How'd it go today?

For the first time since I can remember, all my laundry is done. Do I know how to party it down on a holiday or what? We cleaned house a bit, lazed around a bit and then took the kid to a place near here that has a giant indoor kid habitrail. At dinner the kid was ignoring her broccoli so grabbed an oak tree shaped piece a proceeded to fall it with a mini-imaginary chainsaw. I then hauled the pieces around the house(plate) to the front yard where I tossed the tree into my chipper(mouth) and disposed of it noisily. Wouldn't you know it another tree service showed up across the street(table) and started to remove trees in a similar fashion. I chipped up(ate) so many trees(broccoli) that I though I'd puke. The other tree service was matching me tree for tree, so I had to keep going.
Darin, too much fun!
I hung out at home until the afternoon. Then, when the temperature was almost up to 30 degrees, I went and ground the stump from yesterdays little Birch removal , hauled a load of chips to the tree farm and changed the oil in the chipper.
Not as much today as I would have wished.It snowed all day,that fine powdery stuff that is miserable to work in.Put the Christmas stuff away ,watched some dvd movies,played on the internet.

Oh that differential deal.There are books etc on how to set them up properly with the correct gear lash.Done properly a gear train will run nearly forever.Improperly,not nearly that long.I imagine you could find some help on the net.

I would not think however that to repair the clutch packs you would have to move the ring and pinion set up.

If you have a good library close by,Mitchells have the best books available on the subject.Most librarys will let you make copies of the portion of the manuals you need.I have found that a little research is a lot better than by gosh and by golly.Saves a lot of time plus you don't have to do it over several times to get it correct.Voice of experiance talking here.I've screwed a lot of things up and had to lick my calf over,as my mother inlaw would say.
Just got off the phone with Dave, DTW902, he says he's alive, but busy as busy gets!! The family is working the ice storm in North central KS, he's been ridding the bucket in 8 deg weather:\: Had to take vacation time to do tree work:lol:
Wanted me to tell all HI and check in as he hadn't talked to anybody in a while.
I took down a 18" dbh raywood ash in a back yard, hanging over the neighbors fence, and a storage shed, and a koi pond, went to bed at 8 last night and didn't get up until 6 this morning.
Cut some blue gum Eucs. down yesterday.
They had been topped. 3 of them at 45' and four of them at maybe 6'. The leaders ranged from 24"- about 8". Maybe 65-70 feet tall.

Over this little used street.

I bring this up because the trees were over the road. During the day, the neighbor lady drove up and down the street at least a dozen times.

Each time we had to do traffic control for her, move the chip truck, get brush out of the way, etc etc

Each time she went through she drove way to fast, just blasting through. She seemed real angry each time she was requested to wait (maybe 30 seconds to 3 minutes).

The trees had failed before and blocked the drive so no one could get in or out. So why all the anger?
Our customers just bought the house, and while the trees had not failed in the 3 months they were there, they decided to just get this problem solved in order to be good neighbors.
So her anger doesn't make sense

Anyone else encounter drivers who seem to get totally angry and offended when asked to wait a bit?
Anyone else encounter drivers who seem to get totally angry and offended when asked to wait a bit?

Constantly, I've got a couple of apartment complex's that I plow and I can only back in to push the snow out. So in order to back in I hit my four ways and have to momentarily block the road. Well geez you wouldn't beleive how pissed off some people have got at me for the massive inconvenience of having to stop for maybe five seconds. People have no patience or thought for anyone else. It's all part of the me, me, me society's that we live in.
. People have no patience or thought for anyone else. It's all part of the me, me, me society's that we live in.
To add to that it is amazing the amount of people who have lived all their life in cold areas that think they can scoot down the road at 60 miles per hour during a snow storm.:what: You would think that people who know what ice and snow do to driving conditions would know better than that ,guess again.
I get that all the time Al, I live halfway up our local ski hill and when I pull onto the main road from my side road people will try to follow me down that hill. Well I live there and know that road like the back of my hand, I'm in a 1 ton truck with studded new winters and 2000pds of ballast while empty. Usually they'll scare themselves and disappear mighty quicklike.
fell a half dozen dead pine and fir this am. my aim wasnt what it should be but they were forest trees and the customers were thrilled
I trimmed palm trees today. Nothing but palms as far as the eye can see. The crew I was working for didn't show up until 11 and when I quit at 5 they were already long gone. But I trimmed 100 palm trees in 7.5 hours, a new record for me. My previous best was 70 in one long day climbing.

