How'd it go today?

Willie, Yeah, traitorous wood. The hinge broke after moving only about 10 degrees. No fiberpull or progessive breakage-just a shatter. Since the center of balance was still behind the busted hinge it wanted to fall back but the pull line made that it fell sideways. had it made it a few degrees further the weight would have been committed toward the lay.
There's always room for more members in the "I Hate Silver Maples Club." If Chucky wasn't so busy doing things in the real world he'd be on here defending them as great trees.
Does she have a sister? I will relocate. I don't know if the PNW is ready for me.:D
See Ya
Today it rained. We worked on saws and equipment. My 046 that I put a big bore piston and cylinder is dead. Pulled off the jug and looked at the piston. I have never seen that much scoring on a piston. I think I must really suck as a mechanic because it died after two tanks. I called Bailey's and asked if it was because I didn't clean it enough but he thought it was from burning too hot. I should have dumped the gas that was in the tank before I ran it for the first time. I thought I did but can't remember. He thinks the gas separated and I burned more or less straight gas. A new piston is in the mail and I will try again to get this saw running.

When I first started in business I was poor and bought a Homelite blower. It died a while ago and I just replaced it. I took it apart today and discovered that it had vibrated nearly every screw apart on the thing. I went through and tightened everything up and reassembled it and got it working. The thing is a real POS but I hate wasting stuff.

Bought a ton of Wally World bar oil today.
got up late, ran some errands. watched some TV (Lara Croft is hot!) now listening to mp3's in the earbuds and working on a drawing. :) a nice day for me so far.
I got to trim a big beautiful live oak that I already trimmed before. It's amazing how much stuff can grow in 4 or 5 years.
Rain day here also. Got an "emergency" call from my daughter to give her a ride to school this morning as her girlfriend got a throat infection and couldn't take her. I was going to do a small removal so I call and postponed until tomorrow and I was glad I did as it started raining harder.
Darin, Never,in my entire life misspent playing with 2 cycle engines, have I ever seen oil seperate from the gas. Of course we are always warned about it and ingrained with instructions to agitate fuel containers..... but I have removed fuel cans from the truck and set them in a storage shed -after 3months the oil was still mixed with the gasoline. I think you got a tart yellow citrus fruit.
Could be. Its the first time I have ever replace a piston and jug, so I am inclined to think that I did something wrong. Maybe I should have run it richer for a longer time or something? I had extra mix in the first tank and then it was 50:1. The guy at Bailey's said to put some mix in a glass bottle and let it sit for 24 hours and it will separate. I will try it later and see if he is correct.
i bought a cheapo blower when i started to:) its now sitting in the shop wasting space, should craigs list it
I bought an electric blower and hedger trimmers when I started out, after a few uses they got donated to my parents!
Seems odd that you would have mix problems and just with that one saw? Like Stumper I have never had problems with gas/oil mixing or unmixing. Two tanks on a just rebuilt I would think something else was the problem. 50:1 is fine it's what I've always run on right from new and never had any issues.
Thank you Butch. May I commend you upon your astute usage of punctuation?:D

Actually, it's much more than that.

Funny, even though I was an avid reader as a young 'un, English in HS was my worst subject. I could never diagram a sentence. But in my old age I'm finally starting to get it.

What's the dealio?:P
