How'd it go today?

Well damn Paul, that's downright balmy compared to here. If it makes you feel any better I've had one hell of a day wrastling with my antiquated water system which just loves to piss me off whenever we drop down very far into the minus's.

And last nights husband and wife conversation went like this:

Wife, "Shouldn't we leave a drip running tonight, it's pretty cold?"

Husband, "Naw I got that all worked out"

This morning, no water :( . Maybe I should make dinner tonight.::lol:
dude, its that cold INSIDE.

currently 1538, no doors in, temp dropping. :(
and yes, you should be buying supper tonight, unless you can chef it out nicely. :)
Paul, you need to ask them for some heat plugged into THEIR power or else they need to call up and get a motel room for you and the wife until they get your place secured and warmed back up. I would be ballistic if my place were left open and abandoned for 8 hours in freezing temps.
I cant go to a hotel, there aint no doors in my place, I shall be sitting here armed if they dont get this right. I give it another minute and I am calling the watchdog again, he WILL get something done shortly or there will be hell to pay.


but I hear you Squirl, there is a time for nice and a time for not so much. it is RAPIDLY approaching not so much.

I just called buddy and let him know the deal, he sounded energetic when he said he would call the site foreman ASAP and get this right. current temp indoors is now 6C, I can hardly type!! :D gotta go bundle up some more.
Damn straight Paul, and don't forget to play the very pregnant wife card. Let them SOB's know that you're gonna be the civil one to deal with and if it ain't fixed by the time she gets home, there'll be hell to pay.:D

Frigging leave your place open all day, you've had a walk around your building if them construction goofs er I mean guys are still around maybe you can just go straight to the source?
meh, life goes on, but it could be better. I have been fighting with this since last august, looks like another couple months at the least before its done. cant wait to sell this joint. :(
Squish, I talked to the watchdog he said the foreman "Finn" is on his way back... I ambeginning to get revved up... problem is he is about 6'6 and heavier than Carl! maybe if I strike without warning.....
That does suck Paul.

I dont understand why they wouldnt do one door at a time rather than pull them all then install them all, especially in this weather.
Wrecked a big oak today.

Well "Hollywood" did, I ran ropes and moved material.

It was a dead Red Oak that Id of liked to crane but just couldnt get one in. Completely surrounded by a deck, every cut had to be rigged out....

Sorry for the shitty pics, it was overcast and snowing all day so you cant make out very much.
ok, two guys (now three) with tools installing currently. I shall be offline for a few minutes while I go for a walk and cool down. :)

woosa woosa
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I just realized, my pics shoulda went in the work pics thread.

Ah well, feel free to move my post Butch.
Top, great shots! How do you work in that weather?


It sucks. No wait! IT REALLY SUCKS!!!!

Todays high temp was +5F. Better than the -16F on Saturday morning.

Actually Gigi, Id prefer not work at all in the winter, but once again I didnt line my ducks up accordingly, and for some reason my creditors dont care how cold it is outside. They all want their money, regardless of the weather.
Have you tried those gloves you can breath into to warm them? They seem like a good idea.
The thermal lined atlas gloves are fine for me.

Id hate to spend big bucks on a pair of gloves that'll only last a week or two at most.

I dont mind my hands getting a little cold. Lets just say you have to actually work a full MN winter to be able to hate it. Im going on my 17th consecutive winter working outside. Im a bit biased.
quick update, living room / office door in, temp raised to 13C, babies room (unoccupied) door is in, master bedrooom door in process.
I learned a new phrase from the litle Austrian dude I want so badly to inflict pain upon!!! But it was a good one!!! "Brain amputated morons!!!" I ouldn't help but laugh!!!!
He is the guy from the manufacture of the saw here to help with the move. 23ish, very full of himself, and VERY demeaning!!!! I left in a foul mood Friday, to say the very least!!!!
"Ummmm, if you could get a broom, and maybe sweep up over here. Yeah, that would be awsome!" All day long!!!!

Not sure how you haven't kiled them morons Paul!!!!! I'd have couple buddies over, installed the doors, been three sheets to the wind, and have a bil and a loaded shotgun waiting for them!!!!!
Hell hath no furry like a woman scorned, until you piss off a pregenat lady!!!!
Andy, I hear ya, I prefer the gentle approach first. These fellas are a man down, the four man install crew has been working all day throwing in doors but one guy blew an ankle this morning about 8, all is well, all three doors are now in, one guy trimming the sealant now then we are done with is. Tomorrow he is sending a guy to re-install our security gates that were removed and I assume to finish the casings. the worst seems over.

MB, thanks for the good mojo!