How'd it go today?

There is a competition in New Mexico in early June I might shoot in. I pondered it breifly and realized it couldn't cost much ($150 round trip) to drive there (in gas alone). This got me thinking about an epic road trip going and seeing various parts of the US, and meeting and revisiting several friends along the way.

Seattle's marker is for Paul, Gary and some others, SOTC and Burham on the way there.


Figuring about 7250 miles (under $700 in gas, no time constraints, and no dealing with airlines, but around 100 hours of driving). As the map is drawn, that's about 6350 miles.

Like I said, this is just an idea at this point, but I figured if I have a gas sipping Civic and youth on my side, might as well see some country eh?

Just thinking aloud :)
bring it on, you got a bed to sleep in here carl. usually busy that time of year might have some wood to sink jerrys saw into:shifty: or go climb a big tree
The map would only allow 10 spots, I figure I could pick up Nick in LA (without much added milage) and MB on the way back in to MS.

Certainly is interesting to ponder.
That's a great idea. You will see a lot of the USA for sure...much more than I have ever seen. That kind of trip won't happen once you get a gal/wife/child.

Go for it. :thumbup:
Sounds like a fun road trip Carl.
What are you shooting (rifle, pistol)?
We gotta get out to the sportsman's club for a few rounds of trap and skeet while my bro Pete is still in town. Fun stuff.
Good point Gary. It would take a heck of a gal to put up with and be put up with for that kinda trip.

Rifle, long range tactical match.

120 targets spread over 2 days, one shot per target, most are within 200-700 yards.
Neat trip idea Carl. The wayward Outonalimb has dropped off the face of the earth. I hope that he isn't dead or in prison.
Thats a crazy azz trip LJ!!! Let me know when you are ready to leave, if you don't like the couch here, my folks have a spare bed, and Dave may have more room!!

That would darn near be an "epic journey!!":lol:
Paul, best I remember, Seattle is a few hours from you. I chose that city to represent the people in that area, such as you to the north and Gary to the west.

Roger Andy, fixing to fill out the registration form for the competition now :)
Its one of my regrets not seeing the country like that when I was younger. I have been to alot of places, but never stopped and enjoyed them.

Carl, if I was you I would spend the summer in the civic and just see what the road brought me.
LJ, I think Seattle is about 2 to 2.5 hours for me. as long as I dont hit rush hour.

Squish, I bet you are invited, if you have a more fuel efficient vehicle than my truck, bring it and we can split the fuel bill! :) and I buy ya lunch.
Lol, the most fuel efficient I got is the new Ridgeline, which some a--hole hit and ran for me on christmas eve. I don't know where the wife is hiding the camera lately. But somebody I think with a sled deck on (because the impact was so high on our vehicle) must have backed into it parked at the grocery store. Crunched the front of the A-pillar on the drivers side busted the windshield and crushed the windshield frame, also the door doesn't line up properly anymore. Merry freaking christmas.

It doesn't look super bad but it will be tough to fix.
Yah, the worst part is just getting it fixed, piece of crap loaner vehicle. Apparently unless somehow the insurance adjuster doesn't beleive what happened then it won't affect our insurance rates and it's just a $300 deductible. And I just cherish the thought of having a new vehicle that's had extensive bodywork. I don't think it's damaged the frame of the A-pillar just the skin and the windshield frame but heh I'm no bodyman. What a PITA.

Also today I overloaded my plow truck with sand which I do all the time but this morning I hit a curb and do beleive that even with airbags I've collapsed the springs on the driver's side. Lovely, I have calculated roughly 8,000 to 9,000 pounds in the box of my single rear tire one ton when this happened.:D

Trucks are meant to be used right?
Hey, all the vehicles up there have dings and dents, right? :|:

Sorry for your vehicular luck, Buddy. Hope you can get them both patched back up and running quickly.
Shoot they both still run, just the Ridgline is definetly not new anymore and my truck is a little cock-eyed from the back, not to bad empty but noticeable and loaded even with 80pds in the airbag she just squats right down on the driver's side now. I haven't had a real good chance to look at it yet, just finished fixing the drive chain on the sander and that was enough sub-zero wrenching for me after 11 hrs of plowing already this morning. And the forecast is more snow, snow, snow.

I feel wealthy and exhausted, could be worse I suppose. My kiddo is really starting to miss me and it's heartbreaking having her ask me not to go to work. But soon enough will be my time to relax. 36 days to be exact ;) .
Killer trip LJ. Sick day today. It's supposed to get to 29 degrees tonight so I had one tractor that didn't have antifreeze and I took care of that, emptied the water from the pressure washer and covered up the citrus.