How'd it go today?


I was just giving ya the razz Andy. Lack of sleep like I experienced quite a bit in December with plowing turns me into a bear.
You should wean yourself over to water. I'm sipping a Windsor Canadian Blend myself.
Ha ha sweet. I spent a good part of the day shopping! At the end of the month I'm unemployed and am going to be making some of the larger purchases of my life. Kind of scary but I can hardly wait.:)

Toys, toys, toys, I mean tools, tools, tools.

Go for it, Squishy! We will all be here to laugh at you when you screw up. :P :lol:
Go for it, Squishy! We will all be here to laugh at you when you screw up. :P :lol:

Man, thats just MEAN!!!! (good post Brian)
I can't believe you would say something so cruel to this poor scared man that is about to dump everything into a new buisness venture (nevermind he has no clue what he is doing). We should support our brethern Brian (no matter how badly they might fall on their face) and help him embrace his new found freedom(even though the bank owns it all) and encourage him on his journey!!! Good luck Squishy!!!! (Again, good post Brian!!)

I did the whiskey and water for a while Butch, yeah, you can get used to it, but it's just not the same.
Going for the first baby class tonight, I think its a couple hours, monday nights for like 6 weeks at a local hospital natal unit.

gonna get grossed out in that class a few times! but in the end its fun.
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I did bids all day. 8 of them. Sqishy, I think you have it under control. We can still give you crap though, freakin canadian.:D
chipped about 1000 trees today! was supposed to chip christmas trees for the boy scouts sat. but was busy with storm work so i went out this afternoon.
went to baby class. watched multiple births on vid and got see all the fun about placentas, uteruses and other lady parts and fluids I was formerly unfamiliar with. The lovely one (not me, the wife) got a bit lightheaded halfway thru the half hour vid and buried her face in my arm, I toughed it out, watched it all and figured its all good. Thank goodness its the girls that get pregnant!

homework is to practice the breathing / relaxing technique for next weeks class which is all about labour, yippety skip.

and through the whole class, junior was kicking, stretching and punchin mamma's innards. :D
contracted myself out yesterday. Worked at this commune. 'bout 1000 acres, 18 homes most of them shacks.
I dont want to say they lived like animals because animals are a lot cleaner than these folks.
Old cars, junk everywhere, nasty living conditions.

So around 10A these guys who are supposed to drag brush and help come stumbling out with their supplies for working a hard day of labor.

2 cases of beer, and smoking weed and running chainsaws :roll:

The guy on the right of the photo wearing the desert camo jacket kind of freaked me out. Something was wrong with his brain. Maybe too many drugs? Dont know. He talked funny like he was almost retarded. Really kind of sad.

My job was to remove two bays overhanging a shack, and thats what I concentrated on.

I finished up my climbing, ate a snack, pulled over the stems and got outta there.

The lamb pictures show, well little lambs. They have alot of them on the property. Beautiful place really.

The church is the one in the film, 'The Birds' from the Hitchcock movie
Wow that's different.
I save the party for after work. ;)

So what's their deal? Religious wierdos, political wierdos, or some other kinda wierdo? Or is it all just a front to have an excuse to not work and drink and party all day?
To the best of my knowledge, there aren't any communes around here.