How'd it go today?

Freezing Rain..... Come on Baby!!! It's on it's way. I hope we get clobberd!!
three little pruning jobs, coffee with a friend first off this AM, icey out, damn near slid out of the back street into a 4 lane road, then watched as the guy behind me slid towards me!! I managed to nurse the truck out of his way as he slowly slid past, brakes full on, panicked look in his eyes... home now to lunch and printing invoices :)
I think you may have had your wish answered Jeff. The temp drops a few more degrees, and it's there, or here. Anyway this is starting off just like the 2002 storm.
See Ya
It is ressembling the 02 ordeal. It's still early though.
The fire wood I stacked on the front step is all ready coverd a bit with ice
Seems to have warmed up a bit here, the ice has melted off my truck, but the trees are still covered.
What a day!! We got broken into, again, this weekend, the stole around 2k pounds of aluminum. Last weekend they got around 500.
Spent three hours cleaning out a chip colector. Had to load up a band saw, that we just bought, and take it back where we bought it from to get fixed. Had to permanatly secure a door, the one the theives might be using, and remove and "exit" light. It was live, I only got bit once:X Had to fix an overhead door, a roll pin worked out of the gear drive:? It's 30ish feet up so nobody was messing with it, but odd none the less.
Got home, ate lunch, went to get the boy, talked to the sitter and her hubby for a bit, walked home and didn't even get to the door before work called. Took the boy back to the sitter. Worked on the chip collector again for an hour and a half.
Good times!!!8)
The ground here is now covered with ice, roads don't look bad, but I'm looking out the window now. This could get ugly.
See Ya
Yeah Andy it continues to grow, this one could get bad. The pink is headed straight for us.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>
See Ya
Hmmph, Spent the A.M paying bills doing paperwork. Took Cathy to see the Doc (follow-up on the previous visit with the added bonus of an ear infection now). Filled her scripts and decided to go slop through a small job in the slushey snow. Should have stayed home-I busted a window.
Bummer I hate it when that happens. Hope ya have a better day tomorrow Justin.
See ya
bummer justin! kinda dull around here, the guys did a litle pruning job then mowed an empty lot. i did errands and the check book.
Good grief!!!

Today we did a just for a long time client. His neighbor has some ash trees which hung over my clients property. My client hired me to raise some low hanging limbs over his property, which legally he has every right to do with some exceptions. Anyway, long story short, low on the trunk about 5 feet off the ground there was a stubbed branch about 3 feet long sprouting epicormics. It obviously at one point hung into my clients yard and someone cut it off right at the property line, leaving the 3 foot stub (6" diameter). After we got the other pruning done I made the decision to cut it back properly.
Well it turns out that the tree owner left the stub because the little bit of foliage it produced screened his view into my clients yard.

Now I hear from my client, who has informed me the tree owner is out of town, but when he returns will probably fly off the deep end over it. He is suggesting that I write a letter of apology to the tree owner, which i guess I will do if it will save me troubles down the line.
Frustrating!!! Why didn't i just leave that stub alone?
I didn't have any tree work so I started cleaning up my shop and area this morning and hauled all the crap to the dump. I got a couple of calls for bids and I got a job for tomorrow AM. Broken branch on a roof. I'll get some pictures. I bid it a little cheaper than I normally would have because I hear that all the tree guys are doing this to get work. The lady tells me that out of the 4 tree companies that she called I was the only one that responded. I probably could have charged what I normally do. Drat! The worst freakin part of town too. I did a couple more bids and by then it was starting to get dark so I'm heading home.
Justin I would break a lot more windows and stuff if I worked by myself like you do. I sometimes will have my guy put his body between the limb and the window.
I just heard from my client......

he called the neighbor up at his lake home and smoothed it over with him.
Now my client, is asking me for his consideration because of the potential trouble I could have caused.

What he means to say, is he wants me to knock the cost down on his invoice for the trouble he has saved me from. Dammit man. And hes always taken his sweet time when paying invoices before, I'll be lucky to see this one in a timely fashion, reduced at that.
Because you are a professional arborist. Many years ago I had a driveway clearance job. The neighbor was informed and present. I stubbed a branch off at the property line, looked at the useless stub and reached over with the bar tip and made a proper collar cut. The tree owner asked why I did that and I told him that I wanted to do things properly for his tree and not leave that stub. He said that I was supposed to stop at the prop line. I said I was sorry about anby misunderstanding but he and his tree were benefiting from doing it right.At that point he started cursing me...and I became perturbed.