.
Sorry, Stephanson, it's Redneck/Andy, not cyber. Rant over:lol:QUOTE]

Sorry, can I plead old age?

I went to my Nephews concert last night in Fresno. I got in about 11:00 last night and I don't know why I'm so tired and I have a tree job this morning. I got a bunch of pictures of him before the concert but I left my camera in my car and my daughter took it to San Francisco this morning as she had to be at work this morning also. I'm glad that we all showed up as a family to support him and he made us very proud. My Dad couldn't make it as he came down with the flu yesterday morning. The only cousins of his that came were my kids and they each brought a friend. I took some video of the concert but we were a long ways from the stage and you know how loud it is so I don't know how it turned out. For those of you to whom I haven't bragged about my Nephew in the past, he is the pedal steel guitar and Dobro player for Josh Turner. The first performer was Sarah Jones who played for about 25 minutes and then Josh Turner who played for about 45 minutes and the main act was George Strait who played for a couple of hours. We left right after Josh Turner as the wifey wasn't feeling well.
a wintery parking lot, are all them cars 'lectric?


As I'm sure Paul knows, but may be of some interest to you other southerners, alot of places up north here they don't even turn the trucks off all winter. You have to be real careful what you buy up here used as far as used work trucks. If there from the rigs up north, beware km's may be low but odds are hours will be real high.
I have heard that too Squish, not often but enough to believe it without going up there to check!

I spent an hour+ prepping for a tree removal I'm doing Tuesday for a repeat customer. The oak is about 75'-80' tall and is over the pool screen, pool pump and heater, propane tank, two air conditioning units and several smaller trees. Every single piece needs to be rigged and carried out to the driveway since I don't have anywhere to throw or lower anything. I bought several 2x12's and some other lumber and built some protection for the pool pump and propane tank. I can recycle the 2x12's into outrigger pads for my bucket truck and I priced the material into the job anyway.

I have a day alloted for the job but I figure it will take about 4 hours.
No Butch, I'm going to back my truck right in over that overgrown area there in the second picture and use the winch to crane everything out to the driveway in front of the truck.

Paul, I have 2 guys that I'm hiring to help on the ground and my Bobcat guy is doing the hauling. I'll also bring along my 6x12 trailer incase the Bobcat guy can't get all of it in one load. I prefer not running the whole job, but I work with these same guys on their jobs so it's not too big of a deal. And right now I'll take any work I can get.

Steve, I can't afford to take any chances with this many obstacles. One dead stick falling on the pool pump area can turn into a whole day of repairs and/or expensive service calls. In this case I'll build the hour and $100 in materials into the job. The propane tank is 4' from the tree stump and downhill, so any chunk of wood landing there will roll into the tank. The screen isn't as big of a deal since he needs to rescreen the entire thing anyway. About 7-8 panels are already torn and the screen is old and brittle.
Nah, just a little 6x12' single axle utility trailer that I keep around for small jobs. I bought it for $500 about 5 years ago.
I actually did a little work today. I pressure washed my new Allison Auto for my bucket. It had about a inch of caked on grease, oil and dirt mixture. I hooked my pressure washer up to the hot water faucet for the washing machine so I had hot water going through it. It is an MT 565 I think.
I took the family to Hillsborough River State Park after church this morning. We rented canoes and paddled around for a while, ate lunch, then did some hiking through the woods. A fun day.
My son and I were eating breakfast this AM when a nice young lady called with a cat stuck about 40' up in a tupelo. Seven month old kitten, been there going on two days.

We finished our chow and headed over. 20 minutes later the cat was in the bag on my harness and bound for terra firma. An easy $140.

Makes for a nice Sunday.

Just watched the first couple of drives of the Superbowl at my local watering hole (no TV at home)... kinda looking like NE is gonna take it so I headed home.