How'd it go today?

I picked out an atta boy toy (pistol) for myself. Might as well call it Christmas also, for what it cost.

1" groups @ 25 yards guarenteed... any guesses on who made it?
I have 2 Tauruses already, a 1911PT (a value 1911, not a cheap one, but definately in the cheap price bracket) and the Judge (45 Colt/410 revolover). I have oodles of Glocks, thus I chose to get a Stainless/Stainless Wilson Combat Classic.


ETA: Dang close Andy!
I experience the Joy Of Honey Locust yet again today. This time it was a crown reduction. It went well and tree looks quite nice and natural. I then drove off to clear a carport and came discover I couldn't find my bid/reciept book. I looked through the cab of the truck twice and came inside thinking "Did I leave it on the chipper after talking to Mr. Munro?". The answering machine was flashing.... it seems that I made it halfway across town before losing it. A kind soul saw it laying in the road, stopped, picked it up and called me.8)
Cool, Justin. I still have (and use) an aluminum receipt book case that I bought almost 25 years ago. In it's first year of use it also took an unexpected 'road trip' and was retrieved by a kind person who called me to return it. I think of that almost every time I look at the slightly dented corner.
Never would have figured you for a Bill Wilson fan Carl, but from what I have read, you won't find a finer .45!!! AWESOME choice!!! I am doubly proud of you this week!:thumbup:
The first shotgun I ever bought with my own money was a WC/Scattergun Tec 870 Border Patrol. I, like a fool, traded it for a Marlin Guide gun. That is the only gun I've ever let go.

I decided earlier this year to use my "leverage" at the shop (more like I asked politely) for them to find the gun. They messed up the serial number at some point, thus making it much more difficult to track down. We tracked it down to a fella in TN, so Gary (the shop owner) gave him a call. I asked Gary to get the gun back, I'd buy the fella a new gun of the same model + whatever money it would take to relieve him from it. It turned out the gun was stolen. :(

That reminds me, I want them to follow up and see if they have found it (doubtful, but always hopeful), as my offer still stands. That gun was slick and functional.

FWIW, my first worldly possession was a Japanese Browning A5. My father bought it for me when I was -7 months old.
I have cancelled three days in a row for weather and because I'd rather do the jobs when my chipper is fixed. Today there was a Christmas party in Haley's class. All the kids had little reindeer antlers on and were standing in the front of the class. As their parents showed up they all got big smiles and waved. Two little girls were distressed because their parents were not there yet. One girl was crying pretty hard. My wife told me that her dad had died unexpectedly a few months ago and it was just her and her mom. I wanted her mom to show up in a big way, the poor thing. Her mom finally showed up and as forlorn as she was the moment before her smiles were incandescent.

Haley was in the back row with the tall kids. She is 4 and is one of the tallest kids in her class of 3 to 6 year olds. Haley looked like she was about to fall asleep standing. One of her buddies, the boy next her said something to her and she play throttled his neck. I got a picture of the infraction on my cell phone's camera but deleted it because it blurred. After all the parents showed up, we were treated to a concert. It was very cute. I don't know where the ugly kids go to school but it isn't at my daughter's school.
I have cancelled three days in a row for weather and because I'd rather do the jobs when my chipper is fixed. Today there was a Christmas party in Haley's class. All the kids had little reindeer antlers on and were standing in the front of the class. As their parents showed up they all got big smiles and waved. Two little girls were distressed because their parents were not there yet. One girl was crying pretty hard. My wife told me that her dad had died unexpectedly a few months ago and it was just her and her mom. I wanted her mom to show up in a big way, the poor thing. Her mom finally showed up and as forlorn as she was the moment before her smiles were incandescent.

Haley was in the back row with the tall kids. She is 4 and is one of the tallest kids in her class of 3 to 6 year olds. Haley looked like she was about to fall asleep standing. One of her buddies, the boy next her said something to her and she play throttled his neck. I got a picture of the infraction on my cell phone's camera but deleted it because it blurred. After all the parents showed up, we were treated to a concert. It was very cute. I don't know where the ugly kids go to school but it isn't at my daughter's school.

Darin, you are making memories! Enjoy every moment!
Day from hell today, water froze(yes again)because I never left a drip going last night, tailgate flew off my truck as I was running errands earlier toay luckily nobody was hurt. My day of shopping has turned into a day of thawing my water system and beating my tailgate into submission with a hammer so it will fit on the truck again. I will admit a couple of loose sandbags and a heavy foot, stupid, my box was already spread from general abuse and so only one side latched effectively. That side also ripped the taillights out somehow and the lights that used to go along the bottom of the box(dually style three in the middle) got wiped out as well. Fun, fun, fun. It's strange I've always driven like an idiot, but never had sandbags damage anything that severly before.

Oh well it's Friday and I ain't gonna let a little thing like no water and destroying the back of my truck ruin my day. :drink:
Squished your own truck, poor fella.

Dont let it ruin your weekend! :)

myself I pruned for about an hour today, emptied at the dump, went to a pub for lunch with a few friends (where the servers were wearing VERY short skirts!) had a couple drinks and some hot wings, now home to chill. no work on the books till the new year. 8)
Semi quiet day. Had an overhead door, 20' wide, 25' high, loose a roll pin out of the drive gears? Argued with electricians for a bit. Had an idiot drop a chunk of alum. on an air hose and cut it in half. My third shift buddy cut my material alright, but cut it all square so I could come back and cut the 45 deg. angels latter? When was it decided that making two cuts was more efficient than one?
I brought in a meat and cheese platter and muffins, my boss brought in a crock pot of con queso and a tub of salsa. It was just the two of us eating all of this, it was UGLY!!!!!!
I had to bring work home for the weekend though!! I have a chop saw and welder, they don't!!!! And I was SO looking foreword to my five days off!!!! Oh well!
Got about 6 hours to go and I am on our annual christmas break for two weeks, then I can take care of that liver treatment that I been waitin to get done.
I got a brand new chipper for Christmas! Well some of the parts have 87 hours on them but the engine and the kill switch are brand spanking new. I feel at peace for the holiday now.