How'd it go today?

looks good Brendon. Personally I think the tailgate sign is important if you are going to letter up the truck, thats the part most people stare at when you are on the road. When sitting idle it doesnt really matter tho I spose. :)
Well damn, merry christmas y'all. Hope you're all having a great time while I'm plowing snow. We've got 6-10 inches in the last day, day and a half and now they just announced a snowfall warning another six inches in the next 24hrs. Well this is what I signed up for right?
Squish it has been rainin steady for a couple days here I bet its all headed your way as white stuff. :) get some rest before you go back out in the plow eh?
I'm going to bed within the next couple of hours and then getting up at 10pm to try and get everything whipped into shape for tomorrow. Ridiculous hours right now but it's gonna make for a nice fat bank account come spring.

Your only allowed to due removals without the license. It's nice they have it but most homeowners don't know better. I use it as a selling point. I wish they would enforce it more, they seem to concentrate on illegal pesticide application, but pruning without the license can land you up to a $2000 fine per day if action is taken.
We went fishing again today, not much catching, but fishing. I did have to think of Brian though, John landed a skwerl fish!! Cute little thing with BIG eyes!
HAH! Too funny, Gigi. :)
I went out yesterday with my sister on her boat. She has a new 16' Cape Craft center console and we spent several hours on the water just south of Tampa Bay. She also has a new puppy named Bruiser and he's about 4 months old. Yesterday was his first time on the boat and he did great! Unfortunately we both forgot our cameras.

And no fish were harmed during our adventure. 8)
Well, one of my daughters had a blind date last night. She just called and said it was fun! I hope he felt the same way.

Gigi, knowing you as little as I do, I'm sure your daughter is a fantastic young woman and if this guy doesn't like her, then he is obviously defective and should be summarily discarded.

I just went down and bought my brunette daughter a digital camera at our local Staples store. I also just bought my older daughter an on line gift certificate to a yarn store.

Brian, sounds like a great day. I need to make more of an effort to keep in contact with my sisters.
A minor setback today, although I'll work through it. Just a real pain this time of year because everybody is on vacation. I've been having some fuel delivery problems in my big truck lately, took it to a guy a week ago Thursday to get it firing on all 8 cylinders again. Well. after a week I finally got hold of him and he can't fix it. I got a ride down there this afternoon to pick it up and it's running so bad now that I couldn't get it out of his driveway.

So I've lost a week of work, my truck isn't running, I don't have a mechanic qualified to work on Detroit diesel fuel injectors, the shop that put the new motor in last year is closed until Jan 7, my truck is 15 miles from home and now I need a big assed tow truck just to get it to the next yet-to-be-determined mechanic. With Christmas I'm looking at the end of the week just to find a mechanic and hopefully get the truck towed, so I'm going to be down for probably 2 more weeks now. :cry:

And I have at least 3 big jobs on hold until the truck is fixed (unless they find somebody else).
I'd love to get it fixed that cheap. This last guy didn't charge me a dime but he's cost me over $1000 of work and about $300-$400 for the tow. At this point the GMC dealership is beginning to look mighty cheap.

Thanks for the well wishes, guys. :)
As I understand it you need a special dial indicator setup to set the injectors in the 8.2 L diesel. This setup costs about $1,500 so a lot of places don't have them because there isn't much call for working on these motors. I called around for a hour before it finally hit me to call the dealer. I thought hell they made this engine they have to have the special crap to work on it and someone who knows how to do it.
we have mobile diesel mechanics around here as there is many logging and construction sites. you might look into that. or at least a heavy equipment guy on a weekend side job. any truck stops around there? my local ford dealer is useless when it comes to my f700 so i go to truck shops
we have mobile diesel mechanics around here as there is many logging and construction sites. you might look into that. or at least a heavy equipment guy on a weekend side job. any truck stops around there? my local ford dealer is useless when it comes to my f700 so i go to truck shops

The dealer I'm speaking of is a GMC truck dealer, so he is not your regular Chevy or GMC car/pickup dealership.
The guy who has had the truck for a week is a mobile diesel mechanic who was highly recommended by a buddy. He's probably real good at basic stuff but like Steve said, a special setup is required to work on the injectors on this motor.
Only one big GMC truck dealer near me and he's only been open 3-4 years, might not have the tools needed for that old of a motor. But I have better info now to begin the hunt. :D
Sorry to hear about your truck problems Brian. I have been putting off jobs because of my chipper and I know ho much fun that is. I just hope the money folks set aside for tree work didn't get spent on Christmas.