How'd it go today?

Global warming is in full effect here. Raining tonight, that's unheard of in December here. I'm not saying we all did it but it's damn warm out. I was out in Cherryville today and all of the snow had gotten rained off, the fields and hillsides were bare. Totally weird seeming, normally Cherryville get's hit hard with snow as it like most surrounding areas is at a higher elevation than Vernon. But instead of snowing it got all of it's snow rained off I can't beleive it!
Water, water every where here, spent the morning running around cleaning culverts with the backhoe to keep the crick in its channel. Amazing what a guy pulls out when the water comes up. washer and dryer, pallets, kiddie swimming pools, deer carcuss, etc. you name it, I dug it up.
. Amazing what a guy pulls out when the water comes up. washer and dryer, pallets, kiddie swimming pools, deer carcuss, etc. you name it, I dug it up.
No gold nuggets the size of a baseball??

4 inchs of snow last night,first of the season.Not too cold,mid twentys.

So,Butch got a space heater.Really they aren't to hard on gas,usually very econimical .I had a 3 panal infrared at the other house in a former life and former wife that did real well.I have a 5 panal mounted on a cart to ward off the chill in my garage if I'm so inclined to tinker and putz in the freezing weather.
I think it was Brian who posted about a infection in the mouth/tooth/sinus area. Well it musta been that same day that a weird ass infection started in my face not in my sinuses but above my gums. Over the last few days it has become increasingly uncomfortable to the point where I've been basically eating tylenols like candy. Finally went to the doc today and he says ya really weird he's never seen anything like it before. Antibiotics the good old cure all. Oh in case y'all are wondering, walk-in clinic fifteen minute wait no fees.

And Brian keep your weird voodoo curses to yourself from now on ok?:what:
I saw my dentist Monday and he gave me a scrip for some kick-ass antibiotics. The swelling/ pressure is going down but I can still get some real weird pressure pain if I sneeze or blow my nose too hard. And yes, it's above my upper gum and into the bone between my teeth and sinus cavity.

Good day today, an easy little 1.5 hour job and one load of brush on my trailer. Mike and I started about 9:45 and then went to lunch after dumping the trailer. I also bid and got another small job that Mike will handle for me and I'll make a hundred bucks without ever touching the job.
I think it was Brian who posted about a infection in the mouth/tooth/sinus area. Well it musta been that same day that a weird ass infection started in my face not in my sinuses but above my gums. Over the last few days it has become increasingly uncomfortable to the point where I've been basically eating tylenols like candy. Finally went to the doc today and he says ya really weird he's never seen anything like it before. Antibiotics the good old cure all. Oh in case y'all are wondering, walk-in clinic fifteen minute wait no fees.

And Brian keep your weird voodoo curses to yourself from now on ok?:what:

i dont charge either when i look at a tree and dont know why its sick:)
Yesterday my kid was driving our car and the transmission went out and broke out a little hole in the case. Had it towed to the transmission place and they haven't called me yet so I'm assuming they haven't looked at it yet. I sharpened up my chipper blades (this always makes me feel really good) . I was just getting ready to go into Modesto to pick up my other two sets of blades at the sharpening place and a fencing contractor buddy of mine called and said he had a hot customer for me. I drove a couple of towns away and got the job removing 19 trees from an apartment complex. I came home and took my college daughter to the doctor as she has a sore throat and upper respiratory infection. I then went and another bid and that's it for the day. My wife's retarded dog took a dump in the computer room yesterday so I didn't want to come in here and it has been a marathon streak of 1 days of no internet surfing for me. I finally downloaded the iespell thing for posting. Works really guud.
Went to a bead store yesterday, couple of old hippies hanging out....complaining about traffic and UK basketball. Kinda strange. But the music was wonderful, the beads were like I'd never seen....a long ways from a string of 'love beads'.

Then went into a huge food co-op....wanted some herbal shampoo I've been using since the 'old days' when you'd go in with your own container and pour in what you wanted, sold by weight.

Went up to a woman working in the produce dept, she had hair about my color (more salt than pepper)..........I mentioned that since she looked about my age, older than most the people in there....that she probably remembered when the store was a real co-op. How you had to put in your hours before you could be a 'member'. Cutting huge blocks of undyed cheese and wrapping the chunks in cellophane for sales, dumping bags of brown rice into metal garbage cans to be scooped out by the customers.....arguments about allowing chocolate items, not just 'carob' (I voted CHOCOLATE, of course.) Told her it seemed so weird to see 'organic' Frito-Lay corn chips on the shelves there. Had a good talk.

Just a little trip down memory lane..................

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I am working on some door knockers to combat Lethal Yellowing in palms.

Referred to in the industry as phytoplasma like organism, is carried by a flying planthopper (myndus crudus), that feeds on palm sap. It is when the bug feeds that the disease is transmitted. There is no cure. However, we have a very effective preventative program using the Tree Saver Injection System and a water based antibiotic, oxytetracycline hydrochloride (OTC). This combats the disease in two ways: 1.) The OTC makes the sap 'taste very bad', so the bug finds feeding on treated trees undesirable. 2.) The presence of the OTC seems to greatly retard the phytoplasma's ability to live and or 'prosper'. Being a water based antibiotic in a water based organism, the half life of it's presence in the tree is only 3 months, thus the need for a minimum of 4 injections per year. This is a long term, ongoing project and needs to be continued once it is started.
Note: It is recommended to not eat coconuts from a treated tree.

We have noticed on certain keys, it is rampant. We are targeting the dead ones for removal, but usually the homeowner will have more than one that is not to far gone, so we can recommend treatment.
Che, I worked for a couple of years at a co-op. While I was there, they doubled in size, became brightly lit, removed all the socialist posters off the walls and added rotisserie chicken. There were a lot of battles fought by the purists who hated what was happening. We lost a lot of funkiness and weirdness with the change.
I trimmed a couple of Modesto Ash trees and had two more to go and it started raining harder and harder so I parked the truck there and came home. It does rain in California. The guy can't pay me until Jan. anyway.
Steve what are you talkig about?

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I took my chipper in to the local Caterpillar dealer yesterday. The oil pump died in a big way and the engine subsequently bit it. They are trying to find out if the warranty department wants to replace or rebuild the engine. They said that they had never seen one of these smaller diesels break down this way and that it must have been something that happened at the factory, which was, as you can imagine, a relief. My stump grinder is fixed. $340 for bearings and $350 for labor. Tomorrow it gets a test run and then goes back to the accursed stump whot killed it.

Today we removed a black locust with some major splits in it. The tree started out as a trim a few weeks ago but as soon as I got up in it and saw all the splitting it became a removal and was put off to another day. I chunked the tree down to the last 12' and then let my guy Dan fell it. It was very rotten in the center. When it fell over it did something I have never seen before. It popped its holding wood and stayed on the stump because a couple of 1" diameter adventitious roots through the center of the tree held it fast. If I had bee trying to fall it in a tight space, those roots would have influenced how it fell. I have never seen roots so big and vine like through the center of a tree trunk.

We finished the removal at about 1:30 at which time a "contractor" called me with a tree problem. He had been removing a large "black maple" or "black oak" which turned out to be a black walnut and despite pulling with a truck and cutting off a ladder he had managed to demolish the home owners' $2,400 play structure. He was surprised because he had managed to fall the first spar between a river birch and several irrigation pipes. The third spar that was still standing leaned out over a lot of nice trees, a fence and a daycare parking lot. He had a twenty foot ladder and an overly abused and stiff rope but perched atop his ladder he had a Grinchly epiphany. Unlike the Grinch, whose heart grew three times larger upon hearing the singing of all the Whos in Whoville, our "contractor" must have heard something that made his brain grow three times larger. As a result of all the new grey matter he decided to call a professional, a person who removes trees for a living. Surely, you've all heard of such a thing. Well anyway, I was but blocks away finishing my job when I got the call. He grimaced at my first price and offered up the brand new Husky 455 as payment. In the end I did it for a song because I felt bad for him and I did not want his self confidence to to swell to the point where he'd reclimb the ladder and give his luck a try. He returned his Husky to Lowe's to pay me and was still going to lose close to 2 grand on his unfortunate venture.