How'd it go today?

I saw the cutest litter of Golden Retrievers today! We were on our way back from touring the new HGTV Dream Home in Islamorada, and there they were, on the side of the highway. Weird way of selling dogs, but they were cute!

Oh, the house was nice, but if you win it be ready to coff up a bunch of money in taxes!
ha i remember brier rabbit and the tar baby. "haha i was born and raised in a brier patch" :lol:
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I am old, I remeber it all!!!

Not a bad day, fought with scissor lifts not being charged at work!!! I kinda got to where I could deal with the heights fairly well. Up about 30 feet. I know, I am weired like that, I am fine in a tree, but floating, I'm not so good!!!

Off to the wifes company holiday party now!!
I was going through boxes a while back too and found my Calvin and Hobbes, Far Side, Bloom County books as well. In addition I also found Tintin, Batman, Sandman, Xmen and Watchmen comics. There were some kid books too. Raggedy Ann(my wife's) and Roald Dahl's Matilda. I read Matilda to Haley who was scared by the evil schoolmistress swinging little girls by there pigtails.

I would love to see Song of the South again but for some reason Disney has that one locked in a vault underneath the magic castle.
Darin, Tell Preston I am impressed-I only crochet.

I went for a walk in the woods. They were exceptionally quiet today.
Supposed to get hit with some snow accumulation today. It's 4:30 a.m. and I'm sitting here waiting for it to stop. What a damn good sleep I was in until my alarm went off. Damnit.
Yeah, slept real good myself!!!! Bubba woke us both up at 1am having nightmares, I woke up at my usual 3am, just because, got back to sleep then work called at 5:30. "Where are you at? I've got a forklift that wont start!!! What do you mean you're on second shift? Who the hell is going to fix this stuff in the morning?"
Great way to start the day!!:P
my guys ran out of gas today, my fault, and a competitor came and helped them get going today since i was across the valley:thumbup: kudos to pro arbor!
did a couple big bids and bought these nearly new hooks with caddy pads for 100 bucks!
they are but thats a dirt cheap price. weight down there doesnt seem to bother me yet, someday ill spring for alum or titanium
I took down a pretty good size tree of heaven in a back yard, hanging over the house and the other side was hanging over a chicken coup which was accessable by my bucket truck through a cow/horse pasture. It was muddy as heck and I had to be pulled in and out with a tractor. We then took down another tree of heaven that wasn't so big in their driveway. The house was built in 1879. The ranch was started by the Utah Construction Co. back when they first put in the water projects for the gold mines. Huge barn. I'm going back soon and I"ll get some pictures. My camera is full and my cord is broken, I am waiting for delivery of a new cord. Nice Willie. I met one of my competitors at a bid the other day. Very nice, extremely polite guy. Go Cyber!!! Crack those books. Well you have already done that so you can relax.
Nice Pads Willie, I want to check out that pad style.

Darin you're not going bald, I never noticed,
you've always had a short haircut when I see you.
Those were the only kind of pads I ever saw in the bush. Five years on 'Caddies' and never even knew what they were called.