How'd it go today?

Thats just a (word I will refrain from using) DAY!!!!!!! Man Darin, I just don't really know what to say,but I do know how you feel!!!
And it goes quiet again!!!!

Yeah, not sure how I am supposed to do anything!! I spent two hours in meetings during my regular shift, then and hour and a half in another meeting, when I was supposed to be off the clock!! Yup, 9 1/2 hours today, 6 was actually kinda work:roll:
I will know more in a couple of days about the chipper. It was vibrating a little bit and I was walking around it giving it a good listen when it seized. My warranty should cover it but my fingers are crossed. The bearings for my stumpgrinder arrived today and that will hopefully be up and running by the weekend.
I think it's a bad day at work. Give you wife and child a hug and everything will be put in perspective.

I pollarded a couple of fruitless mulberries and then as we were in the neighborhood I have a customer who has two mexican palms that i do every 6 months, it's a month early but we did those as they only take a few minutes. Then we went to our original customer's house and did a willow tree and an olive tree. Finished about 4:00.

Squisher, are you able to get this plowing done and still keep an eye on your gas station?
That looks like an old plate, Andy. Did you buy it secondhand?
I hope to be getting my plate for the bucket truck soon. I ordered it about a month ago.

I went to my dentist today to see him about my sinus infection. He gave me another scrip for antibiotics but it looks like a more permanent fix will eventually be oral surgury, removal of the two infected teeth/bone, and then implants upon which to mount new crowns. Guessing about $10K, I'll start saving my pennies. Something to look forward to in a few years I guess.
That looks like an old plate, Andy. Did you buy it secondhand?
I hope to be getting my plate for the bucket truck soon. I ordered it about a month ago.

UMMMMMMM, NO!!!!!!!! That is the new state issued vanity plates!! That is the front one, the back on says it expires in SEP of 08.
I figure it cost me $400 to tag that truck, what was another $40?
Ah- so its not just annual tags...

title transfer, taxes, etc, etc.

I was gonna say.... shit my chip truck dont even cost 400 bucks and its a class b rig
About $400 in Colorado for my '89 Intn'l 1600 chip truck. ...but Colorado is one of those nasty states that add personal property tax according to vehicle value. Thus -in 1998 my 1997 F250 cost $575 for registration-Now it is under $100 per annum.