How'd it go today?

me to but the boss was to cheap to buy pads for them, t shirts stuffed in there helped but they were brutal still. be good to see what its supposed to be like
got up late, checked the hideous rain and moved my apple tree pruning job to thursday afternoon. did a 2 hour recon of a site where I will be teaching (with 4 other proctors) a hands on pruning course in a couple weeks. maplewoodfarm which is basically a 5 acre farm that has gone back to a natural setting since it was created except for the giant petting zoo area. we will be running the class on a saturday while the joint is open to the public, since its mid feb and in the PNW it likely wont be busy. I go again to recon with other instructors on the 30th, then again with two other instructors on the 2 of Feb. after that I came home and did up a brief arborist report, had dinner, we went to preggo class and now home again.

Tomorrow is pruning day 1 on a condo site, likely to take 2 days. :) biz is pickin up!
they are but thats a dirt cheap price. weight down there doesnt seem to bother me yet, someday ill spring for alum or titanium

I climbed for years in a set of those Steel Buckinghams with non-replaceable tree gaffs and caddie pads. They are a real good setup, and that is a killer price, Willie. Went to Bashlin Alcoas after them, never looked back, but no complaints...was just looking to lighten the load in my pack getting to the trees, not specifically on my feet climbing them.

Butch, a pair of those weighs in at just about two pounds more than a pair of Bashlin Alcoas like we use. 6.5 lbs vs. 4.5 lbs. including the caddies and straps, give or take a smidgen.
No word from my mechanic yet, but I just had a visit from a guy who brought me $1000 (that he's owed me for almost 2 weeks). Better late than never! I guess I'm off to the bank...
me to but the boss was to cheap to buy pads for them, t shirts stuffed in there helped but they were brutal still. be good to see what its supposed to be like

Ha I remember doing the same thing, once while I was there though we got new pads, wow what a difference. Cheap ass loggers eh? Never got new straps for the spurs until they broke, never got a new flipline until I was getting jaggers outta the steelcore of the old one and not just like one or two no that's still Ok let's use it until you're getting a mitful.

I wear Wescos with a sixteen inch rise and I use Steel Buckinghams. I never notice the weight.
Ha I remember doing the same thing, once while I was there though we got new pads, wow what a difference. Cheap ass loggers eh? Never got new straps for the spurs until they broke, never got a new flipline until I was getting jaggers outta the steelcore of the old one and not just like one or two no that's still Ok let's use it until you're getting a mitful.


got ya beat, we would get a new 3 strand manilla and wind it around the same steel core wed been using:D
slayed a bunch of dead Locust.....found some bats and some skerwls:\:
Broke the grapple(mini) yesterday, welded back together 3 hrs later. GIMMIE SOMETHING TO BREAK!:D
Deadwood and elevating off the roof today. Four 80' oaks, and a small cherry, took 5 hours 3 done with the bucket and the cherry and oak in the back yard were climbed. Then after lunch we removed a tiny pine that had blown over into another tree over top a path frequently walked. That took all of 15 min.
CRAZY!!!!!! I got called in at 10:30am, out at 8pm. I think the first saw is ready to move tomorow. My hours have been chaned again. I will now be working 7am to 3pm, until they change it again!?!!? Home at 8:30, back up at 6, gotta love it:lol:
My day was okay. Well the part after I opened the truck box to NOT find my baby climbing saw was okay. I'm still trying to decide if I lost it or somebody stole it.
I climbed two silver maples yesterday and killed one today. Today's removal was a no haul no clean up job. The next three days will be butt numbing fun as I will be in lectures at the Idaho Horticultural Expo. Can I listen to

The Role of Urban
Forestry in Crime
Joseph Murray

for 1 ceu?


Porous Asphalt For Tree
Roots and Water Storage:
Putting the ‘Park’ in
Parking Lots
Andy Hillman
City of Ithaca, NY

for 1.5 CEUs?