How'd it go today?

Paul consider a dedicated garbage can that you could have on your back deck or something, double bag and then it's right outta the house.
Paul consider a dedicated garbage can that you could have on your back deck or something, double bag and then it's right outta the house.
ground floor condo here amigo, no back deck. Maybe I will leave the diapers up to momma :)
Yup I had it at 30 actually and I'll be due for another in two years. Family history dictated that it would be a wise move. I mean if they catch something in there in the beginning no big deal, they may even just be able to deal with it with the little jaws on the scope itself but if you ignore it, potential death. I'll be in there again at 35.
ground floor condo here amigo, no back deck. Maybe I will leave the diapers up to momma :)

Well you got your doors to outback there right? I thought I saw something like that in a pic of yours before. I just meant outside deck or not. We had a diaper genie thingy I found it to be a pita myself.
we have three exits to the outdoors, sliding doors. They are currently two piece units with the building renovation that is occuring at the moment they look to be replacing with three part units. Until the renovations are complete, no access to patios is allowed due to scaffolding etc etc. :( havent used my BBQ (in storage) since uhm, August I think.

maybe I will just throw them out onthe scaffolding and see if it helps the workers get there stuff done any quicker. If I did put a bin out there I wonder if it would upset the local raccoons and coyotes?
hm, the ones I saw all seemed about the same size, holds 30 diapers or so. is there a bigger unit? Does Binford make one? :shifty:

I wish there was a Binford model!!!!! The one we have doesn't have all the cancy wazoo stuff on it, just open the top, drop in a diaper, close, then spin the handle on top to seal. The whole thing holds diapers. That one seemed like only the bottom half, or less, held diapers?

Ummm, sounds like a real good time there Butch:O
Squish, dunno, last report in at beginning of october said they wre 3 months ahead of sched which would put completion near june this year. I wont get my hopes up until I see them packing their tools.
first pic is aug 27, 2007. Second I forget when but it shows the scaffolding, currently looks the same as the second pic just cleaned up as they are on the other side of the building at present. If you look at my avatar thats what it USED to look like. :( sigh.
I removed a broken cottonwood limb that went crashing into a house yesterday. Took me most of the day. We then helped the worker guy put on a couple of tarps over the holes in the roof and it started raining, about 40degrees and the wind was blowing about 20 mph. Another cool old school cattle ranch. I got some pictures but am still waiting for my camera cable. Got stuck in the mud leaving. Had to unhook the chipper and pull the truck with my pickup and then go back and get the chipper with the pickup. I was cold as hell when I got home, I drained the hot water heater and was still kind of cold.
That sounds like some pretty awesome tools Al. I got all of my Dad's stuff a little under a year ago.
some of us worked a deal so our chip dump will pay us $16 a green ton for chips! and waive our other dump fees!
they are desperate for material and paying twice what they did 2 years ago. its a hog fuel plant
After 3 yrs trying to start up a tree business I've began working for the man!
Hopefully, it will only be thru winter until spring kicks in with more calls. I must have hung over 5000 flyers in Nov and Dec and not one tree job in DEC. I made good for the year i just cant suffer a bad month. Maybe its just not for me you have to be a salesman first and a climber second to own your own business.I cannot complain I've had a great year considering IMMA bad spelller
I am looking at 4 potential employers production wise ie climbing, and 2 as a C.A. pencil pusher. The C.A. pays up to 45k a year which is bout the same as production pushing 1/4 mil $ in tree gear. You dont get dirty as a C.A. and you dont get sore and you dont bleed near as much.
I had to unclog by mother's bath tub drain yesterday.While I was there I took home a chest of my father's machinests tools that had been in the attic for over 50 years.

It was interesting ,my dad's journeyman card was in the top drawer,would you believe 1941.He was 21 at the time.

Some of the tools were actually made by my great grandfather,Fred Smith who worked for Thomas Edison. Another interesting thing was a set of Starrett 1" to 2" micrometers that the old boy purchsed in England before he took the boat ride over.With them in my hot little hands they have passed through 4 generations and are still as accurate as the day they were made some time in the 1890's.

Al, I was watching a tv show last night called The Antique Detective. I thought of how lucky you are to still have not only the memories but the evidence of history as well. From what you have told us about your daughter, I bet she will cherish them long after you are gone as well.

Al, what is a micrometer? :/:
Machinists call them "Mikes", it's pronounced Mike-ro-meter, kinda. They are used to measure precision parts down to .0001".
Home sick today, no wife, no kid, might get some rest, already got to sleep until 7:30!!!!!!!!!!

Out of 7000 photos submitted, Shooter, a pup that lives down the street from the office (and a friend of Palmer's!) was chosen as a finalist in a compitition. If Shooter wins, Marathon's little animal shelter would recieve $ 50,000.00! That would be huge for us down here.

Mary Beth Martel, Shooter's mom, is a client of ours and a friend of mine. I can tell you she loves that dog! The golden we had before Palmer came from the Marathon Animal Shelter, they do good work down here for the animals.

If you have a minute to vote, please do!
I voted for Shooter, but I woulda picked Harley!