I have about 80 left that I can access tomorrow, the other 150 or so will have to be climbed.
Just got home from work, again. One of the saws went down. I was on the phone with the tech trouble shooting and got to watch all the magic black smoke leave a power supply!!! Yeah, good times!!:D
I trimmed palm trees today. Nothing but palms as far as the eye can see. The crew I was working for didn't show up until 11 and when I quit at 5 they were already long gone. But I trimmed 100 palm trees in 7.5 hours, a new record for me. My previous best was 70 in one long day climbing.

I have about 80 left that I can access tomorrow, the other 150 or so will have to be climbed.

Holy Moly that's a lot of palms! Climbing 70 in one day has got to be a record. Good work Brian.
I trimmed palm trees today. Nothing but palms as far as the eye can see. The crew I was working for didn't show up until 11 and when I quit at 5 they were already long gone. But I trimmed 100 palm trees in 7.5 hours, a new record for me. My previous best was 70 in one long day climbing.

I have about 80 left that I can access tomorrow, the other 150 or so will have to be climbed.

:O :\: :O :/: :O :\: :O :\:
Just got home from work, again. One of the saws went down. I was on the phone with the tech trouble shooting and got to watch all the magic black smoke leave a power supply!!! Yeah, good times!!:D

Ain't it fun, Andy? :D

Twas an easy day for me. I went by the office this morning to fix my computer, and by the time I was done, it was time for our meeting. After the meeting, I met a vendor on a site, drove a little further into Norfolk, and ran a couple of calls at the uppity, ritzy grocery store. Afterwards, I called it a day, ran by the gun shop and picked up some Russian surplus 7.62 x 39 ammunition for my AK.
Yeah Jay, and there is no rhyme or reason to it at all!!! You can have two days, nothing, then BAM!!!! Slammed for two days straight!!! Not having second shift hurts us a lot!!! The move is getting close, and we are starting early on some projects, as well as have other projects going on during/before the move!!! Next week we will pull the single saw out of the extrusion building, and start the setup on the new one for them. Before that, we have to have a saw of some sort for them to use. Been setting that up the last two days.
Two weeks from Monday, I go to second shift for support on moving two of the saws in another building. Get o work 12pm-8pm for two weeks, or more. Then the next week we move the shear and etc., then we move the rest of the saws, as well as play musical air compressors for a while.
Yeah, I'm gonna need a vacation after all of this!! But hey, the checks come every Friday, and they don't bounce!!
Pruned a big cypress tree today,
stuck my handsaw tooth through my thumbnail on the follow through.

Made me quite nauseous.

Yesterday we pruned some tiny Eucs.
I always thought they should exchange tree work for affordable housing. I'd trim trees for rent and live in the Presidio.

Today was a mixed day. Work went well for being a one man band again. I switched from pulling my stump grinder to my chipper and then back to my stump grinder. On one of my trips home I saw the neighbor in back of me walking down the street. His name is Larry and I haven't seen him since spring. He and his wife are school teachers and are a couple of years from retirement. They are nice people and good considerate neighbors. Larry and his wife Clydine leave Boise every summer and go to Minnesota near where Larry grew up. Larry works in a friend's restaurant playing piano and singing; its his double life.

Well we didn't see them when they came back but we noticed that there was a wheelchair access ramp built up to their front door. We figured one of them had been hurt or got sick. We tried to visit a few times and dropped off flowers once but never saw anyone. Their kids live in town so I though they must be living with them during the convalescence. I finally bumped into Larry today and got the scoop. They got hit head on by another driver. The ramp was for Larry who sustained major injury and is just now walking. Clydine was killed.
Sorry about your neighbors OM. I did an "emergency" job of clearing a secondary line of a few limbs on an oak tree for an elderly woman. Then drove 25 miles back and did a couple of Canary Island Date Palms for another elderly person.
I feel badly because we keep driving past their place thinking we should stop in and see how they are doing and now many months later we find out. I am just trying to think what we can do. They were more than husband and wife, they had that soulmate thing going on.
Wow Darin, That is kind of heavy.

My day was okay. Had to go back to the doc for another inspection. The abcess that we suspected finally drained on New Years. The Doctor concurred with my analysis that things are now finishing up healing okay. I then drove to Pueblo West to grind stumps and do a bunch of pruning. I'll go back tomorrow and chip brush and finish the pruning.