How'd it go today?

Top, Screw that. "Thank you sir for smoothing things with YOUR unreasonable neighbor. I'll remember to not do any EXTRA work for FREE in the future around your property line. Merry Christmas."
I know I know. Its just frustrating. You do what you know is right and proper for the tree, but in the end you are wrong.
The whole tree owners and neighbors bs really gets on my nerves. WE Have to get written permission from neighbors to work on their trees that overhang our customers. It is just something we started doing along time ago.

Pain in the butt to run down the neighbor and explain what we are doing and all for that 1 foot long stub that crosses property lines. Saves the hassles later on I hope. Can't everyone get along anymore.

I'm sorry if harry homeowner has a hotter wife than yours or he has a more expensive golf club, I just want to prune this tree properly.

Its gonna be around alot longer than your plastic wife, and you suck at golf already, the club that you paid 500 buck for is not gonna make you any better.
Top, Screw that. "Thank you sir for smoothing things with YOUR unreasonable neighbor. I'll remember to not do any EXTRA work for FREE in the future around your property line. Merry Christmas."

I'll eat the cost all together for the work done on that tree, about 150 bucks.
but, I did do an extra good job on the 2 front yard trees.

about 150 bucks worth of an extra good job. :evil:
If he wants a token price reduction then give him a token price reduction of $50. Then make a giant note to stick in your truck visor to remind you to add it back in on his next bid.
No need for that really, I dont "bid" his work....

He just calls and says come do it, then I send him a bill.

I will give him his token reduction just to make him feel better about it. and I will get it back, whether it be on the front yard trees or the next round of work.
He is a nice guy, who was just trying to prevent a squabble with a testy neighbor. I cant blame him for that.

My approach to dealing with my testy neighbors is a bit more direct and shall we say rude? :) But I'm not out for my neighbors acceptance so I have no problem telling them to frig off, if its warranted.
Hey Andy remind me to bring a saw next time we go to visit Jeff. I'll put a end to his ice storm dancing days....:evil:
Hey Andy remind me to bring a saw next time we go to visit Jeff. I'll put a end to his ice storm dancing days....:evil:

You feeling the love for this as well Dave?:lol:

Jeff, I'd steer clear of Dave for a bit, methinks you might walk funny, if at all, after you're next meeting!!!
Stumpy broke a window? Why I've never... wait a minute, window you said? Oh yeah I'v broken a few of those.

I postponed today's job to the 27th partially because it was snowing pretty good, partially because I am sick and mostly because I am a little girlie man. I sent my guys out to grind stumps and finish a bunch of jobs that haven't been billed since my grinder went down. I cleaned the office, payed bills and the wife and I met with an insurance broker to try to determine the least worst health insurance option(more on that in another thread. We then went out to procure my daughter some snow gear which was a chore as everything is now uncomfortable even before she has put a garment on. Kathleen and I were losing patience rapidly.

"Haley, you need to work with us to find you snow pants or should I tell them at school just to keep you inside and not let you play in the snow?"

Sometimes all the supportive, confidence building stuff I learned in parenting class just flies out the window.
I grease those lower bearings on my grinder every time I use it. I know Stumper breaking something. What's the world coming to? Stumper did you have to get a board or something to cover the opening and then arrange for repair? In that cold country, I have to think a broken window is a kind of a big deal.
My mechanic suggested greasing the bearings after I use the grinder because they will be warm and take the grease better.
Fortunately it was just the outer "storm" window. No void into the house. I told Mr.McCabe to select the glazier of his choice and I'd take care of it.-He called a local shop that we have both dealt with and they suggested unscrewing it(6 little screws) and bringing the unit in to avoid service call fees-So I will do that and deal directly with the glass shop.
Fortunately it was just the outer "storm" window. No void into the house. I told Mr.McCabe to select the glazier of his choice and I'd take care of it.-He called a local shop that we have both dealt with and they suggested unscrewing it(6 little screws) and bringing the unit in to avoid service call fees-So I will do that and deal directly with the glass shop.

I love it when it goes that smoothly. I have found once the client knows you are going to take care of them, they relax and things will work out. No sense in anyone getting in a huff.
I had a 100 mile drive this morning to the job for my Aunt and about a third of the way there we were going through Stockton and a little ways ahead of us the Highway Patrol turns his lights on this crappy looking old Honda Civic and the Civic guns it and a bunch of blue smoke comes out of the exhaust pipe. My guy and me looked at each other and we both said "this guy doesn't have a chance". The chase went on for about 10 minutes and they were out of sight when the Civic crashed. By this time there was four or five cop cars. I got this picture just as we were passing by the guy was getting searched. Idiot. You can only see his rear-end I took this while we were driving by.
Yeah, they were none too gentle with him. They didn't seem to be pissed off though. I don't think the guy was even much of a challenge. More like all in a days work in Stockton.
Today was long, cold and chipperless. We didn't finish but my guys can knock it out in the a.m. sans moi. I had another big job scheduled tomorrow but I think I am going to bump it until I get my chipper back. I need to do paperwork tomorrow and phone calls in my warm office.
Nah, it truly sucks in Florida. You wouldn't like it here at all. Record cold weather, in fact Gigi and I were just yesterday discussing starting a snow removal business.

And hurricanes, let's not forget about those. You really don't want to move here, you'd just end up getting blown back to VT anyway. And Florida is the lightning capital of the world. If you don't get blown away by the hurricanes then you'll get struck dead by lightning strikes. And don't forget skin cancer, we got people dropping like flies from skin cancer.