How'd it go today?

I don't think I could get to the west side if I wanted to.

I bet Deva is going to be busy if he can get into work Monday.
Ahh it's Saturday! I've had an oil change and breakfast. I've got my laundry started, and here in a few, I'm off to Wallyworld!

Reed, want to join me in my quest to find some capitalistic bargains on boxes winchester and federal ammunition, to feed down my weapons? :D

Afterwards, I'm going to head for the car wash to finish cleaning my truck up. I washed it a month ago and it's already filthy, and finally home to finish packing.
Drank too much last night!!! Didn't have to be in until 8am today, so I "thought" I could play a bit harder. I was wrong!!!
Had a saw go down last night, Bubba and I went to check it out. It was really bad, but the boy liked watching all the forklifts running around, he thought that was pretty cool!!
We all loaded up latter and went to look at furniture, found a deal on clearance, tan leather sofa, both sides recline and it's COMFY!!!! I don't really like leather, but the price was right!!!
Only had to work two and ahalf hours tody, not bad, got the saw usable and more parts on the way. I hope this is all that happens to it, I have too much other stuff to worry about right now!
Destroyed 3 Monster Silver Maples, leave alls on a construction site. Just nasty bad ass rotten tree work, smashing and crashing all day long.
I got called for a little emergency job. It took me an hour to do. Then I stopped by this cool old church that is being retrofitted to be a children's community arts center. I am going to volunteer some tree work to help them out. The old church is really cool inside especially since it is gutted right now. You could play a mean game of tag in there.

When I got home there was a package on my step. Thanks for the T-shirt Gigi. Haley liked her package. She is singing along with tunes in the front room right now. I never would have thought to have gotten her a toy microphone but she knew what it was and latched onto it.
Darin, There is a wondrous irony in an atheist volunteering "at the church". Have I mentioned lately that I like you?:)
Well it hasn't been a church in some time. I was able to cross over the threshold without being invited in. I washed my hands in a basin there and it didn't burn like it usually does.
The Holiness must have worn off. Go try it at a working church. You could put up pictures of your hands with the flesh all peeling off!
Gods like to see an atheist around. Gives them something to aim at.
Ever hear of the Agnostic philosopher, who said, "Possibly the gods exist, and possibly they do not. So why not believe in them in any case? If it's all true you'll go to a lovely place when you die, and if it isn't then you've lost nothing, right?" When he died he woke up in a circle of gods holding nasty-looking sticks and one of them said, "We're going to show you what we think of Mr Clever Dick in these parts..."
It's hard to believe in something you don't beleive ;).

We hauled 11 tons of trunk wood out of a back yard and to the dump, and also slayed the last 3 pines in that back yard. Hopefully I'll finish it up Monday and collect the funds :)
we removed a failing mulberry this am and cleaned up a pine in a house. pics in a different thread
SO first night here in the BIG city, and where am I? Web browsing in the wally world parking lot. I'm just getting some stuff that I forgot, and in the process, have concluded that small town, major metropolitan area, no matter what, Wal-Mart will be busy.

Successful marketing at it's finest, folks! :lol:
I cleaned up a large blown over locust today and a small leaning coastal redwood. After about 5 minutes of working my tractor/loader's alternator light came on real bright. I worked for about another half hour and I shut it off to talk to the guys and then it wouldn't start. Everything was dead with the key. I could turn it over by shorting the solenoid but it wouldn't fire. I took the wire that energizes the fuel solenoid and hooked it to the battery and started it by shorting the solenoid and finished the job that way. On my second load to the dump the place was closed so I had to come all the way home and dump it out back and then drive back and retrieve the tractor.
We did two removals in a back yard, poplar about 15-20ft off the house, pine at the corner of the property. Nothing difficult or tricky bout them, both probably 60-65ft tall. Then did large deadwood and an elevation of a double oak, probably elevated to 25-30ft. Higher than i would have liked but not to high for the tree's and made the costumer happy, he wanted it sky high.
Today I went out to shoot some minutes for an instructional video I'm working on. Was setting up the cam and ropes when it started to rain. WTF So I folded up the works and went to the Milano's for a shot and a brew. Well, a couple actually. So, no video today, but got a good buzz.

Day wasn't wasted though. I did shop and get the goodies for dinner to have it ready for my sweet wife when she gets home.

And that's the rest of the story.... 3:06 pm, Jan, 7th 2008.

Did I get toasted today? Yep!!!
Ha ha sweet. I spent a good part of the day shopping! At the end of the month I'm unemployed and am going to be making some of the larger purchases of my life. Kind of scary but I can hardly wait.:)

Toys, toys, toys, I mean tools, tools, tools.
tooled around the office, got a couple estimates out, went and did some organizing at my bigger storage unit. Moved up to a 5x10 from the 5x5, put some screws in the wall so I can hang stuff and strap stuff down with bungie cords. Going to move a lot of less used stuff from the house to rubbermaid bins and they will be going to the back of the aforementioned storage unit. :)
Going for the first baby class tonight, I think its a couple hours, monday nights for like 6 weeks at a local hospital natal unit.
Work, ARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!! One of the saws went down Friday, went in Sat and worked on it. Got it working, kinda.
Third shift had fought with it all night keeping it running. I wasn't ther ten min. and it was down again!! Fought with it or an hour and a half, finally got it running.
Had a new saw comming for another building, needed to take the old one out, it went down hill from there!!!
Got off, went to the bank, ran into a buddy, he cam over and we had a couple of beers and relaxed a bit:D
Then the wife came home, jeez............ wound up like a six week clock!!! "GOTTA GO!! We got this and this, and do this while we are gone..................."
Ummmmm, NO!!! You all kept me up until 11:30, I am eating and going to bed!!!:X
Sorry, I'm done now..................
Let us drink a bit more and CHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLL:thumbup: