How'd it go today?

worked 18 hours sunday and a hour today, monday. Had some pretty good wind come through here saturday night/sunday morning. Quite a few outages. Just got finished. Time to go get paid to sleep for 8 hours :D
Sorry to hear about your truck problems Brian. I have been putting off jobs because of my chipper and I know ho much fun that is. I just hope the money folks set aside for tree work didn't get spent on Christmas.

I had two jump ship because of that this month.....I hope they will cmoe back. Sometimes I wanna start takin' deposits..
I am thankful to have a backlog this year to carry me into January.-A susual the phone hasn'tbeen ringing in Dec. Not surprisingly some of the scheduled work has been postponed due to Xmas. C'est la vie. Aargh. French again. Ptooey.
Small backlog here of treework. Lots of work in other places. I might soon have to make a decision between some business things I am doing.
Opened up at 8:00am, I've had one walk in and the phone has rang once so far this morning. Our little lunch thing is around noon, and then we go home.
Happy Holidays Everyone!
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>
See Ya
Wait you have to stay open a little longer. I want to run in and buy my wife a chainsaw for Christmas.
Come on over, there are no lines and no waiting. I can get you hooked up really fast today. What model saw where you, er hum, I mean was your wife interested in Darin?:)
I am home. My boy, the "Little Lukester" is on his way. I have not seen him for at least a week. Looking forword to spending a lot of time with him during this Xmas!!!!
slept in, had breakfast and a coffee with the wife, almost ready to hit the holiday road here. back late tomorrow unless I log in from the road or on pops in laws computer. Have a good one y'all!!
I made a little wood storage rack today.It's on heavy duty casters so I can move it full of wood.It holds about a half a face cord or enough for 5 or so days at these temps,low twenty's.

The other picture is my Emberglow propane fired heater.It is mounted on a hospitol cart I got at an auction,making it portable.It does a pretty fair job of heating that 24 by 24 garage.
i worked on the bathroom trim today and had a first. i went to wash the bucket truck at the quarter car wash (christmas present for my truck:) ) and it started to hail alot! so it the first time ive washed a rig in a hail storm
I finished my truck and was cleaning up the shop when I found a little broken spring clip in the metal bowl used to collect the gear oil from the rear differential.

Damm, now I gotta go back and dig into the rear end again
Pruned a little Redbud and a little Pear sheared some shrubs. Reduced some other shrubs. Delivered some gifts and just generally had a fine day. The weatherman was wrong yet again nad we had temps in the 50's. The white is pretty well gone at this elevation.
Had two Christmas's yesterday, MIL and FIL, then went to my folks tonight.
Worked some on a bench I need to build for work and cut and split some wood at the woodlot.
Some vacation!! But Bubba's been having a BLAST!!! That kid has gotten more crap the last two days, and we still have ours tommorow!! But hey, it's all about the kids this time of year, right?
Early morning is by far my favorite time of day. The sun is just coming up over the Atlantic Ocean and it is going to be a great day!