How'd it go today?

Taking it easy here. Paying my dues for being a lifeguard and a lot of time outside over the years. The doctor dug a hole in my nose and shifted some skin over to repair the area. Moving slow to give it all time to knit.

No lifting over ten lbs for a week. I have a job lined up in six days...small tree, already have line drop set up. Owner in court that is at our accountants office. Hard to find days for line drops for her. 200T weighs less than ten lbs...hmmmm.


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Several naps? Damn. I wish I could nap. Never works out for me. I overdid it when I got my carpal tunnel slice and I can tell yah I really think that made a big difference in how it healed. Take it easy, doctors and squishers orders.
Gary, don't sit around, the best medicine is too push too hard. Give that scar some tough-love.:P

They can drop the line another day.
Gary, don't sit around, the best medicine is too push too hard. Give that scar some tough-love.:P.

Ha! Great advice! Walk it off...right? Yeah, I should probably put off the job...would hate to catch even a small limb to the nose and undo a week's worth of healing. I'll see how it seems to be doing over the weekend.

Yes, Butch...squamous cell. I had it frozen a couple times, would get better but would come back. Usually just looked like a small flake of skin. A shave biopsy a few weeks ago helped decide it was time to surgically remove the tissue...about 1cm x 1cm area.

I suspect that several of us at the House have pre-cancerous or cancerous skin conditions due to lots of time outside without sunscreen. In the days when I got most of my sun UV blockers didn't exist. I didn't try to "get a tan" but did get quite a few sunburns back then.
Had a fun day at preschool with Dahlia.

I had to knock over a tipped alder on Sunday, a remnant tree from the doug-fir removals. I topped two leads at 15'. I figure that supported 50' above it, previously, and it can sprout out an give some extra shade fora couple years before going away, having had some time for other things to grow.

I feel like I'm in an animated gif. Through the window, I have seen the same looking black with white paws kitten down on the road 3 times , in the same place, travelling the same direction, looking back over its shoulder. Then it goes out of sight. Could be a litter of black with white kittens. Could be one kitten.
Dang Gary. Heal up man.

My day started out well as a rain day, calling the client and putting the crew off as the weather was bad. Good wind too on saturated ground. Not a good place to fell trees today. Client seemed all fine... Got a shat load of stuff done around the house and stuff today.. Then I get a text from the fool that almost got himself fired. We had left each other in good ways when I got off the phone this morning and we were just going to be a day late. He texts me on FB messenger...

really did not like working with me, myself, and I today. Rather pissed me off. I have been expecting four men a chipper and a walk behind. The conversation today you said your chipper will never get close to this place. Am I mistaken or do I have to go find another crew?

Soooooooo I answered back buying time for me to calm the frig down....
Wow. What a message I will contact you in a while after I digest what I just read

So I go do a drive by on his road to see if we can even get the chipper (burn season mind you and we usually burn his place anyway) in or the trailer with the skid steed. Truck sliding all over the place. Mucky as fug..... Only thing going for us was the creek was not over the road. NO WAY are we going to take the better part of 7000 pounds behind the truck down a 8% grade slipping and sliding. Let alone call a tow to get out.
Dude shows up behind me in his truck totally apologising as he sees the pissed look I had on my face.
We came to an agreement. He is not fired. Today. When we show up tomorrow, I have a job lined up just down the road we can go to in case.
I made tacos for dinner and took a couple long drives. My team is behind me on my decision and sold another 2K job while I was resting. Nice day in total. Even if some one tried to fug it up.
Yeah. Jim. He even said he should have just called me to discuss it. Not just open up his pad and hit me in text. Just plain stoopid behaviour. Almost cost him me backing out of like 40 trees and leaving him high and dry with no contractor worth a shit for months available.
It almost seems that texting has made people say shit that they would not say over the phone or to your face.
No doubt about that Jim, same for "social media" but never here.;) It's been a good couple of days, great weather and work is picking up. Removed 8 pines off one lot on the bay, only had to climb half of them. All but a couple were full of iron up to about six feet but thankfully we were able to dodge it all. One was a 100 year old cat face from the old turpentine days, probably a third of it was solid fat lighter and hard as a rock.
It almost seems that texting has made people say shit that they would not say over the phone or to your face. You handled it well Stephen!

Jaysus Gary, would you just take a day off already?!?! Go have coffee in that fire tower or something!

What a short text or email can achieve is to say exactly what you want to say without interruption or losing your temper.
Plus the recipient has to read and absorb it and cannot shout you down and, later in the conversation, contest what you did or didn't say. you have a market for the fat lightard? I have seen it sold as kindling here for good money. I keep some in my camp kit as wet weather fire starter.
A good customer called up this morning, going to drop off one, may be two, single cylinder topbar hydra-lift hoists. Scrap is down to $75/ton, he said wasn't worth his time to go, so I get them, no cost. I wonder if I can modify one for my back yard..hmmmmm........I don't NEED to be able to stand under a vehicle, I NEED it about 3ft up.