How'd it go today?

As I was almost finished dicing up the trunk on my last removal today, the Bobcat operator came around and grabbed a big bite of treetops that were still in 20'-30' lengths. I stopped him after he got a bite but before he pulled the pile apart, and stepped over with the big saw to whack off the extra lengths so he could fit around the side of the house. Amongst the brush the saw found and grabbed a 4" diameter, firewood size chunk of wood and fired it straight at my knee. No blood but it dropped me like I had been shot. I'm icing it now and it's getting pretty stiff. Looks like I'm taking it easy this weekend.

And yes, I finished the job. :)

Looks like fun, Butch. I miss doing crane work. 90% of the jobs that used to require a crane, I can now do manually with my truck. Just gotta take smaller pieces is all.
Dang Brian, I hope that sucker doesn't swell anymore overnight!!!

That looked wild Butch!!!! A bit too much for me thank you!!!
Friggin OUCH! That made my knee hurt. Keep the ice going for the first 24 hrs. and try to keep it from getting stiff.
I had one of the Assistant plant managers perturb me a bit today. I shared some things with him that I will spare the ladies of this forum from hearing. He was VERY apologetic to me for what he had said afterwords!!!
Sorry, if you want to treat people like five year olds, then hire five year olds!!!!
I get to work tomorrow, and possibly Sunday, my boss really doesn't want me in Sunday, he's having guilt pains now about moving me to second for all the fun and games!!!
Oh what fun!!!
Nice pics MB. We should be adding a crane in March.
Darn skewrl bet that hurt.
Hey Butch is it my imagination or was the boom on the crane flexing a little bit in those first few shots?

Brian, I have done that. That is why when I slashed my truck down, I cut with the top edge of the saw.

My ground guy Preston returned from vacation today. It was nice to work with him again. He is a really good guy to work with. We always have a good laugh working together. Look what he knitted my daughter for Christmas. I told him today that he might be the only ground guy in the world with similar skills.
Nice PIctures MB, I'm jealous. Brian, heal up guy. I took out a bunch of little trees today. On a steep hill and all the stuff had to be packed up these long stairs.
Ha, been turning bars of steel into piles of chips all week, leaving early and getting started on my football weekend which means copious amounts of beer. Go Seahawks !!!
Plowing, and more plowing. Cool pics Butch, that cranework is insane. Damn Brian that piece musta hooked up just wrong, frigging bush bullets anyways.
nice MB....boom do flex at bit. This is the most stick Ive used...175

Slayed two big dead Locusts and began clearing an acre of invasives
How is your knee today?

It'll be fine. Almost no swelling, I think because it hit the bone instead of muscle. It hurts enough to let me know I hit it but I can walk on it. Thanks for your concern. :)

Butch, did they need to add extra counterbalance weights on the back of the crane when they picked you up over the house? :lol: I think that's what Darin was hinting. :P
The longest stick I've used was on a 100 ton, 141' of main and a 56' bifold swing away jib making for 197' of stick.

A 110 ton I used on that big arse tree I did in 06 had 171' of main boom, which I believe is the longest main boom length I've used. The 175 ton had 197' of main boom, but we only used maybe 100' of it.

I'm not doing much today, look like tomorrow I'll chip the brush from 6 pines to finish that job :). Monday is a school day from 11-8:45, yay :)
Butch, did they need to add extra counterbalance weights on the back of the crane when they picked you up over the house? :lol: I think that's what Darin was hinting. :P

Yes but it was much funnier that he didn't get it.
3 estimates this morning, a brief walk around Riverview( arboretum) in the rain where I found two large stumps and one stump with root plate at a 90 degree angle to where it should have been :( counted the rings on the aesculus (one of the stumps) and got about 95 or so that I could see clear enough to count. oh well, trees have a lifespan too. now home to pack up the office and take it to storage locker in big rubbermaid bins, my project of the week.
going through boxes of books at the moment, just found a box with a all the calvin and hobbes books and bloom county. I have been laughing my arse off for the last ten minutes recounting some of those cartoons. and a Far Side book. I remember last reading these in my late teens, 20 years ago.


anyone else remember Opus, Bill the Cat, Steve?
I don't remember either of those Paul. I do remember the Tar Baby and Briar Rabbit. Not too politically correct these days. My Dad had them memorized, he didn't even have to get the book. Must be a generational thing.

I removed 3 white birch trees today. Not very big but in a kind of awkward spot with a bunch of targets around them. Steep freaking driveway I had to back down. Once the motor died on the truck and with the power brakes with no power I couldn't hold it with just me. I was pushing on the brake pedal as hard as I could while I was trying to start the engine again and the truck was creeping back. It went back probably 3 or 4 feet and I got the engine going again and as soon as it started I was all good again. Wish I had air brakes today.