How'd it go today?

Butch, You need to disable Squishey's edit function so he can't cover his mistakes. Please never do that to me- I scatter typos all over the place and have to go back and fix them.
I was telling myself as a kid sitting in English class "if I ever have a job where I have to do something as lame as diagramming a sentence, I'll kill myself". I finally get it also.
MY mother is an English professor. She sent a note to school when I was in Jr. high telling the English department that diagraming sentences was nothing more than busy work, it has no real teaching value. I never had to diagram a sentence again.
AT work, we had our "Christmas Breakfast," and then I worked another day in the world of ATM repair. After work, I ran by the new Lowes here in town, and picked out a new stove for the house, and decided on what counter tops I am going to put in the kitchen. Now Saturday morning, I get to install new laminate flooring, mill work, and counter tops in the kitchen.
I took down a small Raywood Ash in a back yard. Then the HO added on a small redwood tree that was covered in some kind of vine. About killed myself getting it in the chipper. There was standing water in the yard from the rain yesterday. When I ground the stumps it made a huge mess.
Its a muddy mess here too. I worked a half day on a little job a couple of towns over. Tonight we had pizza with my old boss and my two employees. It was nice.
Pizza sounds really good right now. I haven't had pizza since I moved to Hong Kong. I'm craving Mexican food, too.
When we lived in Japan we had a hankering for Mexican food. We found a restaurant that had "burritos." Imagine a burrito with sandwich meat. mayonnaise and lettuce.
I clumded 2 NASTY Honey Locusts amd pruned out 2.5 gazillion dead branches, of which perhaps 5 fell to the ground. The remainder formed velcro like mats of interlocking trash which I had to stomp, poke,pull and persuade all the way to the ground-or at least to a level where it could be hooked with a pole saw and be extracted. But the weather was a glorious 50 degrees with only a few 35mph wind gusts.
And I got paid.:D
drippy soggy wet here, trust me i looked outside today and saw it:D guess i got a few ropes washed but not much more accoplished
Justin, sounds like a great time. I was once again reminded yesterday of just how fortunate I am to have a career that I truly love. Seems like every single person I talk to lately hates their job and nobody is capable of relaxing or enjoying themselves until after they get off work. In contrast I make lots of money having fun and doing what I enjoy.
Same here I love what I do, there are those days, but they are very few. I tell those people "do something else". 99.9% of then say "I can't", which is total bull. You can do or be anything you want, you just have to be willing and really want it. I think that most of them just like to bitch, or are to lazy or scared to make the change.
See Ya
I hope I didn't word things so that tree guys misunderstood and thought that NASTY locusts and velcro like mats of interlocking dead limbs was anything less than satisfying.
slipped and slided around in a valley oak yesterday cutting out deadwood.
Real happy about the job because I just got my foot in the door of a major winery with real nice owners. The kind who anxiously run out with a check at lunch time saying they want to be sure they dont miss me when the job is ended
Love it
Rough one today :D
First thing this morning my fuel card wouldn't work after I fueled my truck up. Finally called the card co and got an authorization number.
Worked till 11 and went in for a co Christmas lunch/pitch in. Got my belly full and was told to go home. Came home, sat down in the office talking to dad and promptly fell asleep, woke up and he was gone and some time went by.
Not too bad I suppose!!

I think tomorrow we are taking my truck to altec to get worked on hopefully.
Yeah, I had a rough day as well!! A sideloader (narrow forklift) was down this morning. I had to enter the operator start code to fix it. (Six numbers on the control panel) Had some shavings stuck in the chip collector on a saw. Beat on it with a hammer, it broke loose. Ate some really good Deer jerky and better bannana nut bread. Dug out some metal for a table I need to build. I drew out the design, made a blue print, and left it for third shift to cut out.
Yup, it was a rough one:lol:
Damn Andy you better take it easy, I would hate to see you worn out before lunch.:P
See Ya
It was raining first thing this morning so I cancelled the day. Picked up my car at the transmission shop ($1,435), booked a couple of tree jobs, one for Saturday, and one for the day after Christmas. Put $100 worth of gas in my pickup. Picked up my sledgehammer and a wedge that I had left at a job a couple of months ago. Pretty hard day here too.