How'd it go today?

I took D for her first time roller skating, at the local retro roller rink. There were a good number of people there, as kids are out of school. She had fun. Next time, I"ll bring my own wrench to adjust the skates' bearing tightness. Went from locked up to free wheel, with too much easy spin where she was flopping around.

Fun. Second time I've been. I didn't skate this time.

The local Oly Rollers Roller Derby team competes there. Flat floor. Maybe that's modern, accessible to people roller derby. Didn't they have banked curves and maybe inclines/ declines for back in the day roller derby?
They did back in the day, and I think there was a tv show about derby more recently that followed a league that used banked tracks. IT seems most current roller derby is done on normal rinks, much lower cost.

Jim, how do you like that 460? My new-to-me 89 F450 dump truck has that engine, I've heard good things about it and it seems to run good. I'm hoping its a winner!
I'd love to hear more about that chipper winch. I have been thinking about putting one on our 12" chipper, but don't even know where to start.
I like it fine. You 89 should be a good one. The older body style pickups seemed to have a bit more power and get better mileage.

My buddy had a 90 that really ran, run away from my 93 in fact.

They use a little oil, like most big gas engines, and use a bit of fuel, but they are a good engines. Hope you like it!
Like Jim said, they use a bit of oil. Check it often. We had one brand new in 97 that was in a super duty. Burnt a quart of oil a month. Dealer told us that was what they did. That truck got the crap run out of it till 2013 when we went to much bigger chip trucks. The thing was a beast. A roofer bought it and still runs it today
Yep, one of Ford's better gas engines. I have always thought that Ford had better diesels (International) and GM had better gas engines. But yes, the 460 was one of Ford's best.

My 8.1 liter in my GMC uses a quart between oil changes. I guess they all do. Good power though. About the same mileage on the highway as my 6 liter, but twice as good when pulling. Shame the big three did away with their big gas engines.

Or as Stig would probably say, why does anyone need anything bigger than a 2 liter? #'Merica!
My old 351 Ford just had slight problem, cost me $600. Starter motor wire shorted out from rubbing on the transmission line. Probably caused by someone that put a new steering coupling on last year. Pretty awkward job to do with extractors on so I won't hold it against him, he did help me out and it was right on Christmas.

Just trimmed a few shrubs today, bloody hot. 105F in my truck in the shade when I finished about 1.30, I'm not liking the heat much this year.
Ford 460...yessir, powerful, reliable, uses oil when in top condition, moreso if worn, but Jim, let's be honest..."uses a bit of fuel"? :lol:
Yeah, she just about drained the front tank driving it back form Delaware, about 2.5 hrs. Fuel guage was not working, ran out of gas 5 miles into the next trip (luckily a local run) and the rear fuel pump was not working either. replaced the rear pump and put a temporary float on the front sending unit. I'm not sure on the exact capacity, but I think we only got like 130 miles out of a full front tank. (no trip odometer). I think we're getting over 5, but not 10. . . .

We have been fixing up some minor issues to get her inspected and ready for chip, so we haven't loaded her yet but she sure seems to have some good power even though she needs a tuneup. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on the oil, thank you for that advice.
Mileage book to back up the temporary sending unit float. Running out of gas is not a big deal, its the running out of power steering and power braking that is.
New float is on order, $30 at the dealer, parts store can't get it, something around $12 from Summit, waiting for it to arrive.

I'm really not worried about running out of gas now that the rear tank is working, we're keeping an eye on all the other fluids till we get to know her a little better ;)
Don't run it out of gas to often. Burns fuel pumps up in a hurry. I'm not sure if yours has the tank switch but if it does , switch tanks before you run one completely out.

Decent day here. Got the elm done plus the trimming in the back yard. Now we started a big pin oak removal. Less than half stripped ( the house side) and almost 30 yards of chips. One of those trees that is nothing but 12" diameter limbs 50' long and loads of them.
Gonna try to get some sleep tonight. We will see if I can beat 2 hours at a time tonight. Been like this for a week. For those of you that have never had shingles, pray you don't ever. This sucks.
I've heard shingles is awful, Sorry to hear about that.

My truck does have the tank switch on the dash, and the pressure activated valve under the cab that is known to fail and drain one tank into the other.
I hear you on the shingles...cut out coffee, nuts...and drown yourself in green tea and lemonbalm.
Google shingles diet, some amino acids make it worse...can't quite remember all the details now.
I got out lightly, done and dusted in about 10 days, had it on my waist, right where my harness sits, no way could I work!

I thought I had poison ivy or something till the pharmacist said I should go see the Dr.!!!