How'd it go today?

Worked till noon, rained us out. They took my truck to altec today, so the next time I use it it should work right! Brought home a ms200t with a stripped bar stud to work on.
I called US Optics, they said they believe the scope was fitted with the wrong knob.

I'm going to go hunting this afternoon, shoot over the weekened/holidays, and send it to them next week.
I'm still sitting here at the same bank that my second call of the day was to, at 1000hrs. Oh well, tomorrow is Saturday, and provided that it's a slow 'un, I'm gonna try and hit the gun show. :D
sorry to be dumb but Google didnt help... whats a CAE CMC?

"No definitions were found for CAE CMC"
Oh, the 'president of the TCIA' Cynthia Mills? How cool is that?! :D And it's not like you'd be under any undue pressure to make perfect cuts or anything... :lol:
The memory is failing. My "1 to flop and 2 to wreck" job was actually 3 to wreck. Two are down and the third has been rigged out except for pitching the top and blocking down the spar-I'd have gotten it all down but I had to rap out for another appointment. It was cold- the temps never got above freezing today.
I started a job yesterday that included pruning 5 elm trees, 2 raywood ash, 2 modesto ash, 1 willow and removing 2 cottonwood trees. As I have been kind of sick still I had my bucket guy and 2 groundies working. The guy tore down the telephone wire yesterday and broke a window into the guys bedroom today. My stepdaughter that has been helping us has had some window experience so she removed it and took it down to the glass place to be fixed up. This afternoon I was 20 miles away doing a bid and I get a call from my daughter saying that she needs diesel for the tractor. I had a couple of 5 gallon cans with me so I filled them up and brought them to her and left them by the tractor. At the end of the job I am collecting from the guy and my daughter is going home with the tractor as it is only a half mile from my house and she calls me to tell me that she has run out of diesel in the tractor and "what should I do, the tractor is in the road"? Now I think we have all run something out of diesel at one time or another but, when all she had to do was to pour the fuel in the tank? I went home in the bucket truck and then got my pickup and went back and towed the tractor to my house. I will deal with it tomorrow.

inztrees, the pressure would definately be on for me anyway. I take it your company is TCIA certified?
Yeah were just a small co called Bartlett tree exp. It wasnt much some small birches and 2oaks all pruning
My stepdaughter that has been helping us

Just love the girl, tell her she was an idjit, and then give her a hug. Hopefully you can have her fill the tractor with the diesel cans. Maybe then she will spill some on herself and the smell will help her remember...
Just love the girl, tell her she was an idjit, and then give her a hug. Hopefully you can have her fill the tractor with the diesel cans. Maybe then she will spill some on herself and the smell will help her remember...

You mean Diesel Fuel is not meant to be used as a cologne??? :?
It snowed, they got things stuck, and broke stuff!!! It's all in the ice warriors thread, I won't repeat it all again!!
Just love the girl, tell her she was an idjit, and then give her a hug. Hopefully you can have her fill the tractor with the diesel cans. Maybe then she will spill some on herself and the smell will help her remember...

I forgot to tell you guys that when she called me on the phone the first thing she said was "can I preface this by first saying that I'm and idiot". I didn't yell at her or anything and I did tell her that I know just what to do in this situation because I or someone working for me have done this several times over the years. I'll give her a hug Frans.
Tom the tree guy bought a 27 ton log splitter cheap.Of course the damned thing doesn't work,which I could have figured.:roll:

Well I tore into the control valve today and it has a broken spring plus the relief valve was in back assward.I'll get a valve spring at work today and cut it down to fit.Another shade tree mechanic fix,works for me.;)