How'd it go today?

I'm not sure if the spelling but Stig might have meant the Koran.

Quran, koran yes.
I misspelled it, sorry.
What I ment to say was that according to the koran they shall pray 5 times daily, not every hour.
Warm day, drizzle, time to lay down on cardboard in the grass and mud and change a problematic starter on the ol'S10. Shit I wish I had a better paying job......

Strange thing is the gf is being very understanding and supportive, I don't know what's going on.
Being self employed most of my life, I've ever felt the need to play lotto or go to casino's etc. just not a take all you own or can borrow, buy some equipment, and say "I think I'll start a business, I can make a living at this and support my family", then stick to your guns sink or that is gambling that comes with excitement! The rest seems a mild bore...
Oh she gets plenty of flowers ( couple of custys are greenhouses) and kind words, I always thank her when she helps. She kinda undid all that by giving me grief when I'm not able to make it down to her tonight.... oh well. Got the starter changed, wrecked a connector, blessing in disguise, make it longer, easier to change now.

All good here, being a football nut. My Seattle Seahawks, played in the third coldest playoff game ever, minus six F at kickoff, stunk up the place for three quarters, but were only down 9-0. Took the lead 10-9, then held it via a miracle, when their guy shanked a 29 yard field goal try with 26 seconds left. One player, in a post game interview, said he still couldn't feel his hands or feet.......
Well today was a bust. Woke up at four, went in an hour early to do a bit of saw work. Had everything ready to go and the boss calls me and says the trucks are not rolling out today due to weather. Five hours of going over truck and equipment maintenance, chipper safety, and saw safety. At least now the guys are up to speed on everything.
Also went and picked up a new 661 and a blown up 660. Not exactly sure what happened to it. The piston was in a lot of small pieces. Cylinder walls were smooth.
Off to load up firewood to bring in the house and maybe spend the afternoon dragging the kids around on the four wheeler.
Five hours of going over truck and equipment maintenance, chipper safety, and saw safety. At least now the guys are up to speed on everything.

The extra hour early riser part is no fun, but the rest, call it a win. You got paid to train, they got paid training. You're a more on the same page as a result.
I agree Sean, I just don't like seeing less than 8 hours on my time card for a day. It makes the 12 hours the day before kinda suck. I'm on OT at noon tomorrow instead of when I clock in:X
Icy roads mixed with people it was the first real snow fall of the year. everyone seems to forget how to drive for the first few real snows every year. Lots of accidents out there. We would've been onsite by the time the roads got bad and they would've been clear by quitting time. Oh well, tomorrow is another day in paradise8)
We had nothing here all day, but in the 30 mins I was at Jax's swimming lesson tonight it snowed an inch, and lightly travelled roads glazed over. After meeting my wife for dinner, I drove her Corolla home while she followed in the 4Runner and we had to detour as the 1 hill on our way home had multiple accidents on it. I had to struggle up a hill or 2 on our route, but the multiple accidents bit still gets me. C'mon folks, it's not THAT hard to not F' everything up.
I just realized I'm out of Sopranos episodes, apparently I finished season 1 last night and I have to go to the library tomorrow to get season 2. Makes me a little sad at the moment. . .
I've heard that one is really really really good. I try not to get into more than one addicting series at a time, too hard to get any work done otherwise.
I'm may be wrong but I thought the Sopranos was way better than BB.