How'd it go today?

Right on !!! that made my whole year right there. Merry Christmas OM and your family
I had a Hybrid Poplar to slay this morning. I had just pulled up and set out some cones when a guy pulled out of the neighboring driveway.He stopped, said hello and asked what I was doing for his neighbor (very polite demeanor not meddlesome). I told him I was removing the Poplar and he asked "Is it dying?" I looked over at it, looked back at him and said "It will be today" and grinned ....and he cracked up. After he got done chuckling he wished me a nice day and drove off.
I'm not entirely sure how it is faring. When I changed the dressing this evening there was some pus on it. The whole incision is red... but it has been red and healling scars can be red...Anywho there was a little tear/rupture by one staple in the right location to have pussed up the dressing. Per the instructions I had received I called the Doc-After hours holiday weekend-within 5 minutes I got a return call from his parents in Louisiana! He told me to monitor it-if it becomes tender, more red or exudes much more then I'm to call back and they'll put me on antibiotics--but it probably isn't serious.
Merry Christmas all. I was kind of a lazy ass today. I did a bid about 30 miles away and then cooked breakfast for me and the wifey, (she's doing OK) picked up my truck motor from getting the injectors adjusted. Laid around, went to a christmas party a while ago and now I'm laying around again. Glad your chipper is back together OM. Justin, good luck with the incision.
Doc said use vaseline-I did that until I had a little discharge then checked on line and found medical reccomendations for petrolatum plus antibiotic products like neosporin... I also found some dispute about the efficacy of those-some Docs seem to think that things like Neosporin /bacitracin ointment work to heal things faster because they are in the petrolatum -a substance which has been documented to help heal skin wounds for over 100years-it seals it off from contaminants and prevents drying. Furthermore some docs are concerned about killing BENEFICIAL bacteria which may speed healing with the antibiotic it is up in the air. I did use Antibio ointment some of the times I dressed it-this morn I went back to plain white petrolatum.
awful day here. wife is shopping and i have a baby who dirtied a diaper! it used to be ok but its raunchy now! im a whiner i know
Holiday time is upon this household. at least for me :) beer thirty has been officially reset to noon until further notice. Liquor cabinet is stocked (just got back from the liquor store with an armful of little bottles so I am covered for most continental mixed drinks etc). Went to the bank to deposit the spoils of the last bit of work, still have a few seashells in the receivables pile that I will pursue if they arent in the mailbox by New years. Christmas plans are all ready (travelling to and fro by car to make sure we see the families). New years party tickets are paid and hanging on the fridge. Truck has half a tank and is parked in the underground.
I will be firing up the breadmaker shortly so the house smells extra yummy.

I hold my glass up to the Treehouse and say unto you, Cheers, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and I hope you all have a safe, fun and wonderful holiday time.

Cheers and Merry Christmas Paul!

Well, one of my daughters had a blind date last night. She just called and said it was fun! I hope he felt the same way.
I thought your daughter's looked kinda cute in your pic's. Why they going for blind guys??