How'd it go today?


Not even going to discus my day at work :X
re FLA... guess there aint any fish left to be caught either eh Skwerl? sea level rising.... shore erosion.... sounds like we should be sending you care packages! Somebody call Unicef!

Ship me yo're saws and bucket truck, seeing how you can't use them, and I'll sell them and ship you a house boat.
You will at least have a place to live with the rissing sea and all:lol:
Thought I was cool til I nicked my flipline.
That's a wake up call for me.

Looks like I'm back to the wire core again.
I'd been using a rope one with a microcender for a few months.

Shan't be too cocky.
Deva, thanks for posting. I miss your posts.

Be safe man, the worlds a better place with you in it.
I have been using a rope flip line too. I like steel core flip lines in the tree and rope ones when I am stowing my gear.
I like using the rope ones for pruning work and steel core for removals, especially when most removals consist of climb, limb, top and chunk down and most of the cutting is being done close to the flipline.
Sad day here in Marathon, one of our Police Officers died this morning. She was responding to an emergency call at 7 am and somehow must have lost control of her car. She had a reputation of a gentle soul who handled delicate situations with class and wisdom. Dead at 47 years old, RIP Robin Tanner.
Very sad new indeed V!!! I hope things go well, as well as can be, for the family.

Nobody at work really wanted to talk to me today, I can't imagine why?:P
That's a bummer V sounds like a good cop. I had 3 chains I did, the driver count was 232 drivers 404 pitch. This would make them 6' to 7' depending on the bar used. Each one took around 35 to 40 minutes to clean and sharpen.
see Ya
Started plowing snow this morning at 6am. Middle of the afternoon I got called into work, tree on the wires. Pecker pole pine tree uprooted, 70 foot I would say, tore down 5 spans of line, blew 3 transformers, and broke one pole off. Got 4 hours of double time, ill take it!

Not bad for a sunday!
Damn! That pine tree had 14 gazillion limbs and 13 gazillion of em had to be roped out. Oh well, just whittle away at it. I thought about the blockdriver as I was chunking down some fat pieces, but my wedge (tied to my suspender) performed exquisitely!

Time to chill! :beer:
Today,did a little bit of Christmas shopping.Plowed the driveway,a tri weeky task during winter snow.

Hauled in some more firewood.I have my two wheel garden cart in the garage which most likely holds 2 or 3 wheelbarrows full.It lasts about 3 days . Off to work in an hour.
Finished painting the bandsaw at work. Had to show the "production guys" how to do ANYTHING with it, I am scared!!! My boss finally came back, YAY!!!!!!! Wife flies out tonight, mom and dad will have Bubba, so I am going to have lunch and drinks with a freind, if he ever shows up?, then dinner with bubba and the parents.
Really calm day, I need it after last week!!:D
Woke up today and saw 2 big ol' coyotes wandering in the woods. Threw on some snow shoes later on and decided to go for a walk back there. Fresh cold air felt nice.

Work has bean slow on my part. It's my fault considering I don't do any advertising, but the bills are getting paid. Bad thing is I sit here on the computer with Wesspur in the bottem corner, trying not to spend it :D .

On the other hand my brothers fence business is zipping along. Set over 50 posts the other day, just need to go back and throw on the sections. Probably get that done this week.


Darin, Are there still positions available in the "I hate Silver Maples" club? I had a backyard SM (Acer Sado-Masochist) to slay today.A true LB(limby ah... illegitimate) only about 20"dbh and 87.6% dead. The favor was toward the lay...but all of the live limbs were on the backside over a fence and the quadplex behind. No decent TIP for any rigging of the mess over the fence... so I sized it up limbed up the bottom enough for it to lay down rather than just roll all over the yard, set a line and ran it over to an anchored Z rig on a honey locust . Sawed a perfect face, made my back cut,set a wedge, went and tugged on the line-not quite coming over so I tapped in my wedge and prusiked my Power Puller onto the tail of the line and cranked it over....whereupon it moved a few degrees toward the lay then snapped the hinge and fell sideways 30 degrees off the lay. It didn't hurt anything except my feelings but good grief. Stinking Silver Maple.