How'd it go today?

Easy there killer, I was just jesting.

I believe you were refering to M.O.A (minute of angle) which is 1.0472" at 100 yards. A mil, short for a mil radian, is 3.687" at 100 yards. There are roughly 3.4MOA in 1 MIl.

My problem was the knob is (just found out) in MOA, the reticle is based on mils. Why anyone would custom order a scope like this, I do not know.

Sorry LJ, I guess I was a little grumpy the other day.

You are correct, that is a odd way to order a scope. Most times you would have the adjustments the same as the reticle measurement.

Hopefully U.S. can get the thing sorted for you. Have them check everything on it while they have it.

The '50 palms' job sounds like it might be prime for renting a crane. Assuming almost all of the palms are crane accessable (why wouldn't they be in an apartment complex?), then you should be able to hook and snatch those palms out into the parking lot one after another just as fast as you can hook the cable and make the stump cut. If you average 10 minutes per palm then you can get most of them plucked in a day.

Anyway, I'm spending yet another day twidling my thumbs and trying not to waste more money. I've been without my truck since the 14th and I still have no diagnosis, never mind a solution. Luckily all my expenses are covered and I can continue without work just fine for a few more weeks, but I'm losing a crapload of income. :X

I just picked up another book on stock market investing and so far it's very interesting. 'Invest like a shark' by James DePorre. This book is very much in line with my investing attitude and I hope to pursue this style of investing sometime soon so that I won't end up old and broke. I like the idea of making a million or two in a 10 year period of time by playing with numbers on a computer. But I'm going to do a lot of reading and learning before I jump in so that I'm less likely to make big mistakes. This is my 5th investment book in the last month and I'm going to continue buying about one per week until I know enough to start investing in the market.
can you climb any of these jobs brian?
good on ya for learning to invest! social security sucks!
skwerl i wish i could get a crane to them but there all around the pools in the middle with brand new pool decking so its climb and rig
cleaned house. Made some ramps to get the truck up off the concrete slab a bit so I stop gouging my brain case on the sharp bits of metal underneath it.

maybe see a movie tonight
I have done NOTHING!!!!!! A very nice change of pace after yesterday!!!!'
Even being on call all day, which they never did call:)

Babysitter is on the way and I think Moma and I are going to go have a good steak!!! Then it's off to bed for me, I am getting bronchitis:cry: I can feel that crap growing in my lungs!! Went to bed at 11pm, got up at 10:30am, good sign somehing ain't right!!!!
took in some TV this morning. fiddled on the interweb for a while, lunch... then cleaned the bathroom, vacuumed and prepped supper (beef and broccoli over rice). watching School of Rock at the moment. I love this movie for a good no brainer laugh. :D
" now open your eyes wide, like there's something wrong!"
Haley and I just got back from the dump. She is dancing around the office pretending that music is coming out her butt. She has a little Disney music player hidden behind her back and is doing a different dance to every tune. I am her uncle Jacob as her dad flushed himself down the toilet in remorse after Haley died earlier in the front room(It was gruesome a four year old splayed on the ground with her tongue lolling out of her mouth).
Well she insisted that we pull her dad out of the toilet, sadly uncle Jacob was lost in the ordeal. Dinner was late because Haley insisted we go back to the bathroom and save uncle Jacob too. My silliness got us a little derailed there. I finally got dinner started and Haley didn't want to eat anything I said we had to eat. So I said under my breath "Hmm, these raviolis are really good. I'd rather not share them. I need to think of plan to keep the kid from eating them." Then out loud I said "You know Haley I just read the package again and it said the these raviolis aren't good for little kids to eat. Perhaps you shouldn't have any."

Reverse psychology works so well at age four.
Aargh, This was one of those days to remind myself that sometimes I don't act very bright. I went back for the last pine in my UNDERBID job of yesterday. I went up and pitched out limbs until I was ready to take the top. Under normal circumstances it would have been easy to trip it and let it flip and lay out flat....but the drop zone was only half the size of a postage stamp. Method 2 would have been to rope it and let it run.... but I was alone so I decided to snub it, drop it and then nibble off little pieces. The spar on this pine was a series of doglegs making stable gaff sets rather problematic on certain sides so I wasn't able to get behind the spar completely but I felt completely comfortable when dumped the little top. Unfortunately I had failed to note that the side branch just above my cut was capable of bypassing the trunk at my level. I dumped the top and the sweeper limb swung down and caught me on the outside of the right knee and knocked my gaffs out. I dropped onto my snubber stub on the inside of my upper left arm. Between having swung around to the wrong portion of the dogleg for good gaffing and the needle broomed tip of the sweeper laying against the trunk I couldn't do anything but dangle until I fought my sapped up hitch on the lanyard down a couple of feet.The knee seemed to be behaving okay but the arm hurt like the dickens. I finished the tree. The knee started twinging some when I was loading out the wood. If hadn't been so cold I might have a hole in my inner arm As it was I got a big bruise and a little gouging through 2 shirts.
DUMB on my part.
Damn, Justin! Sorry to hear about you getting beat up. :whine: Hopefully it's nothing more serious than a little bruising requiring nothing more than a couple doses of vitamin I (ibuprofen).
I'll have to start going to your dump OM. I made a couple of dump runs today also. For the first time I washed a stump with a hose so I could take it to the cheap dump. Sorry about your truck Brian. I would let you use mine, but it would never make it that far. It's only 2,977 miles from my house to West Palm Beach.
dang, the green waste dump here is $48 / metric ton. (1000kgs or about 2200 pounds)
regular dump is $65 for the same.
wow, one place is free and another is 5 bucks a load for chips. do you guys try to find home owners to dump chips at?