How'd it go today?

I climbed two silver maples yesterday and killed one today. Today's removal was a no haul no clean up job. The next three days will be butt numbing fun as I will be in lectures at the Idaho Horticultural Expo. Can I listen to

The Role of Urban
Forestry in Crime
Joseph Murray

for 1 ceu?


Porous Asphalt For Tree
Roots and Water Storage:
Putting the ‘Park’ in
Parking Lots
Andy Hillman
City of Ithaca, NY

for 1.5 CEUs?

Better take some Nodoz.
I'm going to spend another day waiting for a phone call from a mechanic. I called him Monday morning, he said he would call me back and try to get here Monday afternoon or Tuesday. I called him Tuesday morning and got his voicemail. Now it's Wednesday morning. Why can't I find a competent mechanic who does what he says he will???
Over 250 storm related tree emergencies from Mondays storm. Finally got to go home for some sleep last night after the streets were cleared. Now we go into the parks and then back to the streets when people start dragging stuff out from their yards:|: more snow predicted for tomorrow night...........
Gigi, It is possible I left it on a job....but the folks where I last used it haven't seen it and if I left it it was right next to the street. Bye Bye. There was a lot of snow and ice and I remember thinking about setting it in the chip box until the next job that afternoon which got postponed. I have to dig around under the stuff some more.
Ahh, my last night here in Atlanta is upon me.

I took my final exam and made a 97 on it, and a 95.6 overall, out of 100. 2 weeks from now, I'm getting ready again to hit the road. This time I'll be heading for wonderful, Canton Ohio!

It's been a great trip, and I look forward to more in the future.
Ahh, my last night here in Atlanta is upon me.

Cyber, sorry I missed I told you in our PMs, we are keeping Hayden this week while Alex is in the second and third modules of Fire School. I've got Hayden duty tonight while Lindsay catches up on some typing she has put off (she has a cottage industry/sideline typing real estate appraisals).

I was down in Peachtree City last night in all the snow and slush doing some training (inside, thank goodness)'s just been plain busy.

Congrats on the test scores...looking good.

Holler when you come back this way.
Well done Jason, keep it up!

Panthegrampa, fireschool 2 and 3? thats cool, I had a buddy that went to Texas for the first course, he learned a lot and said it was a fantastic experience, except he wasnt too fond of Dallas compared to small town home where he lives. Westbank, BC
Congrats Jason!!! Well done!!!

If you are going to be comming through Wichita, haven't looked at a map yet to see the route, let me know, I can't garauntee anything, but I certainly try and sit and have a beer with you!
Work has been NUTS!!!!! In at 6:45 and by the time I got done with my Lowes run tonight I clocked out at 7. Thank heavens for the electricians, they made a lunch run for me, oherwise I was hossed!!!
One more day of this, then possibly a short day Saturday.
I don't see anyway in hell we are going to have this done in two weeks!!! We don't even have the first saw put together much less ready to run, then the chip collector, then the other saw!!! I am seeing three weeks easy!!!!
I'm getting sick of storm work. We had a good blow the other day and I still am cutting up fallen trees

the little doug fir was leaning on the house drop so I cranked it up with two ropes. As soon as I did that, the wire flopped around and the house went on a brown out.
the lady came out and said her computer was smoking.

Oh well, not our fault. the electric company came out and replaced the transformer.
I guess when the tree fell against the wire it pulled out the ground on the transformer


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did a consult this morning, went to home depot for some supplies, moved the computer and other stuff from the former office to the new 'office', a new desk in the living room. I thought babies were small, why does this one need a whole room and I have to condense my office to a 4 foot by 2 foot desk unit!?



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I thought babies were small, why does this one need a whole room and I have to condense my office to a 4 foot by 2 foot desk unit!?


Because in the pack hierarchy, you are not the top dog anymore! :D

Just be glad she doesn't put your office in the cab of the truck!
thanks Frans, I will be sure to not let her read that post and get ideas!! :)

MB, I clicked the rotator 8 times to refresh till that pic came up, figured it was appropriate. :)
i got bumped for a lousy piano!
did a removal for a buddy today, about 18 yards of material. im getting old and fat, i know this cause im tiered and sore:D
I removed 3 raywood ash trees and 3 chinese tallow trees at a low income apartment complex. Some crazy people in those places. I could have got a couple more trees done but while moving my bucket truck I felt something break in the clutch and after that the clutch won't disengage. I had the guys start cleaning up and they followed me home while I rolled through a few stop signs to try and save the towing bill. I can finish it up Monday with my trailer while I start working on the truck.

Paul, Frans is right, (he'll probably start celebrating again) in the human pack hierarchy the baby is tops. As it should be. You will gladly play second fiddle, well third really.


I am pissed off!

I bid an emergency job which was accepted and the contract signed, scheduled the day and the crew, and then, the night before, called the client (like I usually do) to let them know we would be working on their property the next morning.

She picks up the phone half way through my message and tells me "Oh, I am sorry, my husband put a stop to this. He will do it himself in the morning". Then she tells me " I guess I should have called you, because it says on the paper that I need to call in case of any changes". I forgot.

friggin' spoiled Bitch!

Really screwed up my monday. Friday I had the crew cleaning the truck and equipment, So monday there was no 'catch up' work.

I gave everyone a paid day off.

Really pisses me off how we have to be so upstanding as professionals, and the customer can do what they want.
I hear ya Frans, some people think we have nowt better to do than chase round after them. I now take a 50% deposit up front when I close a job. On the back of my proposal forms it says in 'the small print' ..."customer shall provide notice of cancellation of this agreement at least 24 hours prior to arranged work date. Otherwise, deposit is non-refundable." I find I don't have clients who 'forgot' anymore.
I had a good daym cold out but sunny so its all good. did two small pruning jobs, swerved by the wifes office and took her for a surprise sushi lunch, one more small pruning job then home. BUT... we have been looking out the old, temporarily mounted sliding doors at our NEW sliding doors all weekend with the not that we found under the door on Friday saying they would be installed today.

So I get home, all three of our sliding doors are out (we are a ground floor condo, they are our only exterior exits), there is no plastic sheeting covering the openings and its F#@%#@%# cold in here, outside it is about 0 or -1C which I have been working in today, no big deal, we expected it to be cool but this is a bit much, AND God knows WHAT crawled in here since they pulled the doors at 0730 this morning.
I called the project watchdog, a company that our strata hired to manage the construction project on our behalf and explained my laments.
He called me back about 4 minutes later saying that the doors should be in by 1530 (11 minutes from now) and that the construction guys said there is normally no animal activity when they are working on the patios etc.

I called my wife, let her know the deal, told her I was going to pour myself a drink to mellow out, go in to the washroom and light some candles and read till the doors are in. then I turn the heaters (baseboard electric) back on to warm the joint up. Sigh. progress but damn, that worse before it gets better saying is starting to REALLY bug me. better should be getting herer ANY frikkin time now.

end of rant.

oh, the thermometer is on the most interior wall about 28 feet directly across from the opening in the living room / office.


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